Select Publications
Journal articles
2013, 'An optimised 3 M KCl salt-bridge technique used to measure and validate theoretical liquid junction potential values in patch-clamping and electrophysiology', European Biophysics Journal, 42, pp. 631 - 646,
,2010, 'External divalent cations increase anion-cation permeability ratio in glycine receptor channels', Pflugers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology, 460, pp. 131 - 152,
,2010, 'Further analysis of counterion permeation through anion-selective glycine receptor channels.', Channels, 4, pp. 142 - 149,
,2009, 'Biographical Memoir: Alexander Beaumont Hope – Australian Biophysicist 1928 – 2008', European Biophysics Journal, 39, pp. 175 - 178,
,2009, 'Characterization of the effects of charged residues in the intracellular loop on ion permeation in α1 glycine receptor channels', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, pp. 2023 - 2030,
,2009, 'Peter William Gage 1937-2005', Historical Records of Australian Science, 20, pp. 233 - 254,
,2009, 'Reminiscences of work with Alex Hope: the Movement of water and ions in giant algal cells, 1963-1967', European Biophysics Journal, 39, pp. 179 - 184,
,2008, 'Anion-cation permeability correlates with hydrated counterion size in glycine receptor channels', Biophysical Journal, 95, pp. 4698 - 4715,
,2006, 'A single P-loop glutamate point mutation to either lysine or arginine switches the cation-anion selectivity of the CNGA2 channel', Journal of General Physiology, 127, pp. 375 - 389,
,2006, 'The reliability of relative anion-cation permeabilites deduced from reversal (dilution) potential measurements in ion channel studies', Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 46, pp. 143 - 154
,2005, 'Ligand-gated channels', IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 4, pp. 70 - 80
,2005, 'Mutation of the pore glutamate affects both cytoplasmic and external dequalinium block in the rat olfactory CNGA2 channel', European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 34, pp. 442 - 453
,2005, 'The reliability of relative cation-anion permeabilities deduced from reversal (dilution) potential measurements in ion channel studies, and Brownian dynamics predictions', Federation of American Societies for Experimantal Biology Journal, 19, pp. A1170 - A1170
,2004, 'Charged residues at the 2 ` position of human GABA(c) rho 1 receptorsinvert ion selectivity and influence open state probability', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279, pp. 54153 - 54160
,2004, 'Ligand-gated ion channels: mechanisms underlying ion selectivity', Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 86, pp. 161 - 204
,2003, 'A Model of the Glycine Receptor deduced from Brownian Dynamics Studies', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100, pp. 4310 - 4315
,2003, 'The contribution of P250 (P-2`D) to ion selectivity and pore diameter in the human glycine receptor.', Neuroscience Letters, 351, pp. 196 - 200
,2002, 'Cation-selective mutations in the M2 domain of the inhibitory glycine receptor channel reveal determinants of ion charge selectivity', Journal of General Physiology, 119, pp. 393 - 410,
,2002, 'Single channel analysis of conductance and rectification in cation-selective, mutant glycine receptor channels', Journal of General Physiology, 119, pp. 411 - 425,
,2001, 'Anomalous Mole-Fraction Effects in Recombinat & Native Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channels in Rat Olfactory Receptor Neurons', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences, pp. 1395 - 1403
,2001, 'IP3-Gated Channels and their Occurrence Relative to CNG Channels in the Soma and Dendritic Knob of Rat Olfactory Receptor Neurons', Journal of Membrane Biology, 181, pp. 91 - 105
,2001, 'Numerical Analysis of Ca2+ Depletion in the Transverse Tubular System of Mammalian Muscle', Biophysical Journal, pp. 2046 - 2055
,2000, 'Ion permeation and selectivity of wild-type recombinant rat (CNG (rOCNC1) chanels expressed in HEK293 cells', Journal of Membrane Biology, 178, pp. 137 - 150
,2000, 'M2 pore mutations convert the glycine receptor channel from being anion to cation selective', Biophysical Journal, 78, pp. 247 - 259
,2000, 'Very negative potential for half-inactivation of and effects of anions on voltage-dependent sodium currents in acutely isolated rat olfactory receptor neurons', Journal of Membrane Biology, 175, pp. 123 - 138
,1999, 'Glycine receptors: What gets in and why', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, pp. 935 - 936
,1999, 'Glycine receptors: What gets in and why?', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, pp. 935 - 936
,1999, 'Measurement of the limiting equivalent conductivities and mobilities of the most prevalent ionic species of EGTA (EGTA2-and EGTA3-) for use in electrophysiological experiments', Journal of Neuroscience Methods, pp. 41 - 47
,1999, 'Odorant-induced patch-clamp responses in rat olfactory receptor neurons', ChemoSense, 2, pp. 7
,1999, 'The startle disease mutation Q266H, in the second transmembrane domain of the human glycine receptor, impairs channel gating', Molecular Pharmacology, pp. 386 - 395
,1999, 'The Startle Disease Mutation Q266H, in the Second Transmembrane Domain of the Human Glycine Receptor, Impairs Channel Gating', Molecular Pharmacology, 55, pp. 386 - 395,
,1998, 'An analysis of odorant-induced currents in on-cell patches on mammalian olfactory receptor neurons', Olfaction and Taste XII, pp. 208 - 211
,1998, 'Characterisation of calcium-activated chloride channels in patches excised from the dendritic', Journal of Membrane Biology, 161, pp. 163 - 171
,1998, 'Morphological and electrical characteristics of post-natal hippocampal neurons in culture: the presence of bicuculline- and strychnine-sensitive IPSPs', Tissue and Cell, pp. 236 - 250
,1998, 'The derivation of unstirred-layer transport number equations from the Nernst-Planch Equations', Biophysical Journal, pp. 2903 - 2905
,1997, 'Concentration dependence of cation permeation and cation interactions in the cyclic AMP-gated channels of mammalian olfactory receptor neurons.', Journal of Membrane Biology, 159, pp. 41 - 52
,1997, 'Identification of intracellular and extracellular domains mediating signal transduction in the inhiBitory glycine receptor chloride channel', European Molecular Biology Organization, 16, pp. 110 - 120
,1997, 'Odorant-induced currents in intact patches from rat olfactory receptor neurons: theory and experiment.', Biophysical Journal, pp. 1442 - 1457
,1996, 'Calcium-dependent modulation of the agonist affinity of the mammalian olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated channel by calmodulin and a novel endogenous factor', Journal of Membrane Biology, 152, pp. 13 - 23
,1996, 'Molecular and genetic insights into ligand binding and signal transduction at the inhibitory glycine receptor.', Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, pp. 333 - 342
,1995, 'Amino acid residues and control of ion permeation through a ligand-gated ion channel superfamily', Today's Life Science, pp. 32 - 37
,1995, 'Heterogeneous current responses to GABA and glycine are present in post-natally cultured hippocampal neurons', Brain Research, pp. 246 - 255
,1995, 'Mutation of an arginine residue in the human glycine receptor transforms b-alanine and taurine from agonists into competitive antagonists', Neuron, 14, pp. 169 - 175
,1995, 'Mutations affecting the glycine receptor agonist transduction mechanism convert the competitive antagonist, picrotoxin into an allosteric potentiator', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, pp. 13799 - 13806
,1995, 'The measurement of ionic conductivities and mobilities of certain less common organic ions needed for junction potential corrections in electrophysiology', Journal of Neuroscience Methods, pp. 37 - 41
,1995, 'The permeation of organic cations through camp-gated channels in mammalian olfactory receptor neurons', Journal of Membrane Biology, 146, pp. 177 - 191
,1995, 'The unique extracellular disulfide loop of the glycine receptor is a principal ligand binding element', European Molecular Biology Organization, 14, pp. 2987 - 2998
,1994, 'Startle disease mutations reduce the agonist sensitivity of the human inhibitory glycine receptor', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 269, pp. 18739 - 18742
,1994, 'ARTMEM-An interactive graphical program simulating membrane potential measurements across artificial membranes', Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 22, pp. 218 - 225,
,1994, 'JPCalc, a software package for calculating liquid junction potential corrections in patch-clamp, intracellular, epithelial and bilayer measurements and for correcting junction potential measurements', Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 51, pp. 107 - 116,