Select Publications

Journal articles

Roussel S; Joulia D; Tricot A; Sweller J, 2017, 'Learning subject content through a foreign language should not ignore human cognitive architecture: A cognitive load theory approach', Learning and Instruction, 52, pp. 69 - 79,

Sweller J; Paas F, 2017, 'Should self-regulated learning be integrated with cognitive load theory? A commentary', Learning and Instruction, 51, pp. 85 - 89,

Chen O; Woolcott G; Sweller J, 2017, 'Using cognitive load theory to structure computer-based learning including MOOCs', Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 33, pp. 293 - 305,

Retnowati E; Ayres P; Sweller J, 2017, 'Can collaborative learning improve the effectiveness of worked examples in learning mathematics?', Journal of Educational Psychology, 109, pp. 666 - 679,

Hanham J; Leahy W; Sweller J, 2017, 'Cognitive Load Theory, Element Interactivity, and the Testing and Reverse Testing Effects', Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31, pp. 265 - 280,

Chen O; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2016, 'When instructional guidance is needed', Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 33, pp. 149 - 162,

Sweller J, 2016, 'Working Memory, Long-term Memory, and Instructional Design', Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 5, pp. 360 - 367,

Blayney P; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2016, 'The impact of complexity on the expertise reversal effect: experimental evidence from testing accounting students', Educational Psychology, 36, pp. 1868 - 1885,

Di Mascio R; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2016, 'The Effect of Wording and Placement of Task Instructions on Problem-Solving Creativity', Journal of Creative Behavior, pp. 1 - 19,

Chen O; Slava Klayuga ; John Sweller , 2016, 'Relations between the worked example and generation effects on immediate and delayed tests', Learning and Instruction, pp. 20 - 30,

Tricot A; Sweller J, 2016, 'Blindness to the role of domain specific knowledge in skill formation', Éducation et didactique, 10, pp. 9 - 26,

Leahy W; Sweller J, 2016, 'Cognitive load theory and the effects of transient information on the modality effect', Instructional Science, 44, pp. 107 - 123,

Chen O; Kalyuga S ; Sweller J , 2016, 'The Expertise Reversal Effect is a Variant of the More General Element Interactivity Effect', Educational Psychology Review,

Fraser KL; Ayres P; Sweller J, 2015, 'Cognitive load theory for the design of medical simulations', Simulation in Healthcare, 10, pp. 295 - 307,

Leahy W; Sweller J, 2015, 'Cognitive load theory and the effects of transient information on the modality effect', Instructional Science,

Lin YC; Liu TC; Sweller J, 2015, 'Improving the frame design of computer simulations for learning: Determining the primacy of the isolated elements or the transient information effects', Computers and Education, 88, pp. 280 - 291,

Leahy W; Hanham J; Sweller J, 2015, 'High Element Interactivity Information During Problem Solving may Lead to Failure to Obtain the Testing Effect', Educational Psychology Review, 27, pp. 291 - 304,

van Gog T; Sweller J, 2015, 'Not New, but Nearly Forgotten: the Testing Effect Decreases or even Disappears as the Complexity of Learning Materials Increases', Educational Psychology Review, 27, pp. 247 - 264,

Sweller J, 2015, 'In Academe, What Is Learned, and How Is It Learned?', Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24, pp. 190 - 194,

Bokosmaty S; Sweller J; Kalyuga S, 2015, 'Learning Geometry Problem Solving by Studying Worked Examples: Effects of Learner Guidance and Expertise', American Educational Research Journal, 52, pp. 307 - 333,

Hsu Y; Gao Y; Liu TC; Sweller J, 2015, 'Interactions between levels of instructional detail and expertise when learning with computer simulations', Educational Technology and Society, 18, pp. 113 - 127

Chen O; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2015, 'The Worked Example Effect, the Generation Effect, and Element Interactivity.', Journal of Educational Psychology, 107, pp. 689 - 704,

Blayney P; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2015, 'Using Cognitive Load Theory to Tailor Instruction to Levels of Accounting Students’ Expertise', Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 18, pp. 199 - 210

Hsu C-Y; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2015, 'When should guidance be presented in physics instruction?', Archives of Scientific Psychology, 3, pp. 37 - 53,

Pachman M; Sweller J; Kalyuga S, 2014, 'Effectiveness of combining worked examples and deliberate practice for high school geometry', Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, pp. 685 - 692,

Tricot A; Sweller J, 2014, 'Domain-Specific Knowledge and Why Teaching Generic Skills Does Not Work', Educational Psychology Review, 26, pp. 265 - 283,

Youssef-Shalala A; Ayres P; Schubert C; Sweller J, 2014, 'Using a general problem-solving strategy to promote transfer', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 20, pp. 215 - 231,

Ng HK; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2013, 'Reducing transience during animation: a cognitive load perspective', Educational Psychology, 33, pp. 755 - 772,

Pachman M; Sweller J; Kalyuga S, 2013, 'Levels of knowledge and deliberate practice', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 19, pp. 108 - 119,

Gao Y; Jin P ; Sweller, J ; Low, R , 2013, 'Effects of speaker variability on learning foreign-accented english for EFL learners', Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, pp. 649 - 665,

Kyun S; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2013, 'The effect of worked examples when learning to write essays in English literature', Journal of Experimental Education, 81, pp. 385 - 408,

Paas F; Sweller J, 2012, 'An Evolutionary Upgrade of Cognitive Load Theory: Using the Human Motor System and Collaboration to Support the Learning of Complex Cognitive Tasks', Educational Psychology Review, 24, pp. 27 - 45,

Wong A; Leahy W; Marcus N; Sweller J, 2012, 'Cognitive load theory, the transient information effect and e-learning', Learning and Instruction, 22, pp. 449 - 457,

Moussa-inaty J; Ayres PL; Sweller J, 2012, 'Improving listening skills in English as a foreign language by reading rather than listening: A cognitive load perspective', Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, pp. 391 - 402,

Leslie K; Low R; Jin P; Sweller J, 2012, 'Redundancy and expertise reversal effects when using educational technology to learn primary school science', Etr&D - Educational Technology Research and Development, 60, pp. 1 - 13,

Youssef A; Ayres P; Sweller J, 2012, 'Using general problem-solving strategies to generate ideas in order to solve geography problems', Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, pp. 848 - 853,

Leahy WM; Sweller J, 2011, 'Cognitive load theory, modality of presentation and the transient information effect', Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, pp. 951,

Baillie A; Proudfoot H; Knight R; Peters L; Sweller J; Schwartz S; Pachana N, 2011, 'Teaching methods to complement competencies in reducing the "junkyard" curriculum in clinical psychology', Australian Psychologist, 46, pp. 90 - 100,

Torcasio S; Sweller J, 2010, 'The use of illustrations when learning to read: A cognitive load theory approach', Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, pp. 659 - 672,

Sweller J, 2010, 'Cognitive load theory in health professional education: Design principles and strategies', Medical Education, 44, pp. 85 - 93,

Gog TV; Pass F; Sweller J, 2010, 'Cognitive load theory: Advances in research on worked examples, animations and cognitive load measurement', Educational Psychology Review, 22, pp. 375 - 378

Paas F; Gog TV; Sweller J, 2010, 'Cognitive load theory: New conceptualizations, specifications, and integrated research perspectives', Educational Psychology Review, 22, pp. 115 - 121,

Sweller J, 2010, 'Element interactivity and intrinsic, extraneous and germane cognitive load', Educational Psychology Review, 22,

Sweller J; Clark R; Kirschner P, 2010, 'Teaching general problem solving skills is not a substitute for, or a viable addition to, teaching mathematics', Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 57, pp. 1303 - 1304

Torcasio S; Sweller J, 2010, 'The use of illustrations when learning to read: A cognitive load theory approach', Applied Cognitive Psychology, pp. 659 - 672,

Retnowati E; Ayres PL; Sweller J, 2010, 'Worked example effects in individual and group work settings', Educational Psychology, 30, pp. 349 - 367,

Sweller J, 2009, 'Cognitive bases of human creativity', Educational Psychology Review, 21, pp. 11 - 19,

Wong A; Marcus N; Ayres PL; Sweller J, 2009, 'Instructional animations can be superior to statics when learning human motor skills', Computers in Human Behavior, 25, pp. 339 - 347,

Blayney P; Kalyuga S; Sweller J, 2009, 'Interactions between the isolated-interactive elements effect and levels of learner expertise: experimental evidence from an accountancy class', Instructional Science, 38, pp. 277 - 287,

Van Gog T; Paas F; Marcus N; Ayres PL; Sweller J, 2009, 'The mirror neuron system and observational learning: Implications for the effectiveness of dynamic visualizations', Educational Psychology Review, 21, pp. 21 - 30,

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