Select Publications
2016, Educational Psychologist: A Special Issue of educational Psychologist: Volume 38,
,2011, Cognitive load theory, Springer, New York,
,2007, La Charge Cognitive, Armand Colin, Paris
,2006, Efficiency in Learning: Evidence-based Guidelines to Manage Cognitve Load, Pfeiffer, San Francisco, CA
,1999, Instructional Design, ACER Press, Melbourne Vic
,Book Chapters
2024, 'Cognitive load theory and the curriculum', in Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education, pp. 155 - 166,
,2023, 'Cognitive Load Theory: What We Learn and How We Learn', in Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, pp. 137 - 152,
,2022, 'Cognitive load theory: researching and planning teaching to maximise learning', in , Wiley, pp. 303 - 314,
,2022, 'Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design for Language Learning', in The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language, Cambridge University Press, pp. 859 - 880,
,2022, 'Cognitive load theory', in International Encyclopedia of Education: Fourth Edition, pp. 127 - 134,
,2021, 'Implications of Cognitive Load Theory for Multimedia Learning', in The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Cambridge University Press, pp. 73 - 81,
,2021, 'The Modality Principle in Multimedia Learning', in The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Cambridge University Press, pp. 261 - 267,
,2021, 'The Redundancy Principle in Multimedia Learning', in The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Cambridge University Press, pp. 212 - 220,
,2021, 'Instructional Design', in Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer International Publishing, pp. 4159 - 4163,
,2019, 'Instructional visualizations, cognitive load theory, and visuospatial processing', in Visuospatial Processing for Education in Health and Natural Sciences, Springer, pp. 111 - 143,
,2019, 'Conclusions', in Advances in Cognitive Load Theory, Routledge, pp. 223 - 238,
,2019, 'Factors That Impact on The Effectiveness of Instructional Animations.', in Tindall-Ford S; Agostinho S; Sweller J (ed.), Advances in Cognitive Load Theory Rethinking Teaching, Routledge, London,
,2019, 'Human problem solving and instructional design', in Askell-Williams H; Orrell J (ed.), Problem Solving for Teaching and Learning: A Festschrift for Emeritus Professor Mike Lawson, Routledge, London, pp. 25 - 33,
,2019, 'THE CENTRALITY OF ELEMENT INTERACTIVITY TO COGNITIVE LOAD THEORY', in Advances in Cognitive Load Theory: Rethinking Teaching, pp. 221 - 232,
,2018, 'Cognitive load and expertise reversal', in Ericsson K; Hoffman R; Kozbelt A; Williams M (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, Cambridge University Press, pp. 793 - 811
,2017, 'The role of independent measures of load in cognitive load theory', in Cognitive Load Measurement and Application: A Theoretical Framework for Meaningful Research and Practice, pp. 3 - 8,
,2016, 'Cognitive load theory, evolutionary educational psychology, and instructional design', in Geary DC; Berch DB (ed.), Evolutionary Perspectives on Child Development and Education, pp. 291 - 306,
,2016, 'Cognitive load theory and patient safety', in Ruskin K; Stiegler M; Rosenbaum S (ed.), Quality and Safety in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, Oxford University Press, NY, pp. 16 - 21
,2016, 'Cognitive Load Theory: What We Learn and How We Learn', in Learning, Design, and Technology, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 17,
,2015, 'Cognitive load theory: Researching and planning teaching to maximise learning', in Cleland J; Durning S (ed.), Researching Medical Education, Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 207 - 218,
,2015, 'The use of worked examples and other forms of explicit guidance in ill-structured problem domains', in Frascara J (ed.), Information Design As Principled Action: Making information accessible, relevant, understandable, and usable, Common Ground Publishing, Champaign, Illinois, USA, pp. 57 - 66,
,2014, 'The redundancy principle in multimedia learning', in Mayer RE (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 247 - 262,
,2014, 'The split-attention principle in multimedia learning', in The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (2nd edition), Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 206 - 226,
,2014, 'The redundancy principle in multimedia learning', in The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Second Edition, pp. 247 - 262,
,2014, 'Implications of cognitive load theory for multimedia learning', in Mayer RE (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning, Cambridge University Press, NY, pp. 27 - 42,
,2014, 'The modality principle in multimedia learning', in Mayer RE (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning, Cambridge University Press, NY, pp. 227 - 246,
,2013, 'Instructional design in digital environments and availability of mental resources for the aged subpopulation', in Assistive Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp. 1131 - 1154,
,2013, 'Instructional design for medical education', in Walsh K (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Medical Education, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 74 - 85
,2013, 'Instructional Design in Digital Environments and Availability of Mental Resources for the Aged Subpopulation', in Zheng RZ ; Hill RD ; Gardner MK (ed.), Engaging Older Adults with Modern Technology: Internet Use and Information Access Needs, Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 81 - 104,
,2013, 'Some Instructional Consequences of Logical Relations Between Multiple Sources of Information', in Schraw G ; McCrudden MT ; Robinson D (ed.), Learning Through Visual Displays, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 23 - 45
,2013, 'Worked examples', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford, pp. 408 - 410
,2012, 'Cognitive Load Theory', in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer US, pp. 601 - 605,
,2012, 'De Groot's lesson', in Contemporary debates in childhood education and development, Routledge, NY USA, pp. 19 - 24
,2012, 'Digital assessment of the acquisition and utility of biologically secondary knowledge: Perspectives based on human cognitive architecture', in Mayrath M; Clarke Midura J; Robinson D; Schraw G (ed.), Technology-based assessment for 21st Century Skills: Theoretical and practical implications from modern research, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 285 - 304,
,2012, 'Human cognitive architecture', in Harris KR; Graham S; Urdan T (ed.), APA Educational Psychology Handbook, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, pp. 295 - 326,
,2012, 'Human cognitive architecture: Why some instructional procedures work and others do not', in Harris KR; Graham S; Urdan T; McCormick CB; Sinatra GM; Sweller J (ed.), APA Educational Psychology Handbook. Volume 1 Theories, Constructs and Critical Issues, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, pp. 295 - 325,
,2011, 'Chapter 4 Cognitive load theory, attentional processes and optimized learning outcomes in a digital environment', in Roda C (ed.), Human Attention in Digital Environments, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, pp. 93 - 113
,2011, 'Chapter 6 How research in educational psychology has contributed to instructional procedures: the case of cognitive load theory', in Rubies-Davies CM (ed.), Educational psychology concepts, research and challenges, Routledge, London, pp. 87 - 101
,2011, 'Cognitive load theory', in Mestre J; Ross BH (ed.), Cognition in education, vol 55 (The psychology of learning and motivation), Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 37 - 76,
,2011, 'Some potential influences of educational psychology on educational research', in Rubies-Davies CM (ed.), Educational psychology concepts, research and challenges, Routledge, London, pp. 268 - 270
,2011, 'The psychology of creativity and its educational consequences.', in Mann L; Chan J (ed.), Creativity and innovation in business and beyond: Social science perspectives and policy implications, Routledge, New York, pp. 223 - 238,
,2010, 'Conclusion: Some potential influences of educational psychology on educational research', in Educational Psychology: Concepts, Research and Challenges, pp. 268 - 270,
,2010, 'How research in educational psychology has contributed to instructional procedures: The case of cognitive load theory', in Educational Psychology: Concepts, Research and Challenges, pp. 87 - 101,
,2010, 'All Is in Order', in In Order to Learn: How the sequence of topics influences learning,
,2010, 'Cognitive load theory: Recent theoretical advances', in Plass J; Moreno R; Brunken R (ed.), Cognitive Load Theory, Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 29 - 47