Select Publications

Journal articles

Chen J; Hagan PC; Saydam S, 2021, 'An experimental study of the specimen geometry effect on the axial performance of cement-based grouts', Construction and Building Materials, 310, pp. 125167,

Cheng Y; Hagan P; Mitra R; Wang S; Yang HW, 2021, 'Experimental Investigation of Progressive Failure Processes Using 3D Acoustic Emission Tomography', Frontiers in Earth Science, 9,

Xu R; Dehkhoda S; Hagan PC; Oh J, 2021, 'Evaluation of cutting fragments in relation to force dynamics in actuated disc cutting', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 146,

Craig P; Lamei Ramandi H; Chen H; Vandermaat D; Crosky A; Hagan P; Hebblewhite B; Saydam S, 2021, 'Stress corrosion cracking of rockbolts: An in-situ testing approach', Construction and Building Materials, 269, pp. 121275,

Li D; Li Y; Asadizadeh M; Masoumi H; Hagan PC; Saydam S, 2020, 'Assessing the mechanical performance of different cable bolts based on design of experiments techniques and analysis of variance', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 130,

Wu S; Ramandi HL; Chen H; Crosky A; Hagan P; Saydam S; Lamei Ramandi H, 2019, 'Mineralogically influenced stress corrosion cracking of rockbolts and cable bolts in underground mines', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 119, pp. 109 - 116,

Wang SR; Wu XG; Zhao YH; Hagan P; Cao C, 2019, 'Evolution characteristics of composite pressure-arch in thin bedrock of overlying strata during shallow coal mining', International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 11,

Li L; Hagan PC; Saydam S; Hebblewhite B; Zhang C, 2019, 'A laboratory study of shear behaviour of rockbolts under dynamic loading based on the drop test using a double shear system', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,

Li D; Massoumi H; Hagan P; Saydam S; Masoumi H, 2019, 'Experimental and analytical study on the mechanical behaviour of cable bolts subjected to axial loading and constant normal stiffness', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 113, pp. 83 - 91,

Luo P; Wang S; Hagan P; Huang Q; Cao C; Gamage K, 2019, 'Mechanical performances of cement-gypsum composite material containing a weak interlayer with different angles', Dyna (Spain), 94, pp. 447 - 454,

Li D; Masoumi H; Saydam S; Hagan PC; Asadizadeh M, 2019, 'Parametric study of fully grouted cable bolts subjected to axial loading', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 56, pp. 1514 - 1525,

Wu S; Chen H; Lamei Ramandi H; Hagan PC; Hebblewhite B; Crosky A; Saydam S, 2018, 'Investigation of cable bolts for stress corrosion cracking failure', Construction and Building Materials, 187, pp. 1224 - 1231,

Chen J; Saydam S; Hagan P, 2018, 'Numerical simulation of the pull-out behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts', Construction and Building Materials, 191, pp. 1148 - 1148,

Li D; Masoumi H; Saydam S; Hagan PC, 2018, 'Mechanical Characterisation of Modified Cable Bolts Under Axial Loading: An Extensive Parametric Study', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51, pp. 2895 - 2910,

Wu S; Chen H; Craig P; Ramandi HL; Timms W; Hagan PC; Crosky A; Hebblewhite B; Saydam S; Lamei Ramandi H, 2018, 'An experimental framework for simulating stress corrosion cracking in cable bolts', Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 76, pp. 121 - 132,

Zhao Y; Wang S; Hagan P; Guo W, 2018, 'Evolution characteristics of pressure-arch and elastic energy during shallow horizontal coal mining', Tehnicki Vjesnik, 25, pp. 867 - 875,

Chen J; Hagan PC; Saydam S, 2018, 'Shear behaviour of a cement grout tested in the direct shear test', Construction and Building Materials, 166, pp. 271 - 279,

Wu S; Chen H; Ramandi HL; Hagan PC; Crosky A; Saydam S; Lamei Ramandi H, 2018, 'Effects of environmental factors on stress corrosion cracking of cold-drawn high-carbon steel wires', Corrosion Science, 132, pp. 234 - 243,

Wang S; Hagan PC; Zhao Y; Chang X; Song KI; Zou Z, 2018, 'The effect of confining pressure and water content on energy evolution characteristics of sandstone under stepwise loading and unloading', Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018,

Chen J; Hagan PC; Saydam S, 2018, 'A new laboratory short encapsulation pull test for investigating load transfer behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts', Geotechnical Testing Journal., 41, pp. 435 - 447,

Masoumi H; Hagan PC; Roshan H; Hedayat A, 2018, 'Scale-size dependency of intact rock under point-load and indirect tensile Brazilian testing', International Journal of Geomechanics

Wang S; Wu X; Zhao Y; Hagan P, 2018, 'Mechanical Performances of Pressure Arch in Thick Bedrock during Shallow Coal Mining', Geofluids, 2018,

Zhao Y; Wang S; Hagan P; Ren L; Zou Z, 2018, 'Pressure-Arching Characteristics in Roof Blocks during Shallow Coal Mining', Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018,

Vandermaat D; Saydam S; Hagan PC; Crosky AG, 2017, 'Back-calculation of failure stress of rockbolts affected by Stress Corrosion Cracking in underground coal mines', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 100, pp. 310 - 317,

Chen J; Hagan P; Saydam S, 2017, 'Sample diameter effect on bonding capacity of fully grouted cable bolts', Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 68, pp. 238 - 243,

LI D; Masoumi H; Saydam S; Hagan PC, 2017, 'A constitutive model for load-displacement performance of modified cable bolts', Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 68, pp. 95 - 105,

Wang S; Xiao H; Hagan PC; Zou Z, 2017, 'Mechanical behaviour of fully-grouted bolt in jointed rocks subjected to double shear tests.', DYNA - Ingeniería e Industria, 92, pp. 314 - 320,

Wu S; Northover M; Craig P; Canbulat I; Hagan PC; Saydam S, 2017, 'Environmental influence on mesh corrosion in underground coal mines', International Journal of Mining, Reclaimation and Environment,

Masoumi H; Roshan H; Hagan PC, 2017, 'Size-dependent Hoek-Brown failure criterion', International Journal of Geomechanics, 7,

Wang SR; Hagan P; Li YC; Zhang CG; Liu XL, 2017, 'Experimental study on deformation and strength characteristics of sandstone with different water contents', Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 10, pp. 199 - 203,

Mo S; Canbulat I; Zhang C; Oh J; Shen B; Hagan P, 2017, 'Numerical investigation into the effect of backfilling on coal pillar strength in highwall mining', International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 28, pp. 281 - 286,

Li L; Hagan PC; Saydam S; Hebblewhite B, 2016, 'Parametric study of rockbolt shear behaviour by double shear test', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,

Wang S; Li CL; Li DJ; Zhang YB; Hagan PC, 2016, 'Skewed pressure characteristics induced by step-by-step excavation of a double-arch tunnel based on infrared thermography', Technical Gazette, 23, pp. 827 - 833,

Bahaaddini M; Hagan PC; Mitra R; Khosravi MH, 2016, 'Experimental and numerical study of asperity degradation in the direct shear test', Engineering Geology, 204, pp. 41 - 52,

Sarwary E; Hagan PC, 2016, 'The effect of changes in tool tip angle on the cutting performance of a pointed pick', Mining Technology: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section A,

Li L; Hagan P; Saydam S; Hebblewhite B, 2016, 'Shear resistance contribution of support systems in double shear test', Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 56, pp. 168 - 175,

Masoumi H; Saydam S; Hagan PC, 2016, 'Incorporating scale effect into a multiaxial failure criterion for intact rock', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 83, pp. 49 - 56,

Vandermaat D; Saydam S; Crosky A; Hagan PC, 2016, 'Laboratory based coupon testing for the understanding of SCC in rockbolts', Mining Technology, 125, pp. 174 - 183,

Chen J; Hagan PC; Saydam S, 2016, 'Parametric study on the axial performance of a fully grouted cable bolt with a new pull-out test', International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 26, pp. 53 - 58,

Vandermaat D; Saydam S; Hagan PC; Crosky A, 2016, 'Examination of rockbolt stress corrosion cracking utilising full size rockbolts in a controlled mine environment', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 81, pp. 86 - 97,

Craig P; Saydam S; Hagan PC; Crosky A; Hebblewhite B, 2016, 'Investigations into the corrosive environments contributing to premature failure of Australian coal mine rock bolts', International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 26, pp. 59 - 64,

Chen J; Hagan PC; Saydam S, 2016, 'Load transfer behavior of fully grouted cable bolts reinforced in weak rocks under tensile loading conditions', Geotechnical Testing Journal, 39, pp. 252 - 263,

Chen J; Hagan P; Saydam S, 2016, 'Load transfer behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts reinforced in weak rocks under tensile loading conditions', Geotechnical Testing Journal,

Sarwary E; Hagan PC, 2016, 'The effect of changes in tool angle on the cutting performance of a pointed pick', Mining Technology

Kinderman P; Hagan P; King S; Bowman J; Chahal J; Gan L; McKnight R; Waldon C; Smith M; Gilbertson J; Tai S, 2016, 'The feasibility and effectiveness of Catch It, an innovative CBT smartphone app', BJPSYCH OPEN, 2, pp. 204 - 209,

Chen J; Saydam S; Hagan PC, 2015, 'An analytical model of the load transfer behavior of fully grouted cable bolts', CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 101, pp. 1006 - 1015,

Chen J; Hagan PC; Saydam S, 2015, 'Parametric study on the axial performance of a fully grouted cable bolt with a new pull-out test', International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 26, pp. 53 - 58,

Masoumi H; Saydam S; Hagan PC, 2015, 'A modification to radial strain calculation in rock testing', Geotechnical Testing Journal, 38, pp. 813 - 822,

Li CL; Feng YM; Yang F; Hagan PC, 2015, 'Spatial effects of lateral deformations of supporting structure of deep excavation', Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 8, pp. 71 - 77,

Masoumi H; Saydam S; Hagan P, 2015, 'Unified size-effect law for intact rock', International Journal of Geomechanics, 16, pp. 04015059,

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