Select Publications

Book Chapters

Moorhouse AJ; Lewis TM; Barry PH, 2015, 'Analyzing Ion Permeation in Channels and Pumps Using Patch-Clamp Recording', in Clarke RJ; Khalid MAA (ed.), Pumps, Channels and Transporters Methods of Functional Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 51 - 88

Barry PH; Qu W; Moorhouse AJ, 2008, 'Biophysics of CNG Ion Channels', in Martinac B (ed.), Sensing with Ion Channels, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 175 - 200

Lynch JW; Barry PH, 2007, 'Ligand-Gated Ion Channels: Permeation and Activation', in Chung SH; Krishnamurthy V; Anderson OS (ed.), Biological Membrane Ion Channels, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 334 - 367

Barry PH; Balasubramanian S; Lynch JW, 1999, 'How sensory cells encode information: the processes that underly sensitivity to chemical stimuli, their quality and their quantity', in Tastes & Aromas. The Chemical Senses in Science and Industry, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, Australia, pp. 120 - 129

Barry PH; Lynch JW; Rajendra S, 1994, 'Patch-Clamp Measurements on Mammalian Olfactory Receptor Neurons', in Olfaction and Taste XI, Springer Japan, pp. 168 - 172,

Dulhunty AF; Gage PW; Barry PH, 1981, 'ASYMMETRICAL CHARGE MOVEMENT IN NORMAL AND CLYCEROL-TREATED TOAD SARTORIUS FIBRES', in Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Muscle Function, Elsevier, pp. 321 - 327,

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