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Select Publications
2020, 'Special Session: Rise of the Service Robots: Exploring Consumer Acceptance: An Abstract', in Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, Springer International Publishing, pp. 57 - 58, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39165-2_24
,2015, 'Country of Origin Effect for Taiwanese-Made Personal Computer Products in Australia', in Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, Springer International Publishing, pp. 413 - 416, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-17323-8_91
,2014, 'Balancing productive capacity and demand', in Lovelock CH; Patterson PG; Wirtz J (ed.), Services Marketing: An Asia-Pacific and Australian Perspective, Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest, pp. 191 - 217
,2014, 'Understanding cost and developing pricing strategies', in Lovelock CH; Patterson PG; Wirtz J (ed.), Services Marketing: An Asia-Pacific and Australian Perspective, Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest, pp. 159 - 190
,2014, 'Are you (appropriately) experienced? Service-sales ambidexterity.', in Rust R; Huang MH (ed.), Handbook of Service Marketing Research, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 270 - 292, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9780857938855
,2011, 'Balancing productive capacity and demand', in Lovelock CH; Patterson PG; Wirtz J (ed.), Services Marketing: An Asia-Pacific and Australian Perspective, Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest, pp. 197 - 227
,2011, 'Understanding cost and developing pricing strategies', in Lovelock CH; Patterson PG; Wirtz J (ed.), Services Marketing: An Asia-Pacific and Australian Perspective, Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest, pp. 164 - 196
,2007, 'Case 12: Telkomsel: to mend the `leaky bucket`.', in Services Marketing 4. An Asia-Pacific and Australian perspective., Pearson Education, Sydney, Australia, pp. 571 - 585
,2007, 'Case 5: The Cape House, Bangkok.', in Services Marketing 4. An Asia-Pacific and Australian perspective., Pearson Education, Sydney, Australia, pp. 515 - 518
,2007, 'Case 9: Air Asia', in Services Marketing 4. An Asia-Pacific and Australian perspective., Pearson Education, Sydney, Australia, pp. 554 - 558
,2005, 'Longstay in Thailand, The Land of Smiles', in Wirtz J; Lovelock C (ed.), Services Marketing in Asia. A Case Book., Pearson Education, Singapore, pp. 80 - 92
,2004, 'Case 11 - Longstay in Thailand, the Land of Smiles.', in Lovelock CH; Patterson PG; Walker RH (ed.), Services marketing: A South East Asian & Australian Perspective, Pearson Education, Sydney, pp. 545 - 555
,2004, 'Case 3 - Qantas Airlines: A Customer`s Perceptions of Service Recovery Efforts.', in Lovelock CH; Patterson PG; Walker H (ed.), Services marketing: A South East Asian & Australian Perspective, Pearson Education, Sydney, pp. 494 - 495
,2004, 'Case 4 - Bringing a Client focus to Austrade, Bangkok: A Change Management Case Study.', in Lovelock CH; Patterson PG; Walker RH (ed.), Services marketing: A South East Asian & Australian Perspective, Pearson Education, Sydney, pp. 496 - 505
,2002, 'Switching Costs as a Moderator of Service Satisfaction in Thailand', in Tang E; Chan R; Tai S (ed.), Asian Dimensions of Services Marketing, International Business Press, Binghampton NY, pp. 1 - 22
,2000, 'To stay or not to stay: An Indonesian dilemma', in Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management, Gabler Verlag, Germany, pp. 287 - 297
,1998, 'Case 1 - Customer satisfaction with an international airline', in Services Marketing, Prentice Hall Australia P/L, Sydney, pp. 202 - 204
,1998, 'Choice criteria in final selection of a management consultancy service', in Services Marketing, Prentice Hall Australia P/L, Sydney, pp. 514 - 518