Select Publications
2023, Multi-Criteria Decision Making Theory and Applications in Sustainable Healthcare
,2023, Application of Advanced Optimization Techniques for Healthcare Analytics, CRC Press
,2023, Soft Computing for Smart Environments Techniques and Applications, CRC Press
,Book Chapters
2024, 'Bayesian network based on cross bow-tie to analyze differential effects of internal and external risks on sustainable supply chain', in Paul S; Kautish S (ed.), Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Academic Press, Elsevier, pp. 331 - 382,
,2024, 'Predictive big data analytics for supply chain demand forecasting', in Paul SK; Kautish S (ed.), COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES FOR SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, Academic Press, Elsevier, pp. 301 - 330,
,2024, 'Chapter eleven Predictive big data analytics for supply chain demand forecasting', in Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Elsevier, pp. 301 - 330,
,2024, 'Chapter twelve Bayesian network based on cross bow-tie to analyze differential effects of internal and external risks on sustainable supply chain', in Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Elsevier, pp. 331 - 381,
,2023, 'Surrogate-assisted Genetic Algorithm for Multi-project Scheduling', in , pp. 87 - 97,
,2022, 'COVID-19 Chest X-rays Classification Through the Fusion of Deep Transfer Learning and Machine Learning Methods', in Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, pp. 1 - 11,
,2018, 'A Comparative Study of Different Integer Linear Programming Approaches for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems', in Data and Decision Sciences in Action, Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, Springer, Cham, pp. 227 - 242,
,2017, 'Resource Constrained Multi-project Scheduling: A Priority Rule Based Evolutionary Local Search Approach', in Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Springer, Canberra, Australia, pp. 75 - 86,
,Edited Books
Makkar S; Ravindran G; Chakrabortty R; Pal A, (eds.), 2024, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Smart City Development: Management Systems and Technology Challenges, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton,
Journal articles
2024, 'Deep learning approaches to identify order status in a complex supply chain', Expert Systems with Applications, 250,
,2024, 'Supply chain integrated resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem', Computers and Industrial Engineering, 194,
,2024, 'Optimal power flow considering intermittent solar and wind generation using multi-operator differential evolution algorithm', Electric Power Systems Research, 232,
,2024, 'A cost-effective seed selection model for multi-constraint influence maximization in social networks', Decision Analytics Journal, 11,
,2024, 'Reducing emissions from production and distribution in three-echelon supply chains', International Journal of Production Economics, 271,
,2024, 'Multi-objective-based differential evolution for balancing production cost, diversity and aggregated performance attributes in product family design', Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 36, pp. 175 - 223,
,2024, 'A chance-constrained programming method with credibility measure for solving the multi-skill multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem', International Journal of Construction Management, 24, pp. 1090 - 1106,
,2024, 'An assets maintenance-workforce planning problem under uncertainty: A chance constraints assisted simulation-optimization approach', Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 130,
,2024, 'Generalized hop-based approaches for identifying influential nodes in social networks', Expert Systems,
,2023, 'An integrated differential evolution algorithm for reconfigurable manufacturing systems', Applied Soft Computing, 149,
,2023, 'An optimal ambulance routing model using simulation based on patient medical severity', Healthcare Analytics, 4,
,2023, 'Hierarchical joint optimization of modular product family and supply chain architectures considering sustainability', Sustainable Production and Consumption, 43, pp. 15 - 33,
,2023, 'AccessChain: An access control framework to protect data access in blockchain enabled supply chain', Future Generation Computer Systems, 148, pp. 380 - 394,
,2023, 'Optimized Forecasting Model to Improve the Accuracy of Very Short-Term Wind Power Prediction', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19, pp. 10145 - 10159,
,2023, 'A multi-criteria decision-making tool for the screening of Asperger syndrome', Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, pp. 34095 - 34111,
,2023, 'Consideration of uncertainties in a dynamic modeling system integrated with a deep learning based forecasting approach', CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 44, pp. 27 - 44,
,2023, 'Evaluating supply chain network resilience considering disruption propagation', Computers and Industrial Engineering, 183,
,2023, 'Towards facing uncertainties in biofuel supply chain networks: a systematic literature review', Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, pp. 100360 - 100390,
,2023, 'An optimized Belief-Rule-Based (BRB) approach to ensure the trustworthiness of interpreted time-series decisions', Knowledge-Based Systems, 271,
,2023, 'Reputation based proof of cooperation: an efficient and scalable consensus algorithm for supply chain applications', Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 14, pp. 7795 - 7811,
,2023, 'Robust Influence Maximization Under Both Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty', ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 17,
,2023, 'Maximizing projects’ profitability, environmental score, and quality: a multi-project scheduling and material ordering problem', Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, pp. 59925 - 59962,
,2023, 'Modelling and application of hierarchical joint optimisation for modular product family and supply chain architecture', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 126, pp. 947 - 971,
,2023, 'SELECTING FEATURES BY UTILIZING INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY ENTROPY METHOD', Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 6, pp. 111 - 133,
,2023, 'A multi-criteria decision analysis model for selecting an optimum customer service chatbot under uncertainty', Decision Analytics Journal, 6,
,2023, 'A multi-objective Bi-level leader-follower joint optimization for concurrent design of product family and assembly system', Computers and Industrial Engineering, 177,
,2023, 'An extended DNMA-based multi-criteria decision-making method and its application in the assessment of sustainable location for a lithium-ion batteries’ manufacturing plant', Heliyon, 9,
,2023, 'Guest Editorial: Special Section on Developing Resilient Supply Chains in a Post-COVID Pandemic Era: Application of Artificial Intelligent Technologies for Emerging Industry 5.0', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19, pp. 3296 - 3299,
,2023, 'Modeling Vehicle Insurance Adoption by Automobile Owners: A Hybrid Random Forest Classifier Approach', Processes, 11,
,2023, 'Advanced deep learning approaches to predict supply chain risks under COVID-19 restrictions', Expert Systems with Applications, 211,
,2023, 'An efficient framework for evaluating the usability of academic websites: Calibration, validation, analysis, and methods', Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 53, pp. 179 - 201,
,2023, 'AN Integrated Multi-project Scheduling, Materials Ordering and Suppliers Selection Problem', Procedia Computer Science, 219, pp. 1609 - 1616,
,2023, 'Designing an efficient vaccine supply chain network using a two-phase optimization approach: a case study of COVID-19 vaccine', International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics, 10,
,2023, 'Interpreting the antecedents of a predicted output by capturing the interdependencies among the system features and their evolution over time', Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 117,
,2023, 'Multi-objective multi-echelon distribution planning for perishable goods supply chain: a case study', International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics, 10,
,2022, 'Manufacturing project scheduling considering human factors to minimize total cost and carbon footprints', Applied Soft Computing, 131,
,2022, 'An improved clustering based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for influence maximization under variable-length solutions', Knowledge-Based Systems, 256,
,2022, 'An optimum balance among the reduction in ordering cost, product deterioration and carbon emissions: a sustainable green warehouse', Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, pp. 78029 - 78051,