Select Publications
2019, Work and the Reader in Literary Studies Scholarly Editing and Book History, Cambridge University Press
,2013, Under Western Eyes by Joseph Conrad. The Cambridge Edition of the Works and Letters of Joseph Conrad., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
,2013, Biography of a Book: Henry Lawson's While the Billy Boils, Sydney University Press, Sydney
,2013, While the Billy Boils: The Original Newspaper Versions, Sydney University Press, Sydney
,, 2010, Ecdotica 6 -- Anglo-American Scholarly Editing 1980–2005, Eggert PR; Shillingsburg P, (ed.), Carocci editore, Rome
2009, Securing the Past: Conservation in Art, Architecture and Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
,, 2007, D.H. Lawrence in Italy: Sketches from `Etruscan Places, Sea and Sardinia`, and `Twilight in Italy`, Eggert PR; de Filippis S; Kalnins M, (eds.), Penguin Books, London
2006, Robbery Under Arms, University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia
,, 2004, Books and Empire: Textual Production, Distribution and Consumption in Colonial and Post Colonial Countries, Eggert PR, (ed.), BSANZ, Wellington, New Zealand
, 2002, The Boy in the Bush: DH Lawrence & ML Skinner, Eggert PR, (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK
, 2002, Twilight in Italy, Eggert PR, (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK
, 1998, The Editorial Gaze, Eggert PR; Sankey M, (ed.), Garland Publishing, New York/London
, 1997, Twilight in Italy and other Essays by D.H. Lawrence, Eggert PR, (ed.), Penguin Books, Harmondsworth U.K.
, 1996, Lawrence and comedy, Eggert PR; Worthen J, (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
, 1996, The Boy in the Bush, Eggert PR, (ed.), Penguin Books, London
, 1996, The Boy in the Bush, Eggert PR, (ed.), Penguin Books, London
1996, The recollection of Geoffry Hamlyn, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia Qld
,1994, Twilight in Italy and Other Essays, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
,, 1990, Editing in Australia, Eggert PR, (ed.), English Department University College ADFA, Canberra
1990, The Boy in the Bush, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge