Select Publications

Book Chapters

White SJ, 2019, 'Conversation analysis: An introduction to methodology, data collection, and analysis', in Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences, pp. 471 - 490,

White SJ, 2018, 'Conversation Analysis: An Introduction to Methodology, Data Collection, and Analysis', in Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences, Springer Singapore, pp. 1 - 20,

Stubbe M; White SJ; Macdonald L; Dowell AC; Gardner R; Dew K, 2016, 'Do surgeons want to operate? Negotiating the treatment plan in surgical consultations', in White SJ; Cartmill JA (ed.), Communication in surgical practice, Equinox, pp. 124 - 152

White SJ; Cartmill JA, 2016, 'Examining communication in surgical practice', in White SJ; Cartmill JA (ed.), Communication in surgical practice, Equinox, pp. 1 - 5

White SJ; Stubbe M; Macdonald L; Dowell AC; Dew K; Gardner R, 2016, 'The referred consultation', in White SJ; Cartmill JA (ed.), Communication in surgical practice, Equinox, pp. 9 - 34

Berger I; White SJ, 2016, 'Who's who?: Role performance during minor awake procedures', in White SJ; Cartmill JA (ed.), Communication in surgical practice, Equinox, pp. 286 - 311

White SJ, 2015, '9. Closing clinical consultations', in Handbuch Sprache in der Medizin, DE GRUYTER, pp. 170 - 187,

White SJ, 2015, 'Closing clinical consultations', in Busch A; Spranz-Fogasy T (ed.), Handbuch sprache in der medizin, De Gruyter, Germany, pp. 170 - 188,

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