Select Publications
Journal articles
1997, 'The effect of information selection of auditors' information cue usage.', International Journal of Business Studies, 5, pp. 13 - 21
,1996, 'Audit Committees: Disclosure by Listed Companies', Charter, pp. 59 - 61
,1996, 'The effect of information selection, information processing and task complexity on predictive accuracy of auditors', Accounting Organizations and Society, 21, pp. 699 - 719
,1996, 'The impact of firm and profession related factors on perceptions of audit quality and audit report reliance', Pacific Accounting Review, 8, pp. 22 - 46
,1995, 'The determinants of audit delay', Advances in Accounting : a Research Annual, 12, pp. 1 - 20
,1994, 'Examiniation of Contextual Effects and Changes in Task Predictability on Author Calibration', Behavioral Research in Accounting, 6, pp. 178 - 203
,1994, 'The Duty of Care Owned by Auditors: To all Users of General Purpose Financial Reports?', Company and Securities Law Journal
,1994, 'The Impact of Information Selection and Task Predictability on the Confidence and Calibration of Auditors', Pacific Accounting Review, 6
,1994, 'The Provision of Other Services by Auditors: Independence and Pricing Issues', Accounting and Business Research, 24, pp. 99 - 108
,1993, 'Serious Audit Qualifications Australia: 1980 - 1990', Charter -Sydney-, 64, pp. 37 - 136
,1993, 'Disclosure Of Audit Committees by Public Companies in Australia 1988-1990', Australian Accounting Review, 3, pp. 43 - 50,
,1992, 'Identification of Key Financial Ratios for Going Concern Decisions in a Manufacturing Environment', Charter -Sydney-, 63, pp. 39 - 41
,1991, 'Auditors Perceptions of Analytical Review Procedures', Accounting Research Journal, 4, pp. 5 - 10
,1991, 'The Effect of Audit Groups on Judgement Confidence', Pacific Accounting Review, 3, pp. 63 - 77
,1991, 'Australian Audit Reports: 1980-89', Australian Accounting Review, 1, pp. 12 - 19,
,1989, 'Relationships Among Work Values and the Self-Perceived Performance and Effort of Chartered Accountants in Australia: An Exploratory Study', Australian Journal of Management, 14, pp. 61 - 74,
,1989, 'Auditor Versus Model : Information Choice and Information Processing', The Accounting Review, 64, pp. 514 - 528,
,1988, 'A Review of the Capabilities and Availability of Generalised Audit software', The Chartered Accountant in Australia, pp. 63 - 67
,1988, 'Auditors Liability to Third parties: The Next Step', The Chartered Accountant in Australia, pp. 60 - 62
,1987, 'Determinants of Financial Information Produced by Private Not-for-Profit Organisations', Accounting and Finance, pp. 53 - 71
,1987, 'Determinants of Financial Information Published by Private Not-For-Profit Organisations', Accounting & Finance, 27, pp. 53 - 71,
,Conference Papers
2019, 'The Economics of Auditing for Charities', American Accounting Association, Boston, USA, presented at International Symposium on Audit Research, Boston, USA, 06 June 2019 - 08 June 2019,
,2014, 'Factors affecting the team effectiveness of multidisciplinary greenhouse gas assurance teams', in AAA (ed.), Atlanta, USA, presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA, 02 August 2014 - 06 August 2014
,2014, 'The Impact of other component auditors on the costs and quality of multinational group audits', in AFAANZ (ed.), Auckland, New Zealand, presented at Proceedings of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ), Auckland, New Zealand, 06 July 2014 - 08 July 2014,
,2013, 'An International Analysis of the Effectiveness of National Public Oversight Bodies Inspection Regimes on Audity Quality', in Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (ed.), AFAANZ 2013, Perth, Western Australia, presented at AFAANZ 2013, Perth, Western Australia, 07 July 2013 - 09 July 2013
,2013, 'Do Investments in industry specializations by Big 4 audit firms pay off?', in AFAANZ 2013, Perth, Australia, presented at AFAANZ 2013, Perth, Australia, 07 July 2013 - 09 July 2013
,2013, 'Sustainability, Integrated Reporting and Other Assurance Services: Research Opportunities (plenary)', in International Symposium on Audit Research, Sydney, Australia, presented at International Symposium on Audit Research, Sydney, Australia, 28 June 2013 - 29 June 2013
,2013, 'An International analysis of the effectiveness of national public oversight bodies inspection regimes on audit quality', in ISAR 2013 - International Symposium on Audit Research, Sydney, Australia, presented at International Symposium on Audit Research - ISAR 2013, Sydney, Australia, 27 June 2013 - 28 June 2013
,2013, 'Global Audit Firm Networks and the Role of “Other Auditors” Impact on the Quality and Costs of Multinational Group', in European Accounting Association Conference, Paris, France, presented at European Accounting Association Conference, Paris, France, 06 May 2013 - 08 May 2013,
,2012, 'Auditor decision making under uncertainty: Discovering auditor stopping rules', in Programme & Proceedings American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association, USA, presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 04 August 2012 - 08 August 2012,
,2011, 'Mandatory Auditor Rotation and Audit Quality: An Empirical Evidence in the Korean Audit Market', in American Accounting Association 2011, Annual Meeting Program & Proceedings, American Accounting Association, USA, presented at American Accounting Association 2011, Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, 05 August 2011 - 11 August 2011
,2010, 'International Consistency and Convergence in the Application of International Auditing Standards: Evidence from Going Concern Modifications', in ISAR Conference 2919, Singapore, pp. 1 - 31, presented at ISAR Conference, Singapore, 24 June 2010 - 25 June 2010
,2010, 'The Impact of Cross-Listing on Audit Fees: Disentangling the Effects of Litigation Risk and Audit Effort', in ISAR Conference 2010, Singapore, pp. 1 - 30, presented at ISAR Conference, Singapore, 24 June 2010 - 25 June 2010
,2010, 'Corporate Social Responsibility: Does Assurance Matter?', in European Accounting Association Conference 2010, Istanbul, pp. 1 - 56, presented at European Accounting Association Conference, Istanbul, 19 May 2010 - 22 May 2010
,2009, 'International Consistency in Audit Reporting Behaviour: Evidence from Going Concern Modifications', Adelaide, Australia, presented at Accounting & Finance Australia and New Zealand Conference, 2009., Adelaide, Australia, 05 July 2009 - 07 July 2009
,2008, 'The Pricing of Client Risk by Big N and Non Big N Audit Firms: 1996 - 2004', in Programme & Proceedings American Accounting Association Conference 2008, Austin, Texas, USA, presented at American Accounting Association Mid-Year Meeting 2008, Austin, Texas, USA, 17 January 2008 - 19 January 2008
,2007, 'Assurance on General Purpose Non-Financial Reports: An International Comparison', in 13th International Symposium on Audit Research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PRC, presented at 13th International Symposium on Audit Research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PRC, 21 June 2007 - 23 June 2007
,2007, 'Impact of the type of audit team discussions on auditors` idenfication and mental simulations of material frauds', in 13th International Symposium on Audit Research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PRC, presented at 13th International Symposium on Audit Research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PRC, 21 June 2007 - 23 June 2007
,2006, 'Threats to Auditor Independence: The Impact of Non-Audit Services, Tenure and Alumni Affiliations', in ISAR International Symposium on Audit Research, Sydney, presented at ISAR International Symposium on Audit Research, Sydney, 22 June 2006 - 23 June 2006
,2006, 'The Pricing of Client Risk in a Competitive Audit market', in American Accounting Association Mid -year, Los Angeles, California, presented at American Accounting Association Auditing Section 2006 Mid year Conference, Los Angeles, California, 12 January 2006 - 14 January 2006
,2004, 'Voluntary Demand for Auditing by Australian Farm Business', in 2004 AFAANZ Conference, Alice Springs, NT, presented at AFAANZ 2004 Annual Conference, Alice Springs, NT, 04 July 2004 - 06 July 2004
,2002, 'Audit and other services fees: Longitudinal analysis of the audit market', in Professor Robert Faff, Monash University (ed.), Proceedings of the AFAANZ Annual Conference, Perth, WA, pp. 43 - 43, presented at AFAANZ 2002 Annual Conference, Perth, WA, 07 July 2002 - 09 July 2002
,2001, 'A differential use of information by financial analysts for new economy versus traditional economy companies: implications for financial reporting.', in Faff R; Monash University (ed.), Proceedings of the AFAANZ Annual Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 107 - 107, presented at AFAANZ 2001 Annual Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 01 July 2001 - 03 July 2001
2016, Australian Charities Report 2015, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,,
,2016, Australian Charities Involved Overseas 2014, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW,,
,2016, Australia's Smallest Charities 2015, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,
,2016, Australian Charities and Red Tape 2014,
,2015, Australia's Disability Charities 2014, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney,
,2015, Australian Charities Report 2014, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,,