Select Publications

Journal articles

Blakeman TM; Harris MF; Comino EJ; Zwar NA, 2001, 'Evaluating general practitioners` views about the implementation of the enhanced primary care medicare items', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 95 - 98

Blakeman TM; Comino EJ; Zwar NA; Harris MF, 2001, 'Evaluating the introduction of the enhanced primary care 75+ annual health assessments', Australian Family Physician, 30, pp. 1004 - 1009

Wilson SF; Miller R; Collins N; Comino EJ; Harris MF, 2001, 'Factors associated with frequent admission to hospital for patients with chronic airflow limitation', Australian Family Physician, pp. 822 - 824

Comino EJ; Silove DM; Manicavasagar VL; Harris E; Harris MF, 2001, 'Identification of anxiety and depressive symtoms in general practice', Family Practice, 18, pp. 77 - 77

Harris MF; Comino EJ; Zwar NA; Blakeman TM, 2001, 'Implementation of the enhanced primary care items requires ongoing education and evaluation', Australian Family Physician, 30, pp. 75 - 77

Harris MF; Penrose-Wall JL, 2001, 'Mental distrss or disorder?', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. S6 - S7

Harris MF; Mercer P, 2001, 'Reactive or preventive: the role of general practice in achieving a healthier Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 92 - 93

Harris MF; Telfer BL, 2001, 'The health needs of asylum seekers living in the community', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 589 - 592

Traynor VJ; Rose VK; Harris E; Furler JS; Davies PGP; Harris MF, 2000, 'What role for Divisions of General Practice in addressing health inequity within their communities?', Medical Journal of Australia, 173, pp. 79,

Bonney MA; Harris M; Burns J; Davies GP, 2000, 'Diabetes information management systems. General practitioner and population reach.', Australian family physician, 29, pp. 1100 - 1103

Lloyd J; Davies GP; Harris M, 2000, 'Integration between GPs and hospitals: lessons from a division-hospital program.', Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association, 23, pp. 134 - 141,

Alsop M; Harris MF; Powell-Davies G; Battye K; Gerhardt K, 2000, 'Piloting case conferencing between GPs and mental health services: Phase II of the Northern Queensland Rural Division of General Practice Mental Health Program', Australian Journal of Primary Health - Interchange, 6, pp. 78 - 85,

Diddee M; Harris M, 2000, 'The range of continuing medical education provided to GPs', Education for General Practice, 11, pp. 46 - 50

Harris M, 2000, 'General Practice Recruitment for Schizophrenia Prevention Studies', Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34, pp. A137 - A139,

Harris MF, 2000, 'General Practice recruitment for schizoprenia prevention studies', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, pp. S137 - S139

Harris MF; Wickes WA; Knowlden SM; Abouyanni G; Stevens LJ; Ramakrishna SS; Ta E, 2000, 'GP attitudes to managing drug and alcohol-dependent patients: a reluctant role.', Drug and Alcohol Review, 19, pp. 165 - 170

Lloyd JE; Powell-Davies PG; Harris MF, 2000, 'GPs and hospitals: lessons from an integration program', Medicine Today, pp. 95 - 97

Alsop M; Harris MF; Powell-Davies PG; Battye K; Gerhardt K, 2000, 'Piloting case conferencing beyween GPs and mental health services: Phase II of the Northeren Queensland and Rural division of general practice mental health programAustralian Journal of primary health', Australian Journal of Primary Health, pp. 78 - 85

Comino EJ; Harris E; Silove DM; Harris MF, 2000, 'Prevalence, detection and management of anxiety and depressive symptoms in unemployed patients attending general practitioners', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, pp. 107 - 113

Harris MF, 2000, 'Preventing Type 2 Diabetes in General Practice', Diabet Prolink, 2, pp. 5 - 5

Smith BC; Bauman A; Bull FC; Booth MJ; Harris MF, 2000, 'Promoting physical activity in general practice: a controlled trial of written advice and information materials', British Journal of Sports Medicine, pp. 262 - 267

Faruqi N; Frith JF; Colaguiri S; Harris MF, 2000, 'The use and perceived value of diabetes clinical management guidelines in general practice', Australian Family Physician, pp. 173 - 176

Morrow M; Harris E; Harris MF, 2000, 'Unemployment: Can cognitive behavioural therapy help?', Current Therapeutics, pp. 10 - 15

Traynor VJ; Rose VK; Harris E; Furler JS; Powell-Davies PG; Harris MF, 2000, 'What role for Divisions of General Practice in addressing health inequity within their communities?', Medical Journal of Australia, 173, pp. 17 - 17

Betbeder-Matibet L; Fridgant Y; Harris MF; O Toole BI; Comino EJ; Bolton PG; Powell-Davies PG, 2000, 'Where`s the common ground? A survey of hospitals,community health centres and divisions of general practice in Australia', Australian Family Physician, pp. 378 - 383

Diddee M; Harris M, 1999, 'An audit of the management of hypertension in teaching practices [1]', Education for General Practice, 10, pp. 526

Morrow M; Harris E; Harris M, 1999, 'Unemployment a', Current Therapeutics, 40, pp. 10 - 15

Diddee M; Harris M, 1999, 'The post acute cardiac patient in general practice.', Australian family physician, 28, pp. 993

Fridgant Y; Powell-Davies PG; O Toole BI; Betbeder-Matibet L; Harris MF, 1999, 'Integration of general practitioners with hospitals and community services: A qualitative examination.', Australian Journal of Primary Health, pp. 68 - 78

Shann F; Woolcock AJ; Black R; Cripps AW; Foy H; Harris MF; D Souza R, 1999, 'Introduction: acute resiratory tract infections - the forgotten pandemic.', Clinical Infectious Diseases, pp. 189 - 191

Harris MF; Powell-Davies PG, 1999, 'Shared care through divisions of General Practice: moving forward.', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 85 - 88

Hays R; Miller G; Booth B; Harris B; Harris M; Stirton J, 1998, 'The development of general practice standards in Australia', Medical Education, 32, pp. 199 - 204,

Panasetis P; Harris MF; Lovell NH; Celler BG; Sloggett S; Dumlao VJ; Fisher RK; Knowlden SM, 1998, 'EDU-CATE (Computer Access To Education) The computerised patient education leaflets project', Health Informatics

Fridgant Y; Powell-Davies PG; O Toole BI; Betbeder-Matibet L; Harris MF, 1998, 'Inegration of General Practitioners with Hospitals and Community Health Services: A Qualitative Examination', Australian Journal of Primary Health, pp. 68 - 78

Catchpole EA; Freeman SN; Morgan BS; Harris MF, 1998, 'Integrated recovery/recapture data analysis', Biometrics, pp. 33 - 46

Powell-Davies PG; Harris MF; Comino EJ; Polton P; Fridgant Y; Betbeder-Matibet L; Mira M; Macdonald J, 1998, 'Integration of General Practitioners with hospitals and community health services: summary report.', Australian Journal of Public Health

Bonney M; Harris MF, 1998, 'National Divisions Diabetes Program.', Program Modules Version 1, 1998. Sydney

Harris E; Webster IW; Harris MF; Lee PY, 1998, 'Unemployment and health: the healthcare system`s role.', Medical Journal of Australia, 168, pp. 291 - 296

Kable RSB; Harris MF, 1997, 'Immunisation - lifting our game', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 167, pp. 296 - 297,

Shah S; Harris M, 1997, 'A survey of general practitioner's confidence in their management of elderly patients.', Australian family physician, 26 Suppl 1

Shah S; Knowlden S; Fisher R; Harris M; Yeo G, 1997, 'General practice trainees in the 'borderline' zone of competence: The experience of remediation at a regional general practice training and education centre', Education for General Practice, 8, pp. 102 - 111

Craig P; Harris M, 1997, 'Obesity/overweight audit.', Australian family physician, 26, pp. 763

Berglund CA; Pond CD; Harris MF; McNeill PM; Gietzelt D; Comino E; Traynor V; Meldrum E; Boland C, 1997, 'Research in progress: The formation of professional and consumer solutions: Ethics in the general practice setting', Health Care Analysis, 5, pp. 164 - 167,<164::AID-HCA220>3.0.CO;2-2

Shah S; Harris MF; Conforti D; Dickson H; Fisher RK, 1997, 'Elderly care; a pilot project on opportunistic geriatric assessments in general practice', Australian Family Physician, pp. 275 - 279

Berglund CA; Pond CD; Harris MF; Mcneill PM; Gietzelt D; Comino EJ; Traynor VJ; Meldrum E; Boland C, 1997, 'The formation of professional and consumer solutions: Ethics in the general practice setting', Health Care Analysis: Journal of Health Philosophy and Policy, pp. 164 - 167

Berglund CA; Pond CD; Harris MF; Mcneill PM; Gietzelt D; Comino EJ; Traynor VJ; Meldrum E; Boland C, 1997, 'The formation of professional and consumer solutions: Ethics in the general practice setting', Health Care Analysis: Journal of Health Philosophy and Policy, pp. 164 - 167

Harris MF, 1996, 'Anxiety and depression in general practice patients: Prevalence and management - Reply', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 165, pp. 457 - 457,

Pond D; Knowlden S; Harris M, 1996, 'News from the divisions: diabetes shared care.', Australian family physician, Suppl 1

Harris E; Harris M; Ferson M; Sherry K, 1996, 'The capacity of children's services in New South Wales to meet their responsibilities under the public health (Amendment) Act 1992', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 20, pp. 409 - 412,

Shah S; Knowlden SM; Frith JF; Fisher R; Pond CD; Harris MF, 1996, 'A novel way of teaching General Practice', Education for General Practice, pp. 208 - 212

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