Select Publications

Journal articles

Eggert P, 2022, 'Erratum: The EDITORIAL IMAGINATION VII: The New Conrad: A Reply to Cedric Watts, 'Conrad in the Cambridge Edition (Essays in Criticism (2021) 71: 2 (202–227) DOI: 10.1093/escrit/cgab007)', Essays in Criticism, 72, pp. 268 - 268,

Eggert (65–84) P, 2021, 'A Wandering Hyphen, The Reader and the Work', Textual Cultures, 14,

Eggert P, 2021, 'THE EDITORIAL IMAGINATION VII The New Conrad: A Reply to Cedric Watts, ‘Conrad in the Cambridge Edition’', Essays in Criticism, 71, pp. 202 - 227,

Eggert P, 2020, 'Editing in Australia: A Survey History of the Scholarly Editing of Literary Works in Australia', Script and Print: bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, 44, pp. 197 - 218

Eggert P, 2020, 'How to Read the Cambridge Edition of D. H. Lawrence’s Poems', Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies, 5, pp. 67 - 118

Eggert P, 2019, 'The Archival Impulse and the Editorial Impulse', Variants, pp. 3 - 22,

Schmidt D; Eggert P, 2019, 'The Charles Harpur Critical Archive', International Journal of Digital Humanities, 1, pp. 279 - 288,

Eggert P; Schmidt D, 2018, 'Romantic Poetry and Technical Breakthrough: The Charles Harpur Critical Archive', Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 255, pp. 382 - 388

Eggert P, 2017, 'Versional Editing of a Romantic Poet', Tipofilologia, pp. 11 - 24,

Eggert P, 2017, 'Versions and Versioning: A Critical Archive of D. H. Lawrence', Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 254, pp. 82 - 95

Eggert P, 2016, 'Charles Harpur: The Editorial Nightmare', Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature

Eggert P, 2016, 'The Long 1890s: Henry Lawson, Francis Adams and the Anglo-Australian Network in London', Script and Print: bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, 40, pp. 133 - 143

Eggert P, 2016, 'The reader-oriented scholarly edition', Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 31, pp. 797 - 810,

Eggert P, 2013, 'The Hand of the Present : Presidential Address 2013', Textual Cultures, 7, pp. 3 - 19,

Eggert PR, 2012, 'Brought to Book: Bibliography, Book History and the Study of Literature', The Library, 13, pp. 3 - 32,

Eggert PR, 2012, 'Bruce Bennett AO FACE FAHA 1941–2012', Journal of the European Association of Studies in Australia, 9, pp. 12 - 15

Eggert PR, 2012, 'Writing in a Language Not your Own: Editions as Arguments about the Work – D. H. Lawrence, Joseph Conrad and Henry Lawson', Variants: Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, 9, pp. 163 - 184

Eggert PR, 2011, 'Conrad's Working Methods in Under Western Eyes: The Editorial Challenge', The Conradian, 36, pp. 1 - 22

Eggert PR, 2011, 'D. H. Lawrence, Henry Lawson and Single-author Criticism', D.H. Lawrence Review, 36, pp. 2 - 26

Eggert PR, 2011, 'The Museum Curse: Folk Culture Open-air Museums, Great Writers’ Historic House Museums and Authenticity', Collections: Journal of the National Museum of Australia, 6, pp. not paginated - not paginated,

Eggert PR, 2010, 'Exhibition as Edition: Edition as Exhibition', Collections: Journal of the National Museum of Australia, 5, pp. 100 - 107

Eggert PR, 2010, 'The Silent Witness of Book Logic: The Cambridge Lawrence at its 35th Volume', Journal of the D. H. Lawrence Society, 1, pp. 153 - 170

Eggert PR, 2009, 'Advice for Scholarly Editors of Australian Literature: “Just Push On”', Script and Print, 33, pp. 251 - 263

Eggert PR, 2008, '`Witnessing Social History: The artefact, the Visitor and the New Museology`', Collections: Journal of the National Museum of Australia, 3, pp. 101 - 122

Eggert PR, 2008, 'Australian Classics and the Price of Books: The Puzzle of the 1890s', Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (JASAL), 8, pp. 87 - 124

Eggert PR, 2007, 'Textual Criticism and Folklore: The Ned Kelly Story and `Robbery Under Arms`', Script and Print, 31, pp. 69 - 80

Eggert PR, 2007, 'The Bibliographic Life of an Australian Classic: Robbery Under Arms', Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin, 29, pp. 73 - 92

Eggert PR, 2007, 'The Bushranger`s voice: Peter Carey`s `True History of the Kelly Gang` (2000) and Ned Kelly`s `Jerilderie Letter` (1879)', College Literature, 34, pp. 120 - 139

Eggert PR, 2007, 'The Conservator¿s Gaze and the Nature of the Work', Library Trends, 56:1, pp. 80 - 106

Eggert PR, 2005, 'Text-encoding, Theories of the Text, and the `Work-Site`', Literary and Linguistic Computing, 20:4

Eggert PR, 2005, 'Version-Agency-Intention: The Cross-Fertilising of German and Anglo-American Editorial Traditions', Variants 4: The Book as Artefact Text and Border, pp. 5 - 28

Eggert PR, 2004, 'Maurice Blanchot and D.H. Lawrence; The Event of the Work and the Space of Literature', D. H. Lawrence Studies, 12:2, pp. 195 - 224

Eggert PR, 2003, 'Anarchist Tussen de Kangoeroes', Parelduiker, 8, pp. 39 - 51

Eggert PR, 2003, 'Robbery Under Arms: The Colonial Market, Imperial Publishers, and the Demise of the Three-Decker Novel', Book History, 6, pp. 127 - 146

Eggert PR, 2003, 'The Dutch-Australian Connection: Willem Siebenhaar', Australian Literary Studies, 21, pp. 3 - 19

Eggert PR, 2002, 'Canonical Works, Complicity and Bibliography: A Case-Study', Variants: Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, pp. 159 - 173

Eggert PR, 2001, 'Recent Editorial Theory in the Anglophone World: A Review Article', Anglia - Zeitschrift fur Englische Philologie, 119, pp. 351 - 374

Eggert PR, 2001, 'Review of W.B. Yeats, Last Poems: Manuscript Materials', Yeats An Annual of Critical and Textual Studies, 16, pp. 280 - 284

Eggert PR, 2001, 'The Long Slow Bleeding of the Humanities', Campus Review, pp. 8 - 16

Eggert PR, 2001, 'Why Critical Editing Matters: Responsible Texts and Australian Reviewers', English Studies in Canada, pp. 179 - 204

Eggert PR, 2001, 'Writing to Order (Review of Paul de Serville, Rolf Bolderwood: A Life)', Times Literary Supplement, pp. 7 - 7

Eggert PR, 2000, 'Hervey`s Contribution to Australian Newspapers and Magazines', Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin, pp. 159 - 160

Eggert PR, 1999, 'C.S. Pierce, D.H. Lawrence, and Representation: Artistic Form and Polarities', D.H. Lawrence Review, pp. 97 - 113

Eggert PR, 1999, 'Conrad`s Last Novels: Surveillance and Action', The Conradian, pp. 61 - 73

Eggert PR, 1999, 'Reply to a critic with an elephant gun', Overland, 157, pp. 87 - 88

Eggert PR, 1999, 'Where are we now with authorship and the work?', Yearbook of English Studies, pp. 88 - 102

Eggert PR, 1998, 'Letter to the Editor', Margin: Life and Letters of Early Australia, pp. 18 - 20

Eggert PR, 1998, 'The Shadow across the Text: New Bearings on German Editing', TEXT, 11, pp. 311 - 324

Eggert PR, 1998, 'The Work Unravelled', TEXT, 11, pp. 17 - 36

Eggert PR, 1996, 'Editing a nation`s literature:The Academy Editions of Australian Literature project', Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin, 20, pp. 146 - 153

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