Select Publications

Book Chapters

Schellnhuber HJ; Serdeczny OM; Adams S; Köhler C; Magdalena Otto I; Schleussner C-F, 2016, 'The Challenge of a 4°C World by 2100', in Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, Springer International Publishing, pp. 267 - 283,

Journal articles

Adams S; Prakash A, 2024, 'Climate change adaptation in the Australian electricity sector and the lure of resilience thinking', Energy Research and Social Science, 118,

Rhodes T; Lancaster K; Adams S, 2024, 'In search of a ‘good number’: knowledge controversy and population estimates in the endgame of hepatitis C elimination', BMJ Global Health, 9, pp. e014659,

Harrison M; Smith AKJ; Adams S, 2024, 'Matters of time in health and illness', Health Sociology Review, 33, pp. 1 - 9,

Roberts MB; Adams SM; Kuch D, 2023, 'Social license to automate batteries? Australian householder conditions for participation in Virtual Power Plants', Energy Research and Social Science, 104, pp. 103241,

Adams S; Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2023, 'Undoing elimination: Modelling Australia’s way out of the COVID-19 pandemic', Global Public Health, 18, pp. 2195899,

Adams S; Kuch D; Diamond L; Fröhlich P; Henriksen IM; Katzeff C; Ryghaug M; Yilmaz S, 2022, 'Corrigendum to “Social license to automate: A critical review of emerging approaches to electricity demand side management” (Energy Research & Social Science (2021) 80, (S2214629621003030), (10.1016/j.erss.2021.102210))', Energy Research and Social Science, 90,

Adams S; Bekker S; Fan Y; Gordon T; Shepherd LJ; Slavich E; Waters D, 2022, 'Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching: ‘Punish[ing] Those Who Fail To Do Their Gender Right’', Higher Education, 83, pp. 787 - 807,

Adams S; Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2022, 'New directions for participatory modelling in health: Redistributing expertise in relation to localised matters of concern', Global Public Health, 17, pp. 1827 - 1841,

Adams S; Brown D; Cárdenas Álvarez JP; Chitchyan R; Fell MJ; Hahnel UJJ; Hojckova K; Johnson C; Klein L; Montakhabi M; Say K; Singh A; Watson N, 2021, 'Social and economic value in emerging decentralized energy business models: A critical review', Energies, 14,

Adams S, 2021, 'The pragmatic holism of social–ecological systems theory: Explaining adaptive capacity in a changing climate', Progress in Human Geography, 45, pp. 1580 - 1600,

Adams S; Kuch D; Diamond L; Fröhlich P; Henriksen IM; Katzeff C; Ryghaug M; Yilmaz S, 2021, 'Social license to automate: A critical review of emerging approaches to electricity demand management', Energy Research and Social Science, 80, pp. 102210,

Adams S, 2019, 'Climate crisis and the democratic prospect: participatory governance in sustainable communities', AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER, 50, pp. 269 - 271,

Reyer CPO; Otto IM; Adams S; Albrecht T; Baarsch F; Cartsburg M; Coumou D; Eden A; Ludi E; Marcus R; Mengel M; Mosello B; Robinson A; Schleussner CF; Serdeczny O; Stagl J, 2017, 'Climate change impacts in Central Asia and their implications for development', Regional Environmental Change, 17, pp. 1639 - 1650,

Reyer CPO; Adams S; Albrecht T; Baarsch F; Boit A; Canales Trujillo N; Cartsburg M; Coumou D; Eden A; Fernandes E; Langerwisch F; Marcus R; Mengel M; Mira-Salama D; Perette M; Pereznieto P; Rammig A; Reinhardt J; Robinson A; Rocha M; Sakschewski B; Schaeffer M; Schleussner CF; Serdeczny O; Thonicke K, 2017, 'Climate change impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean and their implications for development', Regional Environmental Change, 17, pp. 1601 - 1621,

Serdeczny O; Adams S; Baarsch F; Coumou D; Robinson A; Hare W; Schaeffer M; Perrette M; Reinhardt J, 2017, 'Climate change impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa: from physical changes to their social repercussions', Regional Environmental Change, 17, pp. 1585 - 1600,

Waha K; Krummenauer L; Adams S; Aich V; Baarsch F; Coumou D; Fader M; Hoff H; Jobbins G; Marcus R; Mengel M; Otto IM; Perrette M; Rocha M; Robinson A; Schleussner CF, 2017, 'Climate change impacts in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region and their implications for vulnerable population groups', Regional Environmental Change, 17, pp. 1623 - 1638,

Vinke K; Martin MA; Adams S; Baarsch F; Bondeau A; Coumou D; Donner RV; Menon A; Perrette M; Rehfeld K; Robinson A; Rocha M; Schaeffer M; Schwan S; Serdeczny O; Svirejeva-Hopkins A, 2017, 'Climatic risks and impacts in South Asia: extremes of water scarcity and excess', Regional Environmental Change, 17, pp. 1569 - 1583,

Conference Papers

Yildiz B; Stringer N; Adams S; Samarakoon S; Bruce A; Macgill I; Sproul AB, 2021, 'Curtailment and network voltage analysis study', in 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT Asia 2021, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), AUSTRALIA, Brisbane, pp. 1 - 5, presented at 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), AUSTRALIA, Brisbane, 05 December 2021 - 08 December 2021,

Conference Abstracts

Yildiz B; Stringer N; Adams S; Shanil S; Bruce A; Macgill I; Sproul A, 2021, 'Investigation of distributed energy resources curtailment in South Australia', in Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2021, Syndey, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Syndey


Roberts M; Adams S; Samarakoon S; Kallmier E; Dillon M; Szczepaniak R; Passey R; Bruce A; Macgill I; Egan R; Kuch D, 2023, Energy resilience in bushfires and extreme weather events: Final report of the ESKIES project,

Adams S; Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2023, Stakeholder perspectives on the hepatitis C prevalence estimate and its use in Australia’s hepatitis C elimination response: A briefing paper

Roberts M; Passey R; Adams S, 2021, Rewarding flexible demand: Customer friendly cost-reflective tariffs and incentives (H4 Opportunity Assesment), RACE for 2030,

Yildiz B; Adams S; Samarakoon S; Stringer N; Bruce A; Macgill I, 2021, Curtailment and Network Voltage Analysis Study (CANVAS) Project Report, CRC RACE for 2030,

Roberts M; Adams S; Kuch D, 2020, VPP User Research - Final Report


Purtill J; Yildiz B; Adams S, 2022, What is renewable energy curtailment and how does it affect rooftop solar?, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC),

Adams S; Yildiz B; Stringer N; Samarakoon S, 2021, Solar curtailment is emerging as a new challenge to overcome as Australia dashes for rooftop solar, The Conversation,

Thorpe A; Kuch D; Adams S, 2021, On an electric car road trip around NSW, we found range anxiety (and the need for more chargers) is real,

Roberts M; Adams S; Kuch D; Dore J, 2020, The VIPs in the VPP - putting users at the centre,


Adams S; Kuch D; Diamond L; Froehlich P; Henrisksen IM; Katzeff C; Ryghaug M; Yilmaz S, 2021, Social License to automate: A critical review of emerging approaches to electricity demand management,


Stringer N; Bruce A; Roberts M; Adams S; Macgill I; Purnell K; Zhou H, 2020, Submission to the AER consultation paper: Assessing DER integration expenditure,

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