Select Publications

Conference Presentations

Williamson A; Chung A, 2017, 'Strengthening the HFE discipline: Practice needs strong foundations', presented at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Conference (HFESA2017), University of Wollongong, NSW, 26 November 2017 - 29 November 2017,

Williamson A, 2017, 'Australian Naturalistic Driver Study (ANDS) of Distraction: Circumstances and Effects', presented at 2017 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Australia, 10 October 2017 - 12 October 2017

Williamson A, 2017, 'Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS): Providing new information on the circumstances and effects of distraction while driving', presented at 6th International Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium (NDRS2017), The Hague, The Netherlands, 08 June 2017 - 09 June 2017,

Williamson A, 2017, 'Influencing parents’ behaviour regarding supervision of children', presented at NSW Water Safety Forum, NSW Parliament House, Sydney, 09 May 2017 - 09 May 2017

Williamson A; Friswell R; Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Zeller R, 2017, 'Can we convince tired drivers to take a break from driving?', presented at 10th International Conference on Managing Fatigue, San Diego, USA, 20 March 2017 - 23 March 2017,

Williamson A, 2017, 'Wrestling with the competing priorities of fatigue risk management in transport: Protection, Payments, Productivity and Politics', presented at 10th International Conference on Managing Fatigue, San Diego, USA, 20 March 2017 - 23 March 2017,

Mattos GA; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Olivier J; Eusebio J; Zheng WY; Wall J; Charlton J; Lenne M; Haley J; Barnes B; Rakotonirainy A; Woolley J; Senserrick T; Young K; Haworth N; Regan M; Cockfield S; Healy D; Cavallo A; Di Stefano M; Wong HL; Cameron I; Cornish M; Baird C, 2016, 'Pedestrian-Vehicle Interactions: Early Results From The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS)', presented at 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (SAFETY 2016), Tampere, Finland, 18 September 2016 - 21 September 2016,

Williamson A, 2016, 'Does the current Heavy Vehicle Law make us safer? (Invited Plenary)', presented at 2016 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, 06 September 2016 - 08 September 2016,

Williamson A, 2016, 'The bumpy road towards automated vehicles: Can we smooth the path?', presented at 2016 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, 06 September 2016 - 08 September 2016,

Williamson A, 2016, 'Progressing safety for heavy vehicles: The view from Australia', presented at Panel on Review of CSA Program of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: US National Science Foundation, Interactive Webinar, 30 August 2016 - 30 August 2016

Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Charlton J; Eusebio J; Young K; Mattos GA; Koppel S; Lenne M; Wall J; Antin J, 2016, 'The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS)', presented at 5th International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research, Blacksburg, VIrginia, 30 August 2016 - 01 September 2016,

Williamson A, 2016, 'Inconsistencies between research evidence and current approaches to fatigue management', presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP2016), Brisbane, Australia, 02 August 2016 - 05 August 2016,

Senserrick T; Hatfield J; Williamson A, 2016, 'Why Mandatory Psychological Testing of All Young Novice Drivers is Unlikely to Reduce Crashes', presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP2016), Brisbane, Australia, 02 August 2016 - 05 August 2016,

Williamson A; Grzebieta R; Charlton J; Young K; Eusebio J; Mattos G, 2016, 'The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS)', presented at 3rd Workshop on Naturalistic Driving Data Analytics, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19 June 2016 - 19 June 2016,

Williamson A, 2016, 'Effectiveness of Driver Assistance Systems', presented at Australasian Fleet Management Association: NSW Professional Development Fleet Forum, MGSM Conference Centre, Sydney, 08 March 2016 - 08 March 2016,

Williamson A, 2015, 'Effective fatigue risk management: Is it keeping up with the research evidence', presented at 9th International Conference on Managing Fatigue, Perth, WA, 23 March 2015 - 26 March 2015,

Williamson A; Friswell R, 2015, 'The relationship between fluctuations in sleepiness and performance over a 2 hour drive', presented at 9th International Conference on Managing Fatigue, Perth, WA, 23 March 2015 - 26 March 2015,

Williamson A, 2014, 'Road safety research into policy: What can we do to make it better?', presented at Road Safety Research Policing Education Conference, Melbourne, 12 November 2014 - 14 November 2014

Williamson A; Nguyen, H ; Chung, AZQ , 2014, 'Understanding why people make errors in skilled behaviour', presented at 11th International Symposium of the Australian Aviation Psychology Association, Richmond, Victoria, 10 November 2014 - 13 November 2014

Williamson A, 2014, 'Where Transport and Workplace Safety Meet: Balancing efficiency and safety for transport users and transport providers', presented at Occupational Safety in Transport Conference, Surfers Paradise Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 18 September 2014 - 19 September 2014,

Williamson A, 2014, 'To err is human…isn’t it?', presented at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia, Annual General Meeting, Surry Hills, NSW, 21 August 2014 - 21 August 2014

Williamson A, 2014, 'An Australian perspective on hours of service, fatigue and highway safety', presented at US National Research Council, Panel on Research Methodologies and Statistical Approaches to Understanding Driver Fatigue Factors in Motor Carrier Safety and Driver Health, Washington D.C., 28 May 2014 - 29 May 2014,

Mitchell RJ; Williamson AM; Olivier J, 2011, 'Calculating estimates of drowning morbidity and mortality adjusted for exposure to risk', presented at World Conference on Drowning Prevention, DaNang, Vietnam, 10 May 2011 - 13 May 2011

Mitchell RJ; Williamson AM; Olivier J, 2009, 'Examining population-based and person-time drowning risks in Australia', presented at 9th National Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Melbourne, 26 July 2009 - 28 July 2009

Williamson AM; Friswell R, 2009, 'Disentangling the relative effects of time of day and sleep deprivation on fatigue and performance', presented at 2009 International Conference on Fatigue Management in Transportation Operations, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 24 March 2009 - 26 March 2009

Mitchell RJ; Williamson AM; O Connor R, 2008, 'Development of an Evaluation Framework for Injury Surveillance Systems', presented at 9th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Merida, Mexico, 15 March 2008 - 18 March 2008

Mitchell RJ; Williamson AM, 2008, 'Examining the burden of work-related hospitalised injuries in New South Wales, Australia', presented at 9th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Merida, Mexico, 15 March 2008 - 18 March 2008

Conference Abstracts

Molloy O; Molesworth B; Williamson A, 2021, 'The impact of the medium in which feedback is presented on young drivers’ speed management behaviour', in Proceedings of the 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Australasian College of Road Safety, Melbourne, pp. 34 - 34, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, 28 September 2021 - 30 September 2021,

Boufous S; Williamson A; Hatfield J; Senserrick T; Mooren L, 2018, 'THE PATTERNS OF OFFENCES AND DEMERIT POINT ACCUMULATION IN NEW ZEALAND 2005-2004', in INJURY PREVENTION, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, Vol. 24, pp. A6 - A6,

Larue GS; Demmel S; Dehkordi S; Rakotonirainy A; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Charlton J; Haworth N; Wooley J; Senserrick T; Young K, 2018, 'Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS): using 20,000 trips to get a glimpse at locations and speeds where data was collected', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018,

Hatfield J; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Williamson A; Mooren L; Sakashita C; Job S, 2018, 'Self-reported response to a licensing point system', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018,

Young K; Osborne R; Koppel S; Charlton J; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Haworth N; Woolley J; Senserrick T, 2018, 'What are Australian drivers doing behind the wheel? An overview of secondary task data from the Australian Naturalistic Driving Study', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018,

Zeller R; Friswell R; Williamson A, (eds.), 2018, 'Assessing the combined effects of task factors and sleep need on driving', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Australasian College of Road Safety, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018,

Hatfield J; Williamson A; Kehoe J; Lemon J; Arguel A; Prabhakharan P; Job S, 2017, 'Response-inhibition Training: A New Horizon for Young Driver Training?', Perth, Australia, presented at 2017 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth, Australia, 10 October 2017 - 12 October 2017

Williamson A; Lemon J; Grzebieta R; Mongiardini M; Eusebio JE; et al. , 2017, 'Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS): Providing new information on the circumstances and effects of distraction while driving', in Proceedings of the 6th International Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium (NDRS2017), The Hague, Netherlands, presented at 6th International Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium (NDRS2017), The Hague, Netherlands, 08 June 2017 - 09 June 2017

Williamson A, 2016, 'The bumpy road towards automated vehicles: Can we smooth the path?', in Proceedings of the 2016 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, 06 September 2016 - 08 September 2016,

Williamson A, 2016, 'Inconsistencies between research evidence and current approaches to fatigue management: What can we do about them?', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, Australia, presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP2016), Brisbane, Australia, 02 August 2016 - 05 August 2016,

Krasnova O; Molesworth B; Williamson A, 2016, 'The positive influence of feedback on young drivers’ speed management', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, Australia, presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP2016), Brisbane, Australia, 02 August 2016 - 05 August 2016

Senserrick T; Hatfield J; Williamson A, 2016, 'Why Mandatory Psychological Testing of All Young Novice Drivers is Unlikely to Reduce Crashes', in Proceedings of The International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, Australia, presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP2016), Brisbane, Australia, 02 August 2016 - 05 August 2016,

Krasnova O; Molesworth BRC; Williamson A, 2015, 'The effect of training approaches and feedback for young and novice drivers on the relationship between the actual and perceived speed', in Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, presented at 19th Triennial Congress IEA, Melbourne, 09 August 2015 - 14 August 2015,


Williamson A; Hatfield J; Friswell R, 2019, Developing technology-neutral road rules for driver distraction: Submission to the National Transport Commission Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, TARS Research Centre, UNSW Sydney,

Williamson A; Friswell R, 2019, Effective fatigue management: Submission to the National Transport Commission Heavy Vehicle National Law Review, TARS Research Centre, UNSW Sydney,

Williamson A; Friswell R, 2019, Risk-based approach to regulating heavy vehicles: Submission to the National Transport Commission Heavy Vehicle National Law Review,

Boufous S; Friswell R; Hatfield J; Grzebieta R; Olivier J; Senserrick T; Williamson A, 2018, Road safety data in NSW – How can we better inform safety policy and practice? Submission to NSW Staysafe Committee: Review of road safety issues for future inquiry, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney, 21,

Williamson A; Grzebieta R, 2018, Serious injury data in NSW – How can we improve the current data collection and analysis? Submission to NSW Staysafe Committee: Review of road safety issues for future inquiry, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, 20,

Williamson A; Friswell R, 2018, Submission to Inquiry into Heavy Vehicle Safety and Use of Technology to Improve Road Safety, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney,

Friswell R; Williamson A, 2018, Queuing and waiting arrangements for long distance truck drivers (2015/005355): Phase 1 Driver experiences and Phase 2 Company practices

Friswell R; Williamson A; Hatfield J; Senserrick T, 2017, Evaluation of the NSW in-ground pedestrian light (IPL) trial, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Final Report

Friswell R; Williamson A, 2017, Notice of Proposed Rule Making: Private use of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles: Proposed work and rest hours exemption, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney,

Williamson A, 2017, Fatigue risk management for rail employees: summary of the evidence, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney

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