Select Publications


CARDONA M, 2021, WHEN THE TIME COMES Stories from the End of Life

Journal articles

Lim ML; Zammit C; Lewis E; Ee N; Maiden G; Goldwater M; Kimonis E; Kenning G; Rockwood K; Fitzgerald A; Radford K; Dodge H; Ward SA; Delbaere K; Peters R, 2024, 'A 10-week intergenerational program bringing together community-living older adults and preschool children (INTERACTION): a pilot feasibility non-randomised clinical trial', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10, pp. 37,

Xu Y; Aung HL; Hesam-Shariati N; Keay L; Sun X; Phu J; Honson V; Tully PJ; Booth A; Lewis E; Anderson CS; Anstey KJ; Peters R, 2024, 'Contrast Sensitivity, Visual Field, Color Vision, Motion Perception, and Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 25, pp. 105098,

Lewis ET; Anstey KJ; Radford K; Mealing N; Cardona M; Withall A; Rockwood K; Peters R, 2024, 'Levels of frailty and frailty progression in older urban- and regional-living First Nations Australians', Maturitas, 183, pp. 107962,

Cullen T; Griffith M; Damodaran A; Lewis E; McMillan F; Sammel A; Honeysette R; Biles B; Beadman K; Nathan S, 2024, 'The First Nations experience of accessing rheumatology services in a metropolitan hospital: A qualitative study', Health Expectations,

Moloney E; O’Donovan MR; Carpenter CR; Salvi F; Dent E; Mooijaart S; Hoogendijk EO; Woo J; Morley J; Hubbard RE; Cesari M; Ahern E; Romero-Ortuno R; McNamara R; O’Keefe A; Healy A; Heeren P; McLoughlin D; Deasy C; Martin L; Brousseau AA; Sezgin D; Bernard P; McLoughlin K; Sri-On J; Melady D; Edge L; O’Shaughnessy I; Van Damme J; Cardona M; Kirby J; Southerland L; Costa A; Sinclair D; Maxwell C; Doyle M; Lewis E; Corcoran G; Eagles D; Dockery F; Conroy S; Timmons S; O’Caoimh R, 2024, 'Core requirements of frailty screening in the emergency department: an international Delphi consensus study', Age and Ageing, 53,

Davidson E; Lewis E; Biles B; Stanley R; Dumuid D; McKeon G; Olds T; Macniven R, 2024, '‘He wants to play football but not available here … ’ Parent perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child physical activity and sport participation', Annals of Leisure Research,

Lewis ET; Howard L; Carroll UR; Howie A; Kenning G; Withall A; Rockwood K; Cardona M; Radford K; Schreyenberg K; Peters R, 2024, 'Looking out across the front yard: aboriginal peoples’ views of frailty in the community–A qualitative study', Ethnicity and Health, 29, pp. 987 - 1007,

Cardona M; Lewis ET; Bannach-Brown A; Ip G; Tan J; Koreshe E; Head J; Lee JJ; Rangel S; Bublitz L; Forbes C; Murray A; Marechal-Ross I; Bathla N; Kusnadi R; Brown PG; Alkhouri H; Ticehurst M; Lovell NH, 2023, 'Development and preliminary usability testing of an electronic conversation guide incorporating patient values and prognostic information in preparation for older people's decision-making near the end of life', Internet Interventions, 33,

Lewis ET; Hammill K; Culbert R; van der Merwe M; Sahay A; Turner R; Cardona M, 2023, 'Delivering Prognostic News to Older People with Chronic Disease: What Format Preference and Level of Involvement in Decision Making? A Hospital Survey', Healthcare (Switzerland), 11,

Pitman S; Mason N; Cardona M; Lewis E; O'shea M; Flood J; Kirk M; Seymour J; Duncan A, 2023, 'Triggering palliative care referrals through the identification of poor prognosis in older patients presented to emergency departments in rural Australia', International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 29, pp. 83 - 90,

Yashadhana A; Howie A; Veber M; Cullen P; Withall A; Lewis E; McCausland R; Macniven R; Andersen M, 2022, 'Experiences and perceptions of ageing among older First Nations Australians: A rapid review', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41, pp. 8 - 19,

Cardona M; Fien S; Myooran J; Hunter C; Dillon A; Lewis E; Browning M; Lewis L; Ní Chróinín D, 2022, 'Clinical and cost-effectiveness of telehealth for Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people: a scoping review', Ethnicity and Health, 28,

Macniven R; Delbaere K; Lewis E; Radford K; Canuto K; Dickson M; Richards J; Gwynn J; Withall A, 2022, 'Community co-selection of measures to evaluate the health and wellbeing impact of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community running groups', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 34, pp. 17 - 23,

Lewis ET; Williamson M; Lewis LP; Chróinín DN; Dent E; Ticehurst M; Peters R; Macniven R; Cardona M; Ni Chroinin D, 2022, 'The Feasibility of Deriving the Electronic Frailty Index from Australian General Practice Records', Clinical Interventions in Aging, 17, pp. 1589 - 1598,

Lewis ET; Howard L; Cardona M; Radford K; Withall A; Howie A; Rockwood K; Peters R, 2021, 'Frailty in Indigenous Populations: A Scoping Review', Frontiers in Public Health, 9, pp. 785460,

Kenning G; Ee N; Xu Y; Luu BL; Ward SA; Goldwater MB; Lewis E; Radford K; Anstey KJ; Lautenschlager NT; Fitzgerald JA; Rockwood K; Peters R, 2021, 'Intergenerational Practice in the Community—What Does the Community Think?', Social Sciences, 10, pp. 374 - 374,

Allen B; Canuto K; Evans JR; Lewis E; Gwynn J; Radford K; Delbaere K; Richards J; Lovell N; Dickson M; Macniven R, 2021, 'Facilitators and barriers to physical activity and sport participation experienced by aboriginal and torres strait islander adults: A mixed method review', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 9893,

Thompson KJ; Finfer SR; Coombes J; Eades S; Hunter K; Leong RNF; Lewis E; Liu B, 2021, 'Incidence and outcomes of sepsis in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous residents of New South Wales: population-based cohort study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 337 - 345,

Lewis ET; Hammill KA; Ticehurst M; Turner RM; Greenaway S; Hillman K; Carlini J; Cardona M, 2021, 'How do patients with life-limiting illness and caregivers want end-of-life prognostic information delivered? A pilot study', Healthcare (Switzerland), 9, pp. 784,

Peters R; Ee N; Ward SA; Kenning G; Radford K; Goldwater M; Dodge HH; Lewis E; Xu Y; Kudrna G; Hamilton M; Peters J; Anstey KJ; Lautenschlager NT; Fitzgerald A; Rockwood K, 2021, 'Intergenerational Programmes bringing together community dwelling non-familial older adults and children: A Systematic Review', Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 94, pp. 104356,

Lewis ET; Harrison R; Nicholson M; Hillman K; Trankle S; Rangel S; Stokes C; Cardona M, 2021, 'Clinicians’ and public acceptability of universal risk-of-death screening for older people in routine clinical practice in Australia: cross-sectional surveys', Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, pp. 1063 - 1070,

Raftery C; Lewis E; Cardona M, 2020, 'The Crucial Role of Nurses and Social Workers in Initiating End-of-Life Communication to Reduce Overtreatment in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic', Gerontology, 66, pp. 427 - 430,

Cardona M; Anstey M; Lewis ET; Shanmugam S; Hillman K; Psirides A, 2020, 'Appropriateness of intensive care treatments near the end of life during the covid-19 pandemic', Breathe, 16, pp. 1 - 10,

Trankle SA; Shanmugam S; Lewis E; Nicholson M; Hillman K; Cardona M, 2020, 'Are We Making Progress on Communication with People Who Are Near the End of Life in the Australian Health System? A Thematic Analysis', Health Communication, 35, pp. 158 - 167,

Ooi M; Lewis ET; Brisbane J; Tubb E; McClean T; Assareh H; Hillman K; Achat H; Cardona M, 2020, 'Feasibility of using a risk assessment tool to predict hospital transfers or death for older people in australian residential aged care. A retrospective cohort study', Healthcare (Switzerland), 8, pp. 284,

Lewis ET; Mahimbo A; Linhart C; Williamson M; Morgan M; Hammill K; Hall J; Cardona M, 2020, 'General practitioners' perceptions on the feasibility and acceptability of implementing a risk prediction checklist to support their end-of-life discussions in routine care: A qualitative study', Family Practice, 37, pp. 703 - 710,

Cardona M; Williamson M; Jones M; Chroinin DN; Gullotta J; Hillman K; Lewis ET; Morgan M, 2020, 'It is feasible to flag ‘near end-of-life' status in older patients from routine general practice data', Australian Journal of General Practice, 49, pp. 752 - 758,

Cardona M; Shanmugam S; Lewis ET; Psirides A; Anstey M; Hillman K, 2019, 'A rapid review of patient and family perspectives on inappropriateness of intensive care treatments at the end of life', MedRXiv,

Cardona M; Lewis E; Shanmugam S; Nicholson M; Williamson M; Hanly L; Hillman K, 2019, 'Dissonance on perceptions of end-of-life needs between health-care providers and members of the public: Quantitative cross-sectional surveys', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 38, pp. e75 - e84,

Lewis E; Harrison R; Hanly L; Psirides A; Zammit A; McFarland K; Dawson A; Hillman K; Barr M; Cardona M, 2019, 'End-of-life priorities of older adults with terminal illness and caregivers: a qualitative consultation', Health Expectations, 22, pp. 405 - 414,

Lewis ET; Dent E; Alkhouri H; Kellett J; Williamson M; Asha S; Holdgate A; Mackenzie J; Winoto L; Fajardo-Pulido D; Ticehurst M; Hillman K; McCarthy S; Elcombe E; Rogers K; Cardona M, 2019, 'Which frailty scale for patients admitted via Emergency Department? A cohort study', Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 80, pp. 104 - 114,

Cardona M; O'Sullivan M; Lewis ET; Turner RM; Garden F; Alkhouri H; Asha S; Mackenzie J; Perkins M; Suri S; Holdgate A; McCarthy S; Hillman K; Gallego Luxan B, 2019, 'Prospective validation of a checklist to predict short‐term death in older patients after emergency department admission in Australia and Ireland', Academic Emergency Medicine, 26, pp. 610 - 620,

Cardona M; Turner RM; Chapman A; Alkhouri H; Lewis ET; Jan S; Nicholson M; Parr M; Williamson M; Hillman K, 2018, 'Who Benefits from Aggressive Rapid Response System Treatments Near the End of Life? A Retrospective Cohort Study', Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 44, pp. 505 - 513,

Cardona M; Kellett J; Lewis E; Brabrand M; Ní Chróinín D, 2018, 'Truth disclosure on prognosis: Is it ethical not to communicate personalised risk of death?', International Journal of Clinical Practice, 72,

Cardona M; Lewis ET; Turner RM; Alkhouri H; Asha S; Mackenzie J; Perkins M; Suri S; Holdgate A; Winoto L; Hillman K; McCarthy S; Gallego Luxan B, 2018, 'Efficacy of a tool to predict short-term mortality in older people presenting at emergency departments: protocol for a multi-centre cohort study', Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 76, pp. 169 - 174,

Cardona M; Lewis ET; Kristensen MR; Skjøt-Arkil H; Ekmann AA; Nygaard HH; Jensen JJ; Jensen RO; Pedersen JL; Turner RM; Asha S; Garden F; Alkhouri H; Holdgate A; McCarthy S; Hillman K; Gallego Luxan B, 2018, 'Predictive validity of the CriSTAL tool for short-term mortality in older people presenting at emergency departments: a prospective study', European geriatric medicine, 9, pp. 891 - 901,

Cardona-Morrell M; Lewis E; Suman S; Haywood C; Williams M; Brousseau AA; Greenaway S; Hillman K; Dent E, 2017, 'Recognising older frail patients near the end of life: What next?', European Journal of Internal Medicine, 45, pp. 84 - 90,

Lewis E; Samperi S; Boyd-Skinner C, 2017, 'Telephone follow-up calls for older patients after hospital discharge', Age and Ageing, 46, pp. 544 - 546,

Lewis E; Cardona-Morrell M; Ong KY; Trankle SA; Hillman K, 2016, 'Evidence still insufficient that advance care documentation leads to engagement of healthcare professionals in end-of-life discussions: A systematic review', Palliative Medicine, 30, pp. 807 - 824,

Cardona-Morrell M; Chapman A; Turner RM; Lewis E; Gallego-Luxan B; Parr M; Hillman K; Gallego Luxan B, 2016, 'Pre-existing risk factors for in-hospital death among older patients could be used to initiate end-of-life discussions rather than rapid response system calls: a case-control study', Resuscitation, 109, pp. 76 - 80,

Conference Papers

Lewis E; Kristensen MR; O’Sullivan M; Ekmann AA; Skjøt-Arkil H; Nygaard HH; Cardona-Morrell M, 2017, 'CHALLENGES OF MEASURING FRAILTY IN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS AND PROPOSED SOLUTIONS', in Innovation in Aging, Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 383 - 383,

Conference Abstracts

Cardona M; Lewis E; Stehlik P; Sun S; Clark J, 2019, 'Inappropriate hospitalisations, aggressive treatments, and insufficient deprescribing: the medicalisation of death from natural causes', in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, BMJ Publishing Group, presented at Preventing Overdiagnosis,


Cardona M; Lewis ET; Bannach-Brown A; Ip G; Tan J; Koreshe E; Head J; Lee JJ; Rangel S; Bublitz L; Forbes C; Maréchal-Ross I; Bathla N; Kusnadi R; Brown PG; Alkhouri H; Ticehurst M; Lovell N, 2022, Development and pilot testing of an electronic guide incorporating patient values and prognostic information in preparation for older people’s decision-making near the end of life.,

Cardona M; Lewis ET; Bannach-Brown A; Ip G; Tan J; Koreshe E; Head J; Lee JJ; Rangel S; Bublitz L; Forbes C; Murray A; Marechal-Ross I; Bathla N; Kusnadi R; Brown PG; Alkhouri H; Ticehurst M; Lovell N, 2022, Development and Preliminary Usability Testing of an Electronic Conversation Guide Incorporating Patient Values and Prognostic Information in Preparation for Older People's Decision-Making Near the End of Life,

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