Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Sharing Colorectal Cancer Follow-Up Using an E-Care Plan Between Cancer Services and Primary Health Care', Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 310, pp. 1517 - 1518,
,2024, 'Access to general practice for preventive health care for people who experience severe mental illness in Sydney, Australia: a qualitative study', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30,
,2021, 'Challenges and solutions to sharing a cancer follow-up e-care plan between a cancer service and general practice', Public Health Research and Practice, 31,
,2020, 'Assessing suitability for long-term colorectal cancer shared care: a scenario-based qualitative study', BMC Family Practice, 21, pp. 240,
,2019, 'Linking observational data from general practice, hospital admissions and diabetes clinic databases: Can it be used to predict hospital admission?', BMC Health Services Research, 19, pp. 526,
,2019, 'Provider-focused interventions in primary healthcare improving outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes: A rapid review', Public Health Research and Practice, Online early publication, pp. 1 - 19,
,2017, 'The informatics capability maturity of integrated primary care centres in Australia', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 105, pp. 89 - 97,
,2017, 'Integrated Healthcare Homes & Neighbourhoods: governance, clinical, managerial & evaluation matters', International Journal of Integrated Care, 17, pp. 43,
,2015, 'Structured data quality reports to improve EHR data quality', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84, pp. 1094 - 1098,
,2015, 'Primary health care-level interventions targeting health literacy and their effect on weight loss: A systematic review', BMC Obesity, 2, pp. 6,
,2014, 'Integrating electronic health record information to support integrated care: Practical application of ontologies to improve the accuracy of diabetes disease registers', Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 52, pp. 364 - 372,
,2014, 'Validating an ontology-based algorithm to identify patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Electronic Health Records', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 83, pp. 768 - 778,
,2014, 'Development of a Methodological Approach for Data Quality Ontology in Diabetes Management', International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, 5, pp. 58 - 77,
,2014, 'EHR-based disease registries to support integrated care in a health neighbourhood: an ontology-based methodology', Studies in health technology and informatics, 205, pp. 171 - 175,
,2014, 'Electronic health records and disease registries to support integrated care in a health neighbourhood: an ontology-based methodology.', AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science Proceedings, 2014, pp. 50 - 54,
,2014, 'Ontological specification of quality of chronic disease data in EHRs to support decision analytics: a realist review', Decision Analytics, 1, pp. 5,
,2013, 'Data extraction from electronic health records - existing tools may be unreliable and potentially unsafe', Australian Family Physician, 42, pp. 820 - 823
,2013, 'Corrigendum to "Towards an ontology for data quality in integrated chronic disease management: A realist review of the literature" [Int. J. Med. Inform. 82 (2013) 10-24]', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 82, pp. 139,
,2013, 'A preliminary study of the relationship between general practice care and hospitalisation using a diabetes register, CARDIAB', Australian Health Review, 37, pp. 210 - 217,
,2013, 'Gender differences in health-related quality of life of Australian chronically-ill adults: patient and physician haracteristics do matter', Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 11, pp. 102,
,2013, 'Multidisciplinary care: Experience of diabetic patients with complex needs', Australian Journal of Primary Health,
,2013, 'The Teamwork Study: enhancing the role of non-GP staff in chronic disease management in general practice', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 19, pp. 184 - 189,
,2013, 'Towards an Ontology for Data Quality in Integrated Chronic Disease Management: A Realist Review of the Literature', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 82, pp. 10 - 24,
,2012, 'A systematic review of interventions in primary care to improve health literacy for chronic disease behavioral risk factors', BMC Family Practice, 13, pp. 49,
,2012, 'Health reform: is current electronic information fit for purpose?', Emergency Medicine Australasia, 24, pp. 57 - 63,
,2012, 'Health reform: Is routinely collected electronic information fit for purpose?', Emergency Medicine Australasia, 24, pp. 57 - 63,
,2012, 'The Quality of Routinely Collected Data: Using the “Principal Diagnosis” in Emergency Department Databases as an Example', Electronic Journal of Health Informatics., 7, pp. e1,
,2012, 'Which providers can bridge the health literacy gap in lifestyle risk factor modification education: a systematic review and narrative synthesis', BMC Family Practice, 13, pp. 44,
,2011, 'Patients assessment of chronic illness care (PACIC) in two Australian studies: Structure and utility', Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 17, pp. 215 - 221,
,2010, 'Multidisciplinary Team Care Arrangements in the management of patients with chronic disease in Australian general practice', Medical Journal of Australia, 194, pp. 236 - 239
,2010, 'Readiness for change among general practice staff', Quality and Safety in Health Care,
,2009, 'Attitudes, norms and controls influencing lifestyle risk factor management in general practice', BMC Family Practice, 10, pp. online,
,2009, 'Facilitating teamwork in general practice: moving from theory to practice', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 15, pp. 24 - 28,
,2008, 'Engaging participants in a complex intervention trial in Australian General Practice', Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 8, pp. 1 - 6,
,2008, 'Investigation of cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes in a rural Australian Division of General Practice', Medical Journal of Australia, 189, pp. 86 - 89
,2008, 'Quality of diabetes care - A comparison of division diabetes registers', Australian Family Physician, 37, pp. 490 - 492