Select Publications

Journal articles

Njoto EN; Scotch M; Bui CM; Adam DC; Chughtai AA; MacIntyre CR, 2018, 'Phylogeography of H5N1 avian influenza virus in Indonesia', Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 65, pp. 1339 - 1347,

Magee D; Scotch M, 2018, 'The effects of random taxa sampling schemes in Bayesian virus phylogeography', Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 64, pp. 225 - 230,

Adam DC; Scotch M; MacIntyre CR, 2018, 'Bayesian Phylogeography and Pathogenic Characterization of Smallpox Based on HA, ATI, and CrmB Genes', Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35, pp. msy153 - msy153,

Raina MacIntyre C; Engells TE; Scotch M; Heslop DJ; Gumel AB; Poste G; Chen X; Herche W; Steinhöfel K; Lim S; Broom A; MacIntyre R, 2018, 'Converging and emerging threats to health security', Environment Systems and Decisions, 38, pp. 198 - 207,

Tahsin T; Weissenbacher D; O'Connor K; Magge A; Scotch M; Gonzalez-Hernandez G, 2018, 'GeoBoost: Accelerating research involving the geospatial metadata of virus GenBank records', Bioinformatics, 34, pp. 1606 - 1608,

Adam DC; Magee D; Bui CM; Scotch M; MacIntyre CR, 2017, 'Does influenza pandemic preparedness and mitigation require gain-of-function research?', Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, 11, pp. 306 - 310,

Namilae S; Derjany P; Mubayi A; Scotch M; Srinivasan A, 2017, 'Multiscale model for pedestrian and infection dynamics during air travel', Physical Review E, 95,

Magee D; Suchard MA; Scotch M, 2017, 'Bayesian phylogeography of influenza A/H3N2 for the 2014-15 season in the United States using three frameworks of ancestral state reconstruction.', PLoS Computational Biology, 13, pp. e1005389 - e1005389,

Tahsin T; Weissenbacher D; Jones-Shargani D; Magee D; Vaiente M; Gonzalez G; Scotch M, 2017, 'Named entity linking of geospatial and host metadata in GenBank for advancing biomedical research', Database, 2017,

Namilae S; Srinivasan A; Mubayi A; Scotch M; Pahle R, 2017, 'Self-propelled pedestrian dynamics model: Application to passenger movement and infection propagation in airplanes', Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 465, pp. 248 - 260,

Jirjies S; Wallstrom G; Halden RU; Scotch M, 2016, 'pyJacqQ: Python Implementation of Jacquez's Q-Statistics for Space-Time Clustering of Disease Exposure in Case-Control Studies', Journal of Statistical Software, 74,

Tahsin T; Weissenbacher D; Rivera R; Beard R; Firago M; Wallstrom G; Scotch M; Gonzalez G, 2016, 'A high-precision rule-based extraction system for expanding geospatial metadata in GenBank records', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23, pp. 934 - 941,

Sarker A; O'Connor K; Ginn R; Scotch M; Smith K; Malone D; Gonzalez G, 2016, 'Social media mining for toxicovigilance: automatic monitoring of prescription medication abuse from Twitter.', Drug Safety, 39, pp. 231 - 240,

Veljkovic V; Paessler S; Glisic S; Prljic J; Perovic VR; Veljkovic N; Scotch M, 2015, 'Evolution of 2014/15 H3N2 influenza viruses circulating in US: consequences for vaccine effectiveness and possible new pandemic', Front Microbiol, 6, pp. 1456 - 1456,

Weissenbacher D; Tahsin T; Beard R; Firago M; Rivera R; Scotch M; Gonzalez G, 2015, 'Knowledge-driven geospatial location resolution for phylogeographic models of virus migration', Bioinformatics, 31, pp. i348 - i356,

Veljkovic V; Glisic S; Muller CP; Scotch M; Branch DR; Perovic VR; Sencanski M; Veljkovic N; Colombatti A, 2015, 'In silico analysis suggests interaction between Ebola virus and the extracellular matrix', Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, pp. 135 - 135,

Magee D; Beard R; Suchard MA; Lemey P; Scotch M, 2015, 'Combining phylogeography and spatial epidemiology to uncover predictors of H5N1 influenza A virus diffusion', Archives of Virology, 160, pp. 215 - 224,

Kane MJ; Price N; Scotch M; Rabinowitz P, 2014, 'Comparison of ARIMA and random forest time series models for prediction of avian influenza H5N1 outbreaks', BMC Bioinformatics, 15, pp. 1471 - 2105,

Scotch M; Lam TT; Pabilonia KL; Anderson T; Baroch J; Koehler D; DeLiberto TJ, 2014, 'Diffusion of influenza viruses among migratory birds with a focus on the Southwest United States', Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 26, pp. 185 - 193,

Scotch M; Mei C; Makonnen YJ; Pinto J; Ali A; Vegso S; Kane M; Sarkar IN; Rabinowitz P, 2013, 'Phylogeography of influenza A H5N1 clade in Egypt', BMC Genomics, 14, pp. 1471 - 2164,

Braithwaite RS; Scotch M, 2013, 'Using value of information to guide evaluation of decision supports for differential diagnosis: is it time for a new look?', BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 13, pp. 1472 - 6947,

Scotch M; Baarson B; Beard R; Lauder R; Varman A; Halden RU, 2013, 'Examining the differences in format and characteristics of zoonotic virus surveillance data on state agency websites', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15, pp. e90 - e90,

Scotch M; Mei C, 2013, 'Phylogeography of swine influenza H3N2 in the United States: translational public health for zoonotic disease surveillance', Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 13, pp. 224 - 229,

Womack JA; Scotch M; Leung SN; Brandt CA, 2013, 'Use of structured and unstructured data to identify contraceptive use in women veterans', Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, pp. 1 - 15

Wu SJ; Raghupathi W, 2012, 'A panel analysis of the strategic association between information and communication technology and public health delivery.', J Med Internet Res, 14, pp. e147,

Rabinowirz PM; Galusha D; Vegso S; Michalove J; Rinne S; Scotch M; Kane M, 2012, 'Comparison of human and animal surveillance data for H5N1 influenza A in Egypt 2006-2001', PLoS One, 7, pp. e43851 - e43851,

Scotch M; Mattocks K; Rabinowitz P; Brandt C, 2011, 'A qualitative study of state-level zoonotic disease surveillance in New England', Zoonoses and Public Health, 58, pp. 131 - 139

Scotch M; Sarkar IN; Mei C; Leaman R; Cheung KH; Ortiz P; Singraur A; Gonzalez G, 2011, 'Enhancing phylogeography by improving geographical information from GenBank', Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Suppl 1, pp. S44 - S47,

Scotch M; Brownstein JS; Vegso S; Galusha D; Rabinowitz P, 2011, 'Human vs. animal outbreaks of the 2009 swine-origin H1N1 influenza A epidemic', Ecohealth, 8, pp. 376 - 380,

Scotch M; Rabinowitz P; Brandt C, 2011, 'State-level zoonotic disease surveillance in the United States', Zoonoses and Public Health, 58, pp. 523 - 528

Garla V; Lo Re V; Dorey-Stein Z; Kidwai F; Scotch M; Womack J; Justice A; Brandt C, 2011, 'The Yale cTAKES extensions for document classification: architecture and application', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 18, pp. 614 - 620

Konovalov S; Scotch M; Post L; Brandt C, 2010, 'Biomedical informatics techniques for processing and analyzing web blogs of military service members', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 12, pp. e45 - e45,

Womack JA; Scotch M; Gilbert C; Chapman W; Yin M; Justice AC; Brandt C, 2010, 'A comparison of two approaches to text processing: facilitating chart reviews of radiology reports in electronic medical records', Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, 7, pp. 1a - 1a

Rabinowitz PR; Scotch M; Conti LA, 2010, 'Animals as sentinels: using comparative medicine to move beyond the laboratory', Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) Journal, 51, pp. 262 - 267

Scotch M; Mei C; Brandt C; Sarkar IN; Cheung K, 2010, 'At the intersection of public-health informatics and bioinformatics: using advanced Web technologies for phylogeography', Epidemiology, 21, pp. 764 - 768,

Ohl M; Tate J; Duggal M; Skanderson M; Scotch M; Kaboli P; Vaughan-Sarrazin M; Justice A, 2010, 'Rural residence is associated with delayed care entry and increased mortality among veterans with human immunodeficiency virus infection', Medical Care, 48, pp. 1064 - 1070,

Scotch M; Duggal M; Brandt C; Lin Z; Shiffman R, 2010, 'Use of statistical analysis in the biomedical informatics literature', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17, pp. 3 - 5,

Liu A; Lee V; Galusha D; Slade MD; Diuk-Wasser M; Andreadis T; Scotch M; Rabinowitz PM, 2009, 'Risk factors for human infection with West Nile Virus in Connecticut: a multi-year analysis', International Journal of Health Geographics, 8, pp. 67 - 67,

Scotch M; Odofin L; Rabinowitz P, 2009, 'Linkages between animal and human health sentinel data', BMC Veterinary Research, 5, pp. 15 - 15,

Rabinowitz P; Scotch M; Conti L, 2009, 'Human and animal sentinels for shared health risks', Veterinaria italiana, 45, pp. 23 - 24

Boulos MN; Scotch M; Cheung KH; Burden D, 2008, 'Web GIS in practice VI: a demo playlist of geo-mashups for public health neogeographers', International Journal of Health Geographics, 7, pp. 38 - 38,

Parmanto B; Paramita MV; Sugiantara W; Pramana G; Scotch M; Burke DS, 2008, 'Spatial and multidimensional visualization of Indonesia's village health statistics', International Journal of Health Geographics, 7, pp. 30 - 30,

Scotch M; Parmanto B; Monaco V, 2008, 'Evaluation of SOVAT: an OLAP-GIS decision support system for community health assessment data analysis', BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 8, pp. 22 - 22,

Scotch M; Yip KY; Cheung KH, 2008, 'Development of grid-like applications for public health using Web 2.0 mashup techniques', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 15, pp. 783 - 786,

Cheung KH; Yip KY; Townsend JP; Scotch M, 2008, 'HCLS 2.0/3.0: health care and life sciences data mashup using Web 2.0/3.0', Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 41, pp. 694 - 705,

Scotch M; Parmanto B; Monaco V, 2007, 'Usability evaluation of the Spatial OLAP Visualization and Analysis Tool (SOVAT)', Journal of Usability Studies, 2, pp. 76 - 95

Scotch M; Parmanto B; Gadd CS; Sharma RK, 2006, 'Exploring the role of GIS during community health assessment problem solving: experiences of public health professionals', International Journal of Health Geographics, 5, pp. 39 - 39

Scotch M; Parmanto B, 2006, 'Development of SOVAT: a numerical-spatial decision support system for community health assessment research', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 75, pp. 771 - 784

Parmanto B; Scotch M; Ahmad S, 2005, 'A framework for designing a healthcare outcome data warehouse', Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, 2, pp. 3 - 3

Conference Papers

Wu Y; Namilae S; Mubayi A; Scotch M; Srinivasan A, 2022, 'Incorporating Pedestrian Movement in Computational Models of COVID-19 Spread during Air-travel', in IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings,

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