Select Publications

Journal articles

Brown D; Zdenkowski G, 1985, 'Socialism and penal policy: A reply to hawkins', Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 18, pp. 41 - 48,

Brown DB; Hogg R, 1985, 'Abolition Reconsidered', Australian Journal of Law and Society, 2, pp. 56 - 75

Brown DB; Quinn M, 1985, 'Review of NSW Task Force report', Legal Service Bulletin, 10, pp. 261 - 266

Brown DB; Hogg R; Boehringer G; Tubbs M, 1985, 'The Murphy Case: Some Issues', Legal Service Bulletin, 10, pp. 153 - 157

Brown DB, 1984, 'A Critique of the Legal Service Bulletin', Legal Service Bulletin, Special Issue, pp. 40 - 48

Brown DB; Boehringer G; Edgeworth B; Hogg R; Ramsay I, 1983, 'Law and Order for Progressives', Crime and Social Justice, 19, pp. 2 - 12

Brown DB, 1981, 'A Note on Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish', Alternative Criminology Journal, 4, pp. 114 - 128

Brown DB, 1980, 'Braithwaite and Biles: On Being Unemployed and a Victim of Crime : A Response', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 15, pp. 223 - 229

Brown DB, 1978, 'The State of Play in Criminology', Alternative Criminology Journal, 2, pp. 76 - 92

Conference Presentations

Brown D; Cunneen C, 2018, 'Justice Reinvestment, Winding Back Imprisonment?', presented at Justice Reinvestment Workshop, ACT Government, Canberra, 05 December 2018 - 05 December 2018

Brown D, 2018, 'Reflections on Risk in Australian Community Corrections', presented at Ánti Risk: Criminal Justice, Prevention and the Revolt Against Uncertainty’, Symposium, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 29 November 2018 - 29 November 2018

Brown D; McNamara L; Hogg R; Douglas H, 2018, 'Critical Criminology and Social Justice Conference', presented at Critical Criminology and Social Justice Conference, UNSW, Sydney, 28 September 2018 - 28 September 2018

Schwartz M; Stubbs J; Brown D, 2018, 'Rethinking Community Sanctions in the C21st: The Challenge of Imaginary Penalities for Community Sector Organisations', presented at Critical Criminology and Social Justice Conference, 26 September 2018 - 26 September 2018

Brown D, 2018, 'Narratives of Risk in Australian Community Corrections', presented at European Society of Criminology Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia, 30 August 2018 - 30 August 2018

Brown D, 2017, 'Themes and competing/intersecting narratives in juvenile justice', presented at American Society of Criminology Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 16 November 2017 - 16 November 2017

Brown D; Cunneen C; Baldray E; Schwartz M, 2017, 'The Comparative Youth Penality Project: Some Key Findings', presented at University of NSW Law School, Faculty Seminar, University of NSW Law School, Sydney, 23 October 2017 - 23 October 2017

Brown D, 2016, 'Justice Reinvestment: Winding Back Imprisonment?', presented at Department of Sociology, 16 December 2016 - 16 December 2016

Brown D, 2016, 'Themes and competing/intersecting narratives in Juvenile Justice', presented at American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, USA, 16 November 2016 - 16 November 2016

Brown D, 2016, 'Vigilantism and Performativity: The Representation of Young Offenders on Social Media', presented at Britsh Society of Criminology Conference, Nottingham, England, 06 July 2016 - 06 July 2016

Brown D, 2016, 'Justice Reinvestment: Winding Back Imprisonment?', presented at Howard League for Penal Reform Conference, 17 March 2016 - 17 March 2016

Brown D, 2015, 'Justice Reinvestment: Winding Back Imprisonment?', presented at The Collateral Consequences of Imprisonment, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 18 December 2015 - 19 December 2015

Brown D; Cunneen C; Mauer M; Stubbs J, 2015, 'Justice Reinvestment: Obstacles to Community Investment in Justice Reinvestment: Roundtable', presented at American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington, 19 November 2015 - 19 November 2015

Brown D, 2015, 'Justice Reinvestment: Winding Back Imprisonment?', presented at Faculty Seminar, Law Faculty, University of London, Queen Mary College, 14 October 2015 - 14 October 2015

Brown D, 2015, 'Íconic Cases in Australian Juvenile Justice and Their Effects', presented at European Society of Criminology, Porto, Portugal, 05 September 2015 - 05 September 2015

Brown D, 2015, 'Themes in Juvenile Justice', presented at Çhildren as Subjects and Victims ’session, British Society of Criminology Conference, Liverpool, England, 06 July 2015 - 06 July 2015

Brown D; Hogg R, 2014, 'Punishment and Colonisation: The Case of transportation and convictism in the ‘Global South’', presented at Australian Critical Criminology Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 05 December 2014 - 05 December 2014

Brown D; Schwartz M; Stubbs J; Young C, 2014, 'Justice Reinvestment: Winding back imprisonment?', presented at Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Conference, Sydney University Law School, 02 October 2014 - 02 October 2014

Brown D; Tubex H; Harding R; Gelb K, 2014, 'Penal Diversity within Australia', presented at Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Sydney University law School, 02 October 2014 - 02 October 2014

Brown D, 2014, 'Report on Convict Sites Project', presented at QUT School of Justice, Faculty Seminar, 22 August 2014 - 22 August 2014

Brown D, 2014, 'Justice Reinvestment and Inequality', presented at International Sociological Association Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 15 July 2014 - 15 July 2014

Brown D, 2014, 'Punishment and Colonisation: the case of Transportation and Convictism in the ‘Global South’', presented at British Society of Criminology Conference, University of Liverpool, England, 12 July 2014 - 12 July 2014

Brown D; Cunneen C; Schwartz M; Baldry E; Steel A, 2014, 'Author meets critics: session on Penal Culture and Hyperincarceration', presented at British Society of Criminology Conference, Liverpool, England, 11 July 2014 - 11 July 2014

Brown D; Cunneen C, 2014, 'Juvenile Difference in Detention rate: What does it say about penal drivers, narratives, politics?', presented at British Society of Criminology Conference, University of Liverpool, England, 10 July 2014 - 10 July 2014

Brown D; Grey J, 2014, 'Constituencies of resistance to coal seam gas mining, the political art of suture and the public good', presented at Earth Law Conference, Victoria Univesity, Wellington, New Zealand, 16 February 2014 - 16 February 2014

Brown D, 2014, 'Constituting Physical and Fault Elements: A NSW Case Study', presented at Sydney University Law Faculty Workshop on Criminal Law, 14 February 2014 - 14 February 2014

Brown D, 2013, 'Juvenile difference in detention rates : what does it say about penal drivers, narratives and politics?', presented at European Society of Criminology Conference, Budapest, 06 September 2013 - 06 September 2013

Brown D, 2013, 'Field of Dreams: mapping the conditions of penal optimism', presented at Crime and Social Democracy Conference, QUT, Brisbane, 11 July 2013 - 11 July 2013

Brown D, 2013, 'Author meets critics, panel presentation on John Pratt and Anna Eriksson, Contrasts in Punishment: An Explanation of Anglophone Excess and Nordic Exceptionalism', presented at Crime and Social Democracy Conference, QUT, Brisbane, 10 July 2013 - 10 July 2013

Brown D, 2013, 'Looking behind the rise in juvenile remands in NSW', presented at Australasian Youth Justice Conference, Canberra Convention Centre, 21 May 2013 - 21 May 2013

Brown D, 2013, 'The Promise and Pitfalls of Justice Reinvestment', presented at Justice Horizons Seminars, New Zealand Ministry of Justice, Wellington, 22 March 2013 - 22 March 2013

Brown D, 2013, 'Speech launching John Pratt and Anna Erikson, Contrasts in Punishment: : An explanation of Anglophone excess and Nordic Exceptionalism', presented at Hunter Council Chamber, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 March 2013 - 21 March 2013

Brown D, 2013, 'Penal Reform Catalysts and prospects: Comment on Paper by David Green', presented at Workshop on International Comparative Research, Rottnest Island, Crime Research Centre, University of WA, 09 January 2013 - 09 January 2013

Brown D, 2012, 'Looking Behind the increase in remands', presented at Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 29 November 2012 - 29 November 2012

Brown D, 2012, 'Global convictism and the Postcolonial', presented at American Society of Criminology Conference, Chicago, USA, 16 November 2012 - 16 November 2012

Brown D, 2012, 'Features of Recent Criminalisation in NSW', presented at Faculty of Law, University of Wollongong, 03 September 2012 - 03 September 2012

Brown D, 2011, 'Penal Culture and the Australian Prison Project', presented at Crime Justice and Social Democracy Conference, Brisbane, QUT, 26 September 2011 - 26 September 2011

Brown D, 2011, 'Lack of principle, populism, process, prevention and hybrid regulation, pre-crime, pre-emption, precaution: features of recent criminalisation in NSW and implications for normative theory', presented at Criminalisation Conference, University of Stirling, Scotland, 09 September 2011 - 09 September 2011

Brown D, 2011, 'Populism, Process, Particularism, Prevention, Pre-emption: Features of Over-criminalisation in NSW', presented at 5th Annual Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference, Cairns, 07 July 2011 - 07 July 2011

Brown D; Schwartz M; Cunneen C; Baldry E, 2011, 'The Australian Prisons Project', presented at A Symposium on Indigenous Sentencing, Punishment and Healing, Rydges Esplanade Hotel, Cairns, 06 July 2011 - 06 July 2011

Brown D, 2011, 'The Australian Prison Project', presented at New Horizons Seminar, Ministry of Justice, Wellington, New Zealand, 27 May 2011 - 27 May 2011

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