Select Publications

Journal articles

Weddell J; Rogerson MC; Gallagher R; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Jackson AC; Redfern J; Buckley T; Murphy BM, 2024, 'Cognitive and physical fatigue—the experience and consequences of ‘brain fog’ after spontaneous coronary artery dissection: a qualitative study', European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 23, pp. 855 - 862,

Murphy BM; Le Grande MR; Rogerson MC; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Jackson AC, 2024, 'Prevalence and correlates of anxiety and depressive symptoms after spontaneous coronary artery dissection: a cross-sectional study', European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 23, pp. 863 - 871,

Weddell J; Rogerson MC; Gallagher R; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Jackson AC; Redfern J; Buckley T; Murphy BM, 2024, 'Cognitive and physical fatigue: the experience and consequences of brain fog after spontaneous coronary artery dissection, a qualitative study', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 45,

Clarke S; Murphy B; Le Grande M; Rogerson M; Hesselson S; Iismaa S; Graham R; Hester R; Jackson A, 2024, 'Fear of recurrence and its association with mental health outcomes after spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD)', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 45,

McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Thompson JL; Iismaa SE; Tarr I; Muller DWM; Kovacic JC; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E, 2024, 'COL3A1 Variants in Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection', JACC: Advances, 3,

Tarr I; Hesselson S; Troup M; Young P; Thompson JL; McGrath-Cadell L; Fatkin D; Dunwoodie SL; Muller DWM; Iismaa SE; Kovacic JC; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E, 2024, 'Polygenic Risk in Families with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection', JAMA Cardiology, 9, pp. 254 - 261,

Murphy BM; Rogerson MC; Le Grande MR; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Jackson AC, 2024, 'Erratum: Correction: Psychosocial and lifestyle impacts of spontaneous coronary artery dissection: A quantitative study (PloS one (2024) 19 1 (e0296224))', PloS one, 19, pp. e0304537,

Rogerson MC; Jackson AC; Le Grande MR; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Murphy BM, 2024, 'Posttraumatic Growth after Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Mixed-Methods Study', Heart and Mind, 8, pp. 325 - 339,

Murphy BM; Rogerson MC; Le Grande MR; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Jackson AC, 2024, 'Psychosocial and lifestyle impacts of spontaneous coronary artery dissection: A quantitative study', PLoS ONE, 19,

Weddell J; Rogerson M; Gallagher R; Hesselson S; Iismaa S; Graham R; Jackson A; Redfern J; Buckley T; Murphy B, 2024, 'Cognitive and Physical Fatigue: The Experience and Consequences of ‘Brain Fog’ after Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD): A Qualitative Study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 33, pp. S321 - S321,

Murtha LA; Hardy SA; Mabotuwana NS; Bigland MJ; Bailey T; Raguram K; Liu S; Ngo DT; Sverdlov AL; Tomin T; Birner-Gruenberger R; Hume RD; Iismaa SE; Humphreys DT; Patrick R; Chong JJH; Lee RJ; Harvey RP; Graham RM; Rainer PP; Boyle AJ, 2023, 'Fibulin-3 is necessary to prevent cardiac rupture following myocardial infarction', Scientific Reports, 13,

Bax M; Junday K; Iismaa SE; Kaidonis X; Muller D; Hesselson S; Graham RM, 2023, 'Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell lines from a sister pair who suffered post-partum or recurrent Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissections', Stem Cell Research, 73,

Mcgrath-Cadell L; Hessleson S; Thompson JL; Iismaa SE; Tarr I; Muller DWM; Kovacic J; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E, 2023, 'COL3A1 mutations in spontaneous coronary artery dissection', European Heart Journal, 44,

Murphy BM; Rogerson MC; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Hoover V; Le Grande M; Graham RM; Jackson AC, 2023, 'Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression, and Distress in SCAD and Non-SCAD AMI Patients: A Comparative Study', Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 43, pp. 338 - 345,

Yiu TW; Holman SR; Kaidonis X; Graham RM; Iismaa SE, 2023, 'Transglutaminase 2 Facilitates Murine Wound Healing in a Strain-Dependent Manner', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24,

Adlam D; Berrandou TE; Georges A; Nelson CP; Giannoulatou E; Henry J; Ma L; Blencowe M; Turley TN; Yang ML; Chopade S; Finan C; Braund PS; Sadeg-Sayoud I; Iismaa SE; Kosel ML; Zhou X; Hamby SE; Cheng J; Liu L; Tarr I; Muller DWM; d’Escamard V; King A; Brunham LR; Baranowska-Clarke AA; Debette S; Amouyel P; Olin JW; Patil S; Hesselson SE; Junday K; Kanoni S; Aragam KG; Butterworth AS; Bakker MK; Ruigrok YM; Tweet MS; Gulati R; Combaret N; Kadian-Dodov D; Kalman JM; Fatkin D; Hingorani AD; Saw J; Webb TR; Hayes SN; Yang X; Ganesh SK; Olson TM; Kovacic JC; Graham RM; Samani NJ; Bouatia-Naji N, 2023, 'Genome-wide association meta-analysis of spontaneous coronary artery dissection identifies risk variants and genes related to artery integrity and tissue-mediated coagulation', Nature Genetics, 55, pp. 964 - 972,

Mcgrath-Cadell L; Hessleson S; Thompson JL; Iismaa SE; Tarr I; Muller DWM; Kovacic J; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E, 2023, 'COL3A1 mutations in spontaneous coronary artery dissection', EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 44

Bax M; Junday K; Tarr I; Hesselson S; McGrath-Cadell L; Iismaa S; Giannoulatou E; Graham R, 2023, 'Proteomic Analysis Reveals TGFB Pathway Perturbation in Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) Patient iPSC Derived Endothelial Cells', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 32, pp. S416 - S416,

Bax M; Romanov V; Junday K; Giannoulatou E; Martinac B; Kovacic JC; Liu R; Iismaa SE; Graham RM, 2022, 'Arterial dissections: Common features and new perspectives', Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9,

Murphy BM; Rogerson MC; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Jackson AC, 2022, 'Psychosocial impacts of spontaneous coronary artery dissection: A qualitative study', PLoS ONE, 17,

Nicks AM; Holman SR; Chan AY; Tsang M; Young PE; Humphreys DT; Naqvi N; Husain A; Li M; Smith NJ; Iismaa SE; Graham RM, 2022, 'Standardised method for cardiomyocyte isolation and purification from individual murine neonatal, infant, and adult hearts', Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 170, pp. 47 - 59,

Tarr I; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Rath E; Monger S; Troup M; Mishra K; Wong CMY; Hsu PC; Junday K; Humphreys DT; Adlam D; Webb TR; Baranowska-Clarke AA; Hamby SE; Carss KJ; Samani NJ; Bax M; McGrath-Cadell L; Kovacic JC; Dunwoodie SL; Fatkin D; Muller DWM; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E, 2022, 'Exploring the Genetic Architecture of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Using Whole-Genome Sequencing', Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 15, pp. 267 - 277,

Wu J; Nicks AM; Skowno JJ; Feneley MP; Graham RM; Iismaa SE, 2022, 'Anesthesia and Intubation of Preadolescent Mouse Pups for Cardiothoracic Surgery', Journal of Visualized Experiments,

Wu J; Nicks AM; Skowno JJ; Feneley MP; Graham RM; Iismaa SE, 2022, 'Anesthesia and Intubation of Preadolescent Mouse Pups for Cardiothoracic Surgery', Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2022,

Yu ZY; Gong H; Kesteven S; Guo Y; Wu J; Li JV; Cheng D; Zhou Z; Iismaa SE; Kaidonis X; Graham RM; Cox CD; Feneley MP; Martinac B, 2022, 'Piezo1 is the cardiac mechanosensor that initiates the cardiomyocyte hypertrophic response to pressure overload in adult mice', Nature Cardiovascular Research, 1, pp. 577 - 591,

Bax M; Junday K; Iismaa S; Hesselson S; Tarr I; McGrath-Cadell L; Dunwoodie S; Giannoulatou E; Graham R, 2022, 'Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Models of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 31, pp. S87 - S87,

Nicks AM; Holman SR; Chan AY; Pang C-HJ; Tsang M; Naqvi N; Husain A; Li M; Humphreys DT; Smith NJ; Iismaa SE; Graham RM, 2021, 'Abstract 11948: A Standardized Method to Isolate and Purify Cardiomyocytes from Individual Mouse Hearts Irrespective of Postnatal Age', Circulation, 144,

McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Tarr I; Iismaa SE; Bax M; Junday K; Dunwoodie SE; Fatkin D; Kovacic J; Muller DWM; Giannoulatou E; Graham RM, 2021, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) and a family history of aortic artery dissection, a case series', European Heart Journal, 42,

Naqvi N; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Husain A, 2021, 'Mechanism-Based Cardiac Regeneration Strategies in Mammals', Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9,

Kaidonis X; Niu W; Chan AY; Kesteven S; Wu J; Iismaa SE; Vatner S; Feneley M; Graham RM, 2021, 'Adaptation to exercise-induced stress is not dependent on cardiomyocyte α1A-adrenergic receptors', Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 155, pp. 78 - 87,

Guo Y; Yu ZY; Wu J; Gong H; Kesteven S; Iismaa SE; Chan AY; Holman S; Pinto S; Pironet A; Cox CD; Graham RM; Vennekens R; Feneley MP; Martinac B, 2021, 'The ca2+-activated cation channel trpm4 is a positive regulator of pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy', eLife, 10,

Iismaa SE; Hesselson S; McGrath-Cadell L; Muller DW; Fatkin D; Giannoulatou E; Kovacic J; Graham RM, 2021, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia: Vasculopathies With a Predilection for Women', Heart Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. 27 - 35,

Griffin KJ; Simpson KR; Beckers CML; Newell LM; Cheah LT; Yuldasheva NY; Iismaa S; Jackson CL; Scott JDA; Pease RJ, 2021, 'Transglutaminase 2 moderates the expansion of mouse abdominal aortic aneurysms', JVS-Vascular Science, 2, pp. 95 - 109,

Bax M; Junday K; Hesselson S; Iismaa S; Tarr I; McGrath-Cadell L; Dunwoodie S; Fatkin D; Kovacic J; Muller D; Giannoulatou E; Graham R, 2021, 'Modelling Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection With iPSC-Derived Vascular Cells', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. S131 - S131,

McGrath-Cadell L; Iismaa SE; Hesselson S; Muller DW; Fatkin D; Giannoulatou E; Kovacic JC; Graham RM, 2021, 'Recent Updates on Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia', International Journal of Integrative Cardiology, 3,

McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Tarr I; Iismaa S; Bax M; Junday K; Dunwoodie S; Fatkin D; Kovacic J; Muller D; Giannoulatou E; Graham B, 2021, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) and a Family History of Aortic Artery Dissection—A Case Series', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. S252 - S252,

Bogush N; Tan L; Naib H; Faizullabhoy E; Calvert JW; Iismaa SE; Gupta A; Ramchandran R; Martin DIK; Graham RM; Husain A; Naqvi N, 2020, 'DUSP5 expression in left ventricular cardiomyocytes of young hearts regulates thyroid hormone (T3)-induced proliferative ERK1/2 signaling', Scientific Reports, 10, pp. 21918,

Nicks AM; Kesteven SH; Li M; Wu J; Chan AY; Naqvi N; Husain A; Feneley MP; Smith NJ; Iismaa SE; Graham RM, 2020, 'Pressure overload by suprarenal aortic constriction in mice leads to left ventricular hypertrophy without c-Kit expression in cardiomyocytes', Scientific Reports, 10,

Carss KJ; Baranowska AA; Armisen J; Webb TR; Hamby SE; Premawardhana D; Al-Hussaini A; Wood A; Wang Q; Deevi SVV; Vitsios D; Lewis SH; Kotecha D; Bouatia-Naji N; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Tarr I; McGrath-Cadell L; Muller DW; Dunwoodie SL; Fatkin D; Graham RM; Giannoulatou E; Samani NJ; Petrovski S; Haefliger C; Adlam D, 2020, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Insights on Rare Genetic Variation From Genome Sequencing', Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 13, pp. E003030,

Zhang J; Grosso Jasutkar H; Yan R; Woo JM; Lee KW; Im JY; Junn E; Iismaa SE; Mouradian MM, 2020, 'Transglutaminase 2 Depletion Attenuates α-Synuclein Mediated Toxicity in Mice', Neuroscience, 441, pp. 58 - 64,

Suzuki AS; Yagi R; Kimura MY; Iwamura C; Shinoda K; Onodera A; Hirahara K; Tumes DJ; Koyama-Nasu R; Iismaa SE; Graham RM; Motohashi S; Nakayama T, 2020, 'Essential Role for CD30-Transglutaminase 2 Axis in Memory Th1 and Th17 Cell Generation', Frontiers in Immunology, 11,

Griffin KJ; Newell LM; Simpson KR; Beckers CML; Drinkhill MJ; Standeven KF; Cheah LT; Iismaa SE; Grant PJ; Jackson CL; Pease RJ, 2020, 'Transglutaminase 2 limits the extravasation and the resultant myocardial fibrosis associated with factor XIII-A deficiency', Atherosclerosis, 294, pp. 1 - 9,

Mishra K; Junday K; Wong CMY; Chan AY; Hesselson S; Muller DW; Iismaa SE; Mehta A; Graham RM, 2019, 'Generation of VCCRIi001-A, a human induced pluripotent stem cell line, from a patient with spontaneous coronary artery dissection', Stem Cell Research, 41,

McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Iismaa SE; Mishra K; Wong CMY; Fatkin D; Dunwoodie SL; Harvey R; Holloway CJ; Muller DWM; Giannoulatou E; Graham RM, 2019, 'P5540Familial clustering of spontaneous coronary artery dissection', European Heart Journal, 40,

Kaidonis X; Niu W; Chan AY; Kesteven S; Wu J; Iismaa SE; Feneley M; Graham RM, 2019, 'Abstract 579: Involvement of the Alpha 1A-Adrenergic Receptor in the Cardiac Adaptation to Physiological Stress', Circulation Research, 125,

Lorand L; Iismaa SE, 2019, 'Correction to: Transglutaminase diseases: from biochemistry to the bedside (The FASEB Journal, (2019), 33, 1, (3-12), 10.1096/fj.201801544R)', FASEB Journal, 33, pp. 4653,

Adlam D; Olson TM; Combaret N; Kovacic JC; Iismaa SE; Al-Hussaini A; O'Byrne MM; Bouajila S; Georges A; Mishra K; Braund PS; d'Escamard V; Huang S; Margaritis M; Nelson CP; de Andrade M; Kadian-Dodov D; Welch CA; Mazurkiewicz S; Jeunemaitre X; Motreff P; Belle L; Dupouy P; Barnay P; Meneveau N; Gilard M; Rioufol G; Range G; Brunel P; Delarche N; Filippi E; Le Bivic L; Harbaoui B; Benamer H; Cayla G; Varenne O; Manzo-Silberman SP; Silvain J; Spaulding C; Caussin C; Gerbaud E; Valy Y; Koning R; Lhermusier T; Champin S; Salengro E; Fluttaz A; Zabalawi A; Cottin Y; Teiger E; Saint-Etienne C; Ducrocq G; Marliere S; Boiffard E; Aubry P; Georges JL; Bresson D; De Poli F; Karrillon G; Roule V; Bali L; Valla M; Gerbay A; Houpe D; Dubreuil O; Monnier A; Mayaud N; Manchuelle A; Commeau P; Bedossa M; Wong CMY; Giannoulatou E; Sweeting M; Muller D; Wood A; McGrath-Cadell L; Fatkin D; Dunwoodie SL; Harvey R; Holloway C; Empana JP; Jouven X; Nikpay M; Goel A; Won HH; Hall LM; Willenborg C; Kanoni S; Saleheen D; Kyriakou T; Hopewell JC; Webb TR; Zeng L; Dehghan A; Alver M; Armasu SM; Auro K; Bjonnes A; Chasman DI; Chen S, 2019, 'Association of the PHACTR1/EDN1 Genetic Locus With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73, pp. 58 - 66,

Poole LG; Pant A; Baker KS; Kopec AK; Cline-Fedewa HM; Iismaa SE; Flick MJ; Luyendyk JP, 2019, 'Chronic liver injury drives non-traditional intrahepatic fibrin(ogen) crosslinking via tissue transglutaminase', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 17, pp. 113 - 125,

Lorand L; Iismaa SE, 2019, 'Transglutaminase diseases: From biochemistry to the bedside', FASEB Journal, 33, pp. 3 - 12,

McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Iismaa S; Mishra K; Wong C; Fatkin D; Dunwoodie S; Harvey R; Holloway C; Muller D; Giannoulatou E; Graham R, 2019, 'Familial Clustering of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 28, pp. S330 - S330,

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