Select Publications

Journal articles

Nath SK, 2025, 'A light-driven device for neuromorphic computing', Light: Science and Applications, 14,

Nath SK; Turan I; Desvignes L; Largeau L; Mauguin O; Túnica M; Amato M; Renard C; Hallais G; Débarre D; Chiodi F, 2024, 'Tuning Superconductivity in Nanosecond Laser-Annealed Boron-Doped Si1–xGex Epilayers', Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 221,

Nath SK; Das SK; Nandi SK; Xi C; Marquez CV; Rúa A; Uenuma M; Wang Z; Zhang S; Zhu RJ; Eshraghian J; Sun X; Lu T; Bian Y; Syed N; Pan W; Wang H; Lei W; Fu L; Faraone L; Liu Y; Elliman RG, 2024, 'Optically Tunable Electrical Oscillations in Oxide-Based Memristors for Neuromorphic Computing', Advanced Materials, 36,

Bonagiri A; Das SK; Marquez CV; Rúa A; Puyoo E; Nath SK; Albertini D; Baboux N; Uenuma M; Elliman RG; Nandi SK, 2024, 'Biorealistic Neuronal Temperature-Sensitive Dynamics within Threshold Switching Memristors: Toward Neuromorphic Thermosensation', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16, pp. 31283 - 31293,

Das SK; Nandi SK; Marquez CV; Rúa A; Uenuma M; Nath SK; Zhang S; Lin CH; Chu D; Ratcliff T; Elliman RG, 2024, 'Dynamics of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons Based on Oxyvanite Memristors for Spiking Neural Networks', Advanced Intelligent Systems,

Nath SK; Sun X; Nandi SK; Chen X; Wang Z; Das SK; Lei W; Faraone L; Rickard WDA; Elliman RG, 2023, 'Harnessing Metal/Oxide Interlayer to Engineer the Memristive Response and Oscillation Dynamics of Two-Terminal Memristors', Advanced Functional Materials, 33,

Nandi SK; Nath SK; Das SK; Murdoch BJ; Ratcliff T; McCulloch DG; Elliman RG, 2023, 'Effect of Interdiffusion and Crystallization on Threshold Switching Characteristics of Nb/Nb2O5/Pt Memristors', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15, pp. 58613 - 58622,

Wang X; Zhang X; Dong C; Nath SK; Iu HHC, 2023, 'Design and Application of Memristive Balanced Ternary Univariate Logic Circuit', Micromachines, 14,

Li XJ; Wang XY; Li P; Iu HHC; Eshraghian JK; Nandi SK; Nath SK; Elliman RG, 2023, 'Tri-State Memristors Based on Composable Discrete Devices', International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 33,

Pan W; Ma S; Sun X; Nath SK; Zhang S; Gu R; Zhang Z; Faraone L; Lei W, 2023, 'Structural properties of MBE-grown CdTe (133)B buffer layers on GaAs (211)B substrates with CdZnTe/CdTe superlattice-based dislocation filtering layers', Journal of Applied Physics, 133,

Nath SK; Nandi SK; Das SK; Liang Y; Elliman RG, 2023, 'Thermal transport in metal-NbOx-metal cross-point devices and its effect on threshold switching characteristics', Nanoscale, 15, pp. 7559 - 7565,

Das SK; Nandi SK; Marquez CV; Rúa A; Uenuma M; Puyoo E; Nath SK; Albertini D; Baboux N; Lu T; Liu Y; Haeger T; Heiderhoff R; Riedl T; Ratcliff T; Elliman RG, 2023, 'Physical Origin of Negative Differential Resistance in V3O5 and Its Application as a Solid-State Oscillator', Advanced Materials, 35,

Nandi SK; Puyoo E; Nath SK; Albertini D; Baboux N; Das SK; Ratcliff T; Elliman RG, 2022, 'High Spatial Resolution Thermal Mapping of Volatile Switching in NbOx‑Based Memristor Using In Situ Scanning Thermal Microscopy', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, pp. 29025 - 29031,

Wang XY; Dong CT; Zhou PF; Nandi SK; Nath SK; Elliman RG; Iu HHC; Kang SM; Eshraghian JK, 2022, 'Low-Variance Memristor-Based Multi-Level Ternary Combinational Logic', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 69, pp. 2423 - 2434,

Pan W; Nath SK; Ma S; Gu R; Zhang Z; Fu L; Faraone L; Lei W, 2022, 'Non-invasive and non-destructive characterization of MBE-grown CdZnTe/CdTe superlattice-based dislocation filtering layers', Journal of Applied Physics, 131,

Liu X; Zhang P; Nath SK; Li S; Nandi SK; Elliman RG, 2022, 'Understanding composite negative differential resistance in niobium oxide memristors', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55,

Liang Y; Zhu Q; Wang G; Nath SK; Iu HHC; Nandi SK; Elliman RG, 2022, 'Universal Dynamics Analysis of Locally-Active Memristors and its Applications', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 69, pp. 1278 - 1290,

Nandi SK; Das SK; Cui Y; Helou AE; Nath SK; Ratcliff T; Raad P; Elliman RG, 2022, 'Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous NbOx Thin Films and Its Effect on Volatile Memristive Switching', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, pp. 21270 - 21277,

Nath SK; Nandi SK; Ratcliff T; Elliman RG, 2021, 'Engineering the threshold switching response of Nb2O5-Based memristors by Ti doping', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, pp. 2845 - 2852,

Nath SK; Nandi SK; Li S; Elliman RG, 2020, 'Metal-oxide interface reactions and their effect on integrated resistive/threshold switching in NbO x', Nanotechnology, 31,

Nath SK; Nandi SK; El-Helou A; Liu X; Li S; Ratcliff T; Raad PE; Elliman RG, 2020, 'Schottky-barrier-induced asymmetry in the negative-differential-resistance response of nb/nb ox / pt cross-point devices', Physical Review Applied, 13,

Nandi SK; Nath SK; El-Helou AE; Li S; Ratcliff T; Uenuma M; Raad PE; Elliman RG, 2020, 'Electric Field- And Current-Induced Electroforming Modes in NbO x', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, pp. 8422 - 8428,

Nandi SK; Nath SK; El-Helou AE; Li S; Liu X; Raad PE; Elliman RG, 2019, 'Current Localization and Redistribution as the Basis of Discontinuous Current Controlled Negative Differential Resistance in NbOx', Advanced Functional Materials, 29,

Li S; Liu X; Nandi SK; Nath SK; Elliman RG, 2019, 'Origin of Current-Controlled Negative Differential Resistance Modes and the Emergence of Composite Characteristics with High Complexity', Advanced Functional Materials, 29,

Nath SK; Nandi SK; Li S; Elliman RG, 2019, 'Detection and spatial mapping of conductive filaments in metal/oxide/metal cross-point devices using a thin photoresist layer', Applied Physics Letters, 114,

Nath SK; Chowdhury N; Gafur MA, 2015, 'Effect of Co Doping on Crystallographic and Optoelectronic Properties of ZnO Thin Films', Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 28, pp. 117 - 123,

Nandi SK; Nath SK; Hossain AKMA; Khan JU, 2014, 'Effect of Zn Doping on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ba4Ni2−xZn xFe36O60 Hexaferrites', Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 27, pp. 2655 - 2662,

Nath SK; Paul DP; Das SK, 2013, 'Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis Technique', Advanced Science Focus, 1, pp. 205 - 210,

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