Select Publications

Book Chapters

Gholamreza K; Jahangoshai Rezaee M; Chakrabortty R; Saberi M, 2024, 'Bayesian network based on cross bow-tie to analyze differential effects of internal and external risks on sustainable supply chain', in Paul S; Kautish S (ed.), Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Academic Press, Elsevier, pp. 331 - 382,

Ahmed S; Chakrabortty R; Essam D, 2024, 'Predictive big data analytics for supply chain demand forecasting', in Paul SK; Kautish S (ed.), Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Academic Press, Elsevier, pp. 301 - 330,

Khojasteh G; Rezaee MJ; Chakrabortty RK; Saberi M, 2024, 'Chapter twelve Bayesian network based on cross bow-tie to analyze differential effects of internal and external risks on sustainable supply chain', in Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Elsevier, pp. 331 - 381,

Asadujjaman M; Rahman HF; Chakrabortty RK; Ryan MJ, 2023, 'Surrogate-assisted Genetic Algorithm for Multi-project Scheduling', in , pp. 87 - 97,

Khalifa NEM; Taha MHN; Chakrabortty RK; Loey M, 2022, 'COVID-19 Chest X-rays Classification Through the Fusion of Deep Transfer Learning and Machine Learning Methods', in Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, pp. 1 - 11,

Chakrabortty R; Sarker R; Essam D, 2018, 'A Comparative Study of Different Integer Linear Programming Approaches for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems', in Data and Decision Sciences in Action, Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, Springer, Cham, pp. 227 - 242,

Chakrabortty RK; Sarker ; Essam , 2017, 'Resource Constrained Multi-project Scheduling: A Priority Rule Based Evolutionary Local Search Approach', in Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Springer, Canberra, Australia, pp. 75 - 86,

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