Select Publications


Amazan R, 2021, Adult literacy and its importance to the Aboriginal community of Campbelltown, NSW, file:///C:/Users/z3528175/Dropbox/My%20PC%20(W-AUD8400CJ3)/Downloads/Sub%2084%20-%20Tharawal%20Aboriginal%20Corporation%20-%2019%20Mar%202021_Redacted%20(1).pdf

Amazan R; Williamson F, 2019, Aboriginal Adult Literacy campaign. Yes, I Can! In Campbelltown, NSW

Amazan R, 2018, Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) Securing Our Rights, Securing Our Future. Submission from women in Boggabilla and Toomelah, NSW to the Australian Human Rights Commission.,

Amazan R; Welch A; Soudien C; Gripper D; Sehoole C, 2016, Mapping Australia-Africa Partnerships in Higher Education Report

Amazan R; Negin J; Cumming R; Howie L; Abimbola S, 2014, Australia Awards for Africa: Outcomes of Tertiary Scholarships for African Students Report

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