Select Publications

Working Papers

Goel RR; Painter MM; Lundgreen KA; Apostolidis SA; Baxter AE; Giles JR; Mathew D; Pattekar A; Reynaldi A; Khoury DS; Gouma S; Hicks P; Dysinger S; Hicks A; Sharma H; Herring S; Korte S; Kc W; Oldridge DA; Erickson RI; Weirick ME; McAllister CM; Awofolaju M; Tanenbaum N; Dougherty J; Long S; D'Andrea K; Hamilton JT; McLaughlin M; Williams JC; Adamski S; Kuthuru O; Drapeau EM; Davenport MP; Hensley SE; Bates P; Greenplate AR; Wherry EJ, 2022, Efficient recall of Omicron-reactive B cell memory after a third dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine., http://dx.doi.org10.1101/2022.02.20.481163,

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