Select Publications
Book Chapters
2021, 'Mixing at the ocean’s bottom boundary', in Ocean Mixing: Drivers, Mechanisms and Impacts, pp. 145 - 180,
,2019, 'Neutral surfaces in the ocean, and the equation of state of seawater', in Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, pp. 128 - 134,
,2019, 'Neutral Surfaces in the Ocean, and the Equation of State of Seawater', in Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Third Edition: Volume 1-5, pp. V3-128-V3-134,
,2013, 'Chapter 6 Thermodynamics of Seawater', in Ocean Circulation and Climate - A 21st Century Perspective, Elsevier, pp. 141 - 158,
,2013, 'Thermodynamics of Seawater', in Siedler G; Griffies S; Gould J; Church J (ed.), Open Circulation and Climate, Academic Press, pp. 141 - 158
,2009, 'Neutral Surfaces and the Equation of State', in Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, pp. 25 - 31,
,2004, 'Forward to the book Fundamentals of Ocean Climate Models by SM Griffies', in , Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA, pp. xxxiv
,2001, 'Mixing and stirring in the ocean interior', in Siedler G; Church JA; Gould J (ed.), Ocean Circulation and Climate, Academic Press, pp. 337 - 355
,1998, 'Three-Dimensional Residual-Mean Theory', in Chassignet EP; Verron J (ed.), Ocean Modelling and Parameterization, pp. 269 - 302
,1996, 'Global sea level rise', in Pittock AB; Whetton PH; Hennessey KJ (ed.), Climate Impacts Assessment: Development and Application of Climate Change Scenarios, pp. 43 - 46
,1988, 'Small-scale turbulence and mixing in the ocean: A glossary', in Nihoul JCJ; Jamart BM (ed.), Small-Scale Turbulence and Mixing in the Ocean, Elsevier
,1988, 'Some Implications of Ocean Mixing for Ocean Modelling', in Nihoul JCJ; Jamart BM (ed.), Small-scale turbulence and mixing in the ocean, Elsevier, pp. 21 - 35