Bij A; Fissel LM; Bonne L; Schneider N; Berthoud M; Lee D; Novak GA; Sadavoy SI; Pillai TGS; Cunningham M; Jones P; Simon R, 2024, Magnetic Field Alignment Relative to Multiple Tracers in the High-mass Star-forming Region RCW 36,
Dawson JR; Jones PA; Purcell C; Walsh AJ; Breen SL; Brown C; Carretti E; Cunningham MR; Dickey JM; Ellingsen SP; Gibson SJ; Gomez JF; Green JA; Imai H; Krishnan V; Lo N; Lowe V; Marquarding M; McClure-Griffiths NM, 2022, SPLASH: The Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl -- Data
Description & Release,
Sahu D; Liu S-Y; Liu T; Evans NJ; Hirano N; Tatematsu K; Lee C-F; Kim K-T; Dutta S; Alina D; Bronfman L; Cunningham M; Eden DJ; Garay G; Goldsmith PF; He J; Hsu S-Y; Jhan K-S; Johnstone D; Juvela M; Kim G; Kuan Y-J; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Li D; Li PS; Li S; Luo Q-Y; Montillaud J; Moraghan A; Pelkonen V-M; Qin S-L; Ristorcelli I; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Shen Z-Q; Soam A; Wu Y; Zhang Q; Zhou J, 2020, ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): Detection of extremely high density compact structure of prestellar cores and multiple substructures within,
Liu T; Evans NJ; Kim K-T; Goldsmith PF; Liu S-Y; Zhang Q; Tatematsu K; Wang K; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Cunningham MR; Garay G; Hirota T; Lee J-E; Kang S-J; Li D; Li P-S; Mardones D; Qin S-L; Ristorcelli I; Tej A; Toth LV; Wu J-W; Wu Y-F; Yi H-W; Yun H-S; Liu H-L; Peng Y-P; Li J; Li S-H; Lee C-W; Shen Z-Q; Baug T; Wang J-Z; Zhang Y; Issac N; Zhu F-Y; Luo Q-Y; Soam A; Liu X-C; Xu F-W; Wang Y; Zhang C; Ren Z; Zhang C, 2020, ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions -- I. Survey description and a first look at G9.62+0.19,
Liu T; Evans NJ; Kim K-T; Goldsmith PF; Liu S-Y; Zhang Q; Tatematsu K; Wang K; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Cunningham MR; Garay G; Hirota T; Lee J-E; Kang S-J; Li D; Li P-S; Mardones D; Qin S-L; Ristorcelli I; Tej A; Toth LV; Wu J-W; Wu Y-F; Yi H-W; Yun H-S; Liu H-L; Peng Y-P; Li J; Li S-H; Lee C-W; Shen Z-Q; Baug T; Wang J-Z; Zhang Y; Issac N; Zhu F-Y; Luo Q-Y; Liu X-C; Xu F-W; Wang Y; Zhang C; Ren Z; Zhang C, 2020, ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions -- II. Compact objects in ACA observations and star formation scaling relations,
Syme A-M; Mousley A; Cunningham M; McKemmish LK, 2020, Diatomic rovibronic transitions as potential probes for proton-to-electron mass ratio across cosmological time,
Denes H; Jones PA; Toth LV; Zahorecz S; Koo B-C; Pinter S; Racz II; Balazs LG; Cunningham MR; Doi Y; Horvath I; Kovacs T; Onishi T; Suleiman N; Bagoly Z, 2019, Exploring the pattern of the Galactic HI foreground of GRBs with the ATCA,
Hu Y; Yuen KH; Lazarian A; Fissel LM; Jones PA; Cunningham MR, 2019, Tracing Multi-Scale Magnetic Field Structure Using Multiple Chemical Tracers in Giant Molecular Clouds,
Eden DJ; Liu T; Kim K-T; Liu S-Y; Tatematsu K; Di Francesco J; Wang K; Wu Y; Thompson MA; Fuller GA; Li D; Ristorcelli I; Kang S-J; Hirano N; Johnstone D; Lin Y; He JH; Koch PM; Sanhueza P; Qin S-L; Zhang Q; Goldsmith PF; Evans NJ; Yuan J; Zhang C-P; White GJ; Choi M; Lee CW; Toth LV; Mairs S; Yi H-W; Tang M; Soam A; Peretto N; Samal MR; Fich M; Parsons H; Malinen J; Bendo GJ; Rivera-Ingraham A; Liu H-L; Wouterloot J; Li PS; Qian L; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Feng S; Wang B; Li D; Liu M; Luo G; Marston AP; Pattle KM; Pelkonen V-M; Rigby AJ; Zahorecz S; Zhang G; Bogner R; Aikawa Y; Akhter S; Alina D; Bell G; Bernard J-P; Blain A; Bronfman L; Byun D-Y; Chapman S; Chen H-R; Chen M; Chen W-P; Chen X; Chen X; Chrysostomou A; Chu Y-H; Chung EJ; Cornu D; Cosentino G; Cunningham MR; Demyk K; Drabek-Maunder E; Doi Y; Eswaraiah C; Falgarone E; Feher O; Fraser H; Friberg P; Garay G; Ge JX; Gear WK; Greaves J; Guan X; Harvey-Smith L; Hasegawa T; He Y; Henkel C; Hirota T; Holland W; Hughes A; Jarken E; Ji T-G; Jimenez-Serra I; Kang M; Kawabata KS; Kim G; Kim J; Kim J; Kim S; Koo B-C; Kwon W; Kuan Y-J; Lacaille KM; Lai S-P; Lee CF; Lee JE; Lee Y-U; Li H; Lo N; Lopez JAP; Lu X; Lyo A-R; Mardones D; McGehee P; Meng F; Montier L; Montillaud J; Moore TJT; Morata O; Moriarty-Schieven GH; Ohashi S; Pak S; Park G; Paladini R; Pech G; Qiu K; Ren Z-Y; Richer J; Sakai T; Shang H; Shinnaga H; Stamatellos D; Tang Y-W; Traficante A; Vastel C; Viti S; Walsh A; Wang H; Wang J; Ward-Thompson D; Whitworth A; Wilson CD; Xu Y; Yang J; Yuan Y-L; Yuan L; Zavagno A; Zhang C; Zhang G; Zhang H-W; Zhou C; Zhu JZL; Zuo P, 2019, SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - Survey Description and Compact Source Catalogue,
Leurini S; Schisano E; Pillai T; Giannetti A; Urquhart J; Csengeri T; Casu S; Cunningham M; Elia D; Jones PA; Koenig C; Molinari S; Stanke T; Testi L; Wyrowski F; Menten KM, 2018, Characterising the high-mass star forming filament G351.776--0.527 with Herschel and APEX dust continuum and gas observations,
Mills EAC; Corby J; Clements AR; Butterfield N; Jones P; Cunningham M; Ott J, 2018, A Centimeter-wave Study of Methanol and Ammonia Isotopologues in Sgr B2(N): Physical and chemical differentiation between two hot cores,
Harvey-Smith L; Hardwick JA; De Marco O; Parthasarathy M; Gonidakis I; Akhter S; Cunningham M; Green JA, 2018, The Nature of the Stingray Nebula from Radio Observations,
Tremblay CD; Jones PA; Cunningham M; Hurley-Walker N; Jordan CH; Tingay SJ, 2018, A Molecular Line Survey around Orion at Low Frequencies with the MWA,
Fissel LM; Ade PAR; Angilè FE; Ashton P; Benton SJ; Chen C-Y; Cunningham M; Devlin MJ; Dober B; Friesen R; Fukui Y; Galitzki N; Gandilo NN; Goodman A; Green C-E; Jones P; Klein J; King P; Korotkov AL; Li Z-Y; Lowe V; Martin PG; Matthews TG; Moncelsi L; Nakamura F; Netterfield CB; Newmark A; Novak G; Pascale E; Poidevin F; Santos FP; Savini G; Scott D; Shariff JA; Soler JD; Thomas NE; Tucker CE; Tucker GS; Ward-Thompson D; Zucker C, 2018, Relative Alignment Between the Magnetic Field and Molecular Gas Structure in the Vela C Giant Molecular Cloud using Low and High Density Tracers,
Tremblay CD; Jordan CH; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Hurley-Walker N, 2018, Low-Frequency Carbon Recombination Lines in the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex,
Tang M; Liu T; Qin S-L; Kim K-T; Wu Y; Tatematsu K; Yuan J; Wang K; Parsons H; Koch PM; Sanhueza P; Ward-Thompson D; Tóth LV; Soam A; Lee CW; Eden D; Di Francesco J; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Montillaud J; Zhang C-P; Cunningham MR, 2018, The properties of Planck Galactic cold clumps in the L1495 dark cloud,
Wang K; Zahorecz S; Cunningham MR; Toth LV; Liu T; Lu X; Wang Y; Cosentino G; Sung R-S; Sokolov V; Wang S; Wang Y; Zhang Z; Li D; Kim K-T; Tatematsu K; Testi L; Wu Y; Yang J; Collaboration S, 2017, First Data Release of the ESO-ARO Public Survey SAMPLING --- SMT "All-sky" Mapping of PLanck Interstellar Nebulae in the Galaxy,
Riquelme D; Amo-Baladron A; Martin-Pintado J; Mauersberger R; Martin S; Burton M; Cunningham M; Jones P; Menten KM; Bronfman L; Guesten R, 2017, The foot points of the Giant Molecular Loops in the Galactic center region,
Green C-E; Dawson JR; Cunningham MR; Jones PA; Novak G; Fissel LM, 2017, Measuring filament orientation: a new quantitative, local approach,
Tremblay C; Hurley-Walker N; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Hancock PJ; Wayth R; Jordan CH, 2017, A First Look for Molecules between 103 and 133 MHz using the Murchison Widefield Array,
Green C-E; Cunningham MR; Dawson JR; Jones PA; Novak G; Fissel LM, 2017, Removing visual bias in filament identification: a new goodness-of-fit measure,
Longmore SN; Walsh AJ; Purcell CR; Burke DJ; Henshaw J; Walker D; Urquhart J; Barnes AT; Whiting M; Burton MG; Breen SL; Britton T; Brooks KJ; Cunningham MR; Green JA; Harvey-Smith L; Hindson L; Hoare MG; Indermuehle B; Jones PA; Lo N; Lowe V; Moore TJT; Thompson MA; Voronkov MA, 2017, H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS): Paper III - Properties of Dense Molecular Gas across the Inner Milky Way,
Tatematsu K; Liu T; Ohashi S; Sanhueza P; Nguyen-Luong Q; Hirota T; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Choi M; Kang M; Thompson M; Fuller G; Wu Y; Di Francesco J; Kim K-T; Wang K; Ristorcelli I; Juvela M; Shinnaga H; Cunningham MR; Saito M; Lee J-E; Toth LV; He J; Sakai T; Kim J; collaboration JLPS; collaboration TKSPT, 2016, Astrochemical Properties of Planck Cold Clumps,
Olmi L; Cunningham M; Elia D; Jones P, 2016, The segregation of starless and protostellar clumps in the Hi-GAL l=224deg region,
Lopez JAP; Cunningham MR; Jones PA; Marshall JP; Bronfman L; Lo N; Walsh AJ, 2016, The Chemistry and Kinematics of Two Molecular Clouds near Sagittarius A*,
Liu T; Kim K-T; Yoo H; Liu S-Y; Tatematsu K; Qin S-L; Zhang Q; Wu Y; Wang K; Goldsmith PF; Juvela M; Lee J-E; Toth LV; Mardones D; Garay G; Bronfman ; Leonardo ; Cunningham MR; Li D; Lo ; Nadia ; Ristorcelli I; Schnee S, 2016, Star formation laws in both Galactic massive clumps and external galaxies: An extensive study with dust continuum, HCN (4-3), and CS (7-6),
Wiles B; Lo N; Redman MP; Cunningham MR; Jones PA; Burton MG; Bronfman L, 2016, Scaled up low-mass star formation in massive star-forming cores in the G333 giant molecular cloud,
Henshaw JD; Longmore SN; Kruijssen JMD; Davies B; Bally J; Barnes A; Battersby C; Burton M; Cunningham MR; Dale JE; Ginsburg A; Immer K; Jones PA; Kendrew S; Mills EAC; Molinari S; Moore TJT; Ott J; Pillai T; Rathborne J; Schilke P; Schmiedeke A; Testi L; Walker D; Walsh A; Zhang Q, 2016, Molecular gas kinematics within the central 250 pc of the Milky Way,
Green C-E; Cunningham MR; Green JA; Dawson JR; Jones PA; López-Sánchez ÁR; Verdes-Montenegro L; Henkel C; Baan WA; Martín S, 2016, Dense circum-nuclear molecular gas in starburst galaxies,
Qiao H-H; Walsh AJ; Gomez JF; Imai H; Green JA; Dawson JR; Shen Z-Q; Ellingsen SP; Breen SL; Jones PA; Gibson SJ; Cunningham MR, 2015, Unusual shock-excited OH maser emission in a young Planetary Nebula,
Liu T; Zhang Q; Kim K-T; Wu Y; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Tatematsu K; Choi M; Juvela M; Thompson M; Goldsmith PF; Liu S-Y; Naomi H; Koch P; Henkel C; Sanhueza P; He J; Rivera-Ingraham A; Wang K; Cunningham MR; Tang Y-W; Lai S-P; Yuan J; Li D; Fuller G; Kang M; Luong QN; Liu HB; Ristorcelli I; Yang J; Xu Y; Hirota T; Mardones D; Qin S-L; Chen H-R; Kwon W; Meng F; Zhang H; Kim M-R; Yi H-W, 2015, Planck cold clumps in the $\lambda$ Orionis complex: I. Discovery of an extremely young Class 0 protostellar object and a proto-brown dwarf candidate in a bright rimmed clump PGCC G192.32-11.88,
Ginsburg A; Walsh A; Henkel C; Jones PA; Cunningham M; Kauffmann J; Pillai T; Mills EAC; Ott J; Kruijssen JMD; Menten KM; Battersby C; Rathborne J; Contreras Y; Longmore S; Walker D; Dawson J; Lopez JAP, 2015, High-mass star-forming cloud G0.38+0.04 in the Galactic Center Dust Ridge contains H2CO and SiO masers,
Paron S; Ortega ME; Fariña C; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Rubio M, 2015, A view of Large Magellanic Cloud HII regions N159, N132, and N166 through the 345 GHz window,
Lo N; Wiles B; Redman MP; Cunningham MR; Bains I; Jones PA; Burton MG; Bronfman L, 2015, Infall, outflow, and turbulence in massive star-forming cores in the G333 giant molecular cloud,
Schneider N; Bontemps S; Motte F; Ossenkopf V; Klessen RS; Simon R; Fechtenbaum S; Herpin F; Tremblin P; Csengeri T; Myers PC; Hill T; Cunningham M; Federrath C, 2015, Understanding star formation in molecular clouds III. Probability distribution functions of molecular lines in Cygnus X,
Corby JF; Jones PA; Cunningham MR; Menten KM; Belloche A; Schwab FR; Walsh AJ; Balnozan E; Bronfman L; Lo N; Remijan AJ, 2015, An ATCA Survey of Sagittarius~B2 at 7~mm: Chemical Complexity Meets Broadband Interferometry,
Barnes PJ; Muller E; Indermuehle B; O'Dougherty SN; Lowe V; Cunningham MR; Hernandez AK; Fuller GA, 2015, The Three-mm Ultimate Mopra Milky Way Survey. I. Survey Overview, Initial Data Releases, and First Results,
Nguyen H; Luong QN; Martin PG; Barnes PJ; Muller E; Lowe V; Lo N; Cunningham M; Motte F; O'Dougherty SN; Hernandez AK; Fuller GA, 2015, The Three-mm Ultimate Mopra Milky Way Survey. II. Cloud and Star Formation Near the Filamentary Ministarburst RCW 106,
Jordan CH; Walsh AJ; Lowe V; Voronkov MA; Ellingsen SP; Breen SL; Purcell CR; Barnes PJ; Burton MG; Cunningham MR; Hill T; Jackson JM; Longmore SN; Peretto N; Urquhart JS, 2015, MALT-45: A 7 mm survey of the southern Galaxy - I. Techniques and spectral line data,
Anderson LD; Deharveng L; Zavagno A; Tremblin P; Lowe V; Cunningham MR; Jones P; Mullins AM; Redman MP, 2014, Mopra CO Observations of the Bubble HII Region RCW120,
Lo N; Cunningham MR; Jones PA; Bronfman L; Cortes PC; Simon R; Lowe V; Fissel L; Novak G, 2014, Tracing H2 column density with atomic carbon (CI) and CO isotopologues,
Paron S; Ortega ME; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Rubio M; Fariña C; Komugi S, 2014, ASTE observations in the 345 GHz window towards the HII region N113 of the Large Magellanic Cloud,
Lowe V; Cunningham MR; Urquhart JS; Marshall JP; Horiuchi S; Lo N; Walsh AJ; Jordan CH; Jones PA, 2014, Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106 - IV. Ammonia towards dust emission,
Dawson JR; Walsh AJ; Jones PA; Breen SL; Cunningham MR; Lowe V; Jones C; Purcell C; Caswell JL; Carretti E; McClure-Griffiths NM; Ellingsen SP; Green JA; Gómez JF; Krishnan V; Dickey JM; Imai H; Gibson SJ; Hennebelle P; Lo N; Hayakawa T; Fukui Y; Mizuno A, 2013, SPLASH: The Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl - First Science from the Pilot Region,
Jackson JM; Rathborne JM; Foster JB; Whitaker JS; Sanhueza P; Claysmith C; Mascoop JL; Wienen M; Breen SL; Herpin F; Duarte-Cabral A; Csengeri T; Longmore S; Contreras Y; Indermuehle B; Barnes PJ; Walsh AJ; Cunningham MR; Brooks KJ; Britton TR; Voronkov MA; Urquhart JS; Alves J; Jordan CH; Hill T; Hoq S; Finn S; C. S; Bains I; Bontemps S; Bronfman L; Caswell JL; Deharveng L; Ellingsen SP; Fuller GA; Garay G; Green JA; Hindson L; Jones PA; Lenfestey C; Lo N; Lowe V; Mardones D; Menten KM; Minier V; Morgan LK; Motte F; Muller E; Peretto N; Purcell CR; Schilke P; Schneider-Bontemps N; Schuller F; Titmarsh A; Wyrowski F; Zavagno A, 2013, MALT90: The Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz Survey,
Merello M; Bronfman L; Garay G; Lo N; Evans NJ; Nyman L-A; Cortés JR; Cunningham MR, 2013, ALMA observations of the massive molecular outflow G331.512-0.103,
Foster JB; Rathborne JM; Sanhueza P; Claysmith C; Whitaker JS; Jackson JM; Mascoop JL; Wienen M; Breen SL; Herpin F; Duarte-Cabral A; Csengeri T; Contreras Y; Indermuehle B; Barnes PJ; Walsh AJ; Cunningham MR; Britton TR; Voronkov MA; Urquhart JS; Alves J; Jordan CH; Hill T; Hoq S; Brooks KJ; Longmore SN, 2013, Characterization of the MALT90 Survey and the Mopra Telescope at 90 GHz,
Loughnane RM; Redman MP; Thompson MA; Lo N; O'Dwyer B; Cunningham MR, 2013, Observation of HCN hyperfine line anomalies towards low- and high-mass star-forming cores,
Jones PA; Burton MG; Cunningham MR; Tothill NFH; Walsh AJ, 2013, Spectral imaging of the Central Molecular Zone in multiple 7-mm molecular lines,
Purcell CR; Longmore SN; Walsh AJ; Whiting MT; Breen SL; Britton T; Brooks KJ; Burton MG; Cunningham MR; Green JA; Harvey-Smith L; Hindson L; Hoare MG; Indermuehle B; Jones PA; Lo N; Lowe V; Phillips CJ; Thompson MA; Urquhart JS; Voronkov MA; White GL, 2012, The H2O southern Galactic Plane Survey(HOPS): NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) catalogues,
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