Select Publications

Book Chapters

Eggert P, 2020, 'Revising and Rewriting', in Brown C; Reid S (ed.), The Edinburgh Companion to D. H. Lawrence and the Arts, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 219 - 230

Eggert P, 2019, '‘The Present, the Past, and the Material Object’', in The Explicit Material Inquiries on the Intersection of Curatorial and Conservation Cultures, pp. 64 - 79

Eggert P, 2019, 'Changing Literary Tastes and the Blue Pencil: In-house Revision and Abridgement of Australian Colonial Novels', in Edwards MJ (ed.), Richard Bentley and the British Empire, Edward Everett Root, Brighton, Sussex, pp. 141 - 167

Eggert P, 2019, 'L’edizione come “cantiere” testuale: conservazione, edizione, restauro', in Zaccarello M (ed.), Teoria e forme del testo digitale, Carocci editore, Rome, pp. 57 - 70

Eggert P, 2018, 'The Cambridge Edition', in Harrison A (ed.), D. H. Lawrence in Context, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 304 - 314

Eggert PR, 2014, 'What We Edit, and How We Edit; or, Why Not to Ring-fence the Text', in Anselmi GM; Pasquini E; Rico F (ed.), Ecdotica (2013) vol. 10, Carocci, pp. 50 - 63,

Eggert PR, 2013, 'Lawrence, Twilight in Italy and the Limits of the Foreign: A Print Culture Approach', in Ceramella N (ed.), Lake Garda: Gateway to D. H. Lawrence’s Voyage to the Sun, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, UK, pp. 25 - 54

Eggert PR, 2013, 'Apparatus, Text, Interface: How To Read a Printed Critical Edition', in Fraistat N; Flanders J (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 97 - 118

Eggert PR, 2011, 'Conrad's Working Methods in Under Western Eyes:The Editorial Challenge', in Simmons AH; Hawthorn J (ed.), Under Western Eyes: Centennial Essays, Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 1 - 22

Eggert PR, 2010, 'Australian Scholarly Editions Centre', in Woudhuysen H; Suarez M (ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Book, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. I. 494 - I. 494

Eggert PR, 2010, 'Howard-Hill, Trevor', in Woudhuysen H; Suarez M (ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Book, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. II. 803 - II. 803

Eggert PR; Shillingsburg P, 2010, 'Introduction: The Anglo-American Editing Scene 1980–2005', in Eggert P; Shillingsburg P (ed.), Ecdotica 6 -- Anglo-American Scholarly Editing 1980–2005, Carocci editore, Rome, pp. 9 - 17

Eggert PR, 2010, 'Kirsop, Wallace', in Woudhuysen H; Suarez M (ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Book, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. II. 846 - II. 846

Eggert PR, 2010, 'Text As Algorithm and Process', in McCarty W (ed.), Text and Genre in Reconstruction: Effects of Digitalization on Ideas, Behaviours, Products and Institutions, OpenBook Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 183 - 202

Eggert PR, 2009, 'The Book, E-Text and the “Work-Site”', in Deegan M; Sutherland K (ed.), Text Editing, Print, and the Digital World, Ashgate, London, pp. 63 - 82

Eggert PR, 2009, 'The Book, Scholarly Editing and the Electronic Edition', in Bode K; Dixon R (ed.), Resourceful Reading: The New Empiricism, eResearch and Australian Literary Culture, Sydney University Press, Sydney, pp. 53 - 69

Berrie PW; Eggert PR; Tiffin C; Barwell G; berrie , 2006, 'Authenticating Electronic Editions', in Electronic Textual Editing, MLA, NY, pp. 267 - 276

Eggert PR, 2006, 'New Life for a colonial Classic Robbery Under Arms', in Paper Empires: a History of the Book in Australia 1946-2000, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, pp. 260 - 263

Eggert PR, 2006, 'Peter Carey`s True History of the Kelly Gang', in Paper Empires: a History of the Book in Australia 1946-2000, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, pp. 195 - 198

Eggert PR, 2005, 'These Post-Philological Days...Postscript (2005): Signs of the times, signs of the future', in Anselmi GM; Pasquini E; Rico F (ed.), Ecdotica, Carocci Editore, Rome, pp. 80 - 98

Eggert PR, 2005, 'Variant Versions and International Copyright: The Case of Joseph Conrad`s Under Western Eyes', in Jansohn C; Plachta B (ed.), Varianten-Variants-variantes, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tuebingen, pp. 201 - 212

Eggert PR, 2004, 'General Editor`s Foreword', in Strauss J (ed.), The Collected Verse of Mary Gilmore Vol 1, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld, pp. vii - ix

Eggert PR, 2004, 'Textual Authority or Authorisation: Postcolonial Adaptation of Editorial method for Robbery Under Arms', in Bein T; Nutt-Kofoth R; Plachta B (ed.), Autor, Autorisation Authentizitat (Special edition of Editio), Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tuebingen, pp. 315 - 325

Eggert PR, 2004, 'The State of `English` in Australia', in Barnes K; Jones JL (ed.), Words for Their Own Sake, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 71 - 78

Eggert PR, 2004, 'The Way of All Text', in Modiano R; Searle LF; Shillingsburg P (ed.), Voice, Text, Hypertext: Emerging Practices in Textual Studies, University of Washington Press, USA, pp. 162 - 176

Eggert PR, 2002, 'General Editor`s Foreword', in Rosemary Campbell (ed.), An Australian Girl, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld, pp. 7 - 9

Eggert PR, 2002, 'The Golden Stain of Time', in John Thomson (ed.), Books and Bibliography, Victoria University Press, Wellington NZ, pp. 116 - 128

Eggert PR, 2002, 'The Importance of Scholarly Editing', in Plachta ; Vliet V (ed.), Pespectives of Scholarly Editing, Constantin Huyghens, Den Haag, Holland, pp. 15 - 26

Eggert PR, 2001, 'The Biographical Issue: Lives of Lawrence', in Anne Fernihough (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to D.H. Lawrence, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., pp. 157 - 177

Eggert PR, 2000, 'The Editorial Position: Some Reflections on Editorial Orientations in Charlottesville, Cambridge and Canberra', in Editio, Niemeyer, Tübingen, pp. 104 - 116

Eggert PR, 1999, 'Colonial King: Grant Madison Hervey and the Bulletin of the 1900s', in The culture of the book: essays from two hemispheres in honour of Wallace Kirsop, Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zeala, Melbourne, pp. 446 - 467

Eggert PR, 1999, 'D.H. Lawrence`s Reception in Australia: The Boy in the Bush', in The Reception of D. H. Lawrence Around the World, Kyushu University Press, Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 209 - 232

Eggert PR, 1999, 'General-Editing and Theory: Historical Version and Authorial Agency', in Problems of Editing, Niemeyer, Germany, pp. 42 - 58

Eggert PR, 1998, 'General Editor`s Foreword', in Maurice Guest, by Henry Handel Richardson, University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, Qld, pp. vii - ix

Eggert PR; Heseltine HP; Shillingsburg P, 1998, 'General Editorial Foreword', in Dennis P; Grey J (ed.), The Second Fifty Years: The Australian Army 1947-1997. Proceedings of the Chief of Army’s History Conference, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, pp. vii - viii

Eggert PR, 1998, 'Preface', in Coat-Tails of Empire: The ADFA Letters - Freya Stark`s Correspondence with Sir Harry Luke, Australian Scholarly Editions Centre and Australia, Canberra, pp. v - vi

Eggert PR, 1998, 'Social Discourse or Authorial Agency: Bridging the Divide between Editing and Theory', in The Editorial Gaze: Mediating Texts in Literature and the Arts, Garland Publishing, New York and London, pp. 97 - 116

Eggert PR, 1998, 'The Evolution of Australian Style', in Australian Style, Dictionary Research Centre, Macquarie Universi, North Ryde, NSW, pp. 1 - 2

Eggert PR, 1997, 'Discourse versus Authorship: the Baedecker travel Guide and Lawrence`s Twilight in Italy', in Texts and Textuality: Textual Instability, Theory, and Interpretation, Garland Publishing, New York, pp. 34 - 207

Eggert PR, 1997, 'General Editor`s Foreword', in The Journal of Annie Baxter Dawbin 1858?1868, University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, Qld, pp. vii - ix

Eggert PR, 1996, 'Comedy and provisionality:Lawrence`s address to his audience and material in his Australian novels', in Lawrence and comedy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 131 - 157

Eggert PR, 1996, 'Introduction', in Lawrence and comedy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1 - 18

Eggert PR, 1995, 'Reading a Critical Edition With the Grain and Against: The Cambridge D. H. Lawrence', in Editing D H Lawrence: New versions of a modern author, Michigan Uninersity Press, Ann Arbor, pp. 27 - 40

Eggert PR, 1995, 'Reading a critical edition: The Cambridge D H Lawrence', in Editing D H Lawrence: New versions of a modern author, Michigan Uninersity Press, Ann Arbor, pp. 27 - 40

Eggert PR, 1995, 'Texts and intertexts, authorship and culture: annotating Lawrence`s `Twilight in Itlay`', in Editing D H Lawrence: New versions of a modern author, Michigan Uninersity Press, Ann Arbor, pp. 135 - 152

Eggert PR, 1991, 'Textual Product or Textual Process: Procedures and Assumptions of Critical Editing', in Cohen P (ed.), Devils and Angels: Textual Editing and Literary Theory, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, pp. 57 - 77

Eggert PR, 1990, 'Opening up the Text: The Case of Sons and Lovers', in Brown K (ed.), Rethinking Lawrence, Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp. 38 - 52

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