Select Publications

Conference Presentations

Barry PH; Lewis TM; Moorhouse AJ, 2014, 'An experimental validation of calculated liquid junction potentials for monovalent ion solutions and problems that can arise with solutions of mixtures of different ion valencies', presented at International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics Congress, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 03 August 2014 - 07 August 2014

Barry PH; Lewis TM; Moorhouse AJ, 2012, 'Further measurements of liquid junction potentials, and their implications, using a refined freshly-cut 3M KCl reference salt-bridge methodology', presented at Joint AuPS-ASB-PNZ meeting, UNSW, NSW, Australia, 02 December 2012 - 05 December 2012,

Barry PH; Lewis TM; Moorhouse AJ, 2011, 'An improved method, with theoretical analysis, for the simple experimental measurement of liquid junction potentials', presented at Joint ASB-BioPhysChem 2011 Conference, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 03 December 2011 - 06 December 2011

Barry PH; Sugiharto S; Carland JE; Moorhouse AJ; Lewis TM, 2009, 'Permeability measurements in anion channels: effects of divalent cations, liquid junction potentials and offsets', presented at 33rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Society for Biophysics, Ballarat, NSW, Australia, 29 November 2009

Barry PH; Sugiharto S; Carland JE; Lewis TM; Moorhouse AJ, 2009, 'The lack of certain activity corrections and initial offset corrections can produce erroneous anion-cation permeability ratios in GlyR channels', presented at Curtin Conference, RMIT, Melbourne, VIC, 15 April 2009 - 17 April 2009

Carland JE; Cooper MA; Sugiharto S; Jeong H; Lewis TM; Barry PH; Lambert J; Peters JA; Moorhouse AJ, 2008, 'Charged residues in the intracellular loop affect the conductance of glycine α1 receptors', presented at Ligand Gated Ion Channels: 18th Neuropharmacology Conference, Washington DC, USA, 12 November 2008 - 14 November 2008

Carland JE; Cooper MA; Sugiharto S; Jeong H; Lewis TM; Barry PH; Lambert J; Peters JA; Moorhouse AJ, 2008, 'The role of intracellular portals in glycine receptor ion permeation', presented at 32nd Annual Meeting of the Australian Society for Biophysics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008

Sugiharto S; Moorhouse AJ; Lewis TM; Schofield PR; Barry PH, 2007, 'The anion-cation permeability ratio in glycine receptor channels of different pore size is influenced by both counter-ions and divalent ions', presented at 7th International Brain Research Organization World Congress of Neuroscience, Melbourne, Australia

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