Select Publications


Torda A, 2017, the Ethics Cube,

Journal articles

Loprete J; Richardson R; Bramah V; Comben S; Li T; Beiglari L; O'Neill R; McEwan C; Carr A; Tong W; Campbell D; Wong M; Evans L; Post J; Torda A; Kane A; Kelleher A; Wainstein B; McMullan B; Law M, 2023, 'Delabeling, safety, and impact of β-lactam allergy testing: A systematic review', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Global, 2,

Yastrebov K; Costello C; Taylor B; Torda A, 2023, 'Point-of-care ultrasonography—An essential skill for medical graduates?', Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 26, pp. 272 - 274,

Seale H; Carlson SJ; Maley M; Clezy K; Torda A; Konecny P, 2023, 'Lifting the curtains of silence: Patient perceptions towards needs and responsibilities in contributing to the prevention of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance', American Journal of Infection Control, 51, pp. 852 - 858,

Torda A; Pinheiro R; Overton K; Yu J; Ooi SY; Altman L, 2023, 'Novel student roles in health care delivery: An example emerging from the COVID-19 health care crisis in 2021', Internal Medicine Journal, 53, pp. 1050 - 1053,

Chan E; Khong ML; Torda A; Tanner JA; Velan GM; Wong GTC, 2022, 'Medical teachers’ experience of emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-institutional study', BMC Medical Education, 22, pp. 303,

Loprete J; Katelaris CH; Evans L; Kane A; McMullan B; Wainstein B; Wong M; Post J; Suan D; Swaminathan S; Richardson R; Rogers J; Torda A; Campbell DE; Kelleher AD; Law M; Carr A; Tong WWY, 2022, 'Standardized testing and written communication improve patient understanding of beta-lactam allergy testing outcomes: A multicenter, prospective study', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Global, 1, pp. 99 - 105,

Davis JS; Metcalf S; Clark B; Owen Robinson J; Huggan P; Luey C; McBride S; Aboltins C; Nelson R; Campbell D; Solomon LB; Schneider K; Loewenthal MR; Yates P; Athan E; Cooper D; Rad B; Allworth T; Reid A; Read K; Leung P; Sud A; Nagendra V; Chean R; Lemoh C; Mutalima N; Tran T; Grimwade K; Sehu M; Looke D; Torda A; Aung T; Graves S; Paterson DL; Manning L, 2022, 'Predictors of Treatment Success after Periprosthetic Joint Infection: 24-Month Follow up from a Multicenter Prospective Observational Cohort Study of 653 Patients', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 9,

Torda A; Shulruf B, 2021, 'It’s what you do, not the way you do it – online versus face-to-face small group teaching in first year medical school', BMC Medical Education, 21,

Shamim MS; Torda A; Baig LA; Zubairi N; Balasooriya C, 2021, 'Systematic development and refinement of a contextually relevant strategy for undergraduate medical ethics education: a qualitative study', BMC Medical Education, 21, pp. 9,

Gulholm T; Overton K; Clezy K; Torda A; Post JJ, 2021, 'Prevalence of antibiotic allergy labels and their consequences in people presenting to a teaching hospital emergency department; a retrospective chart review', Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 39, pp. 124 - 128,

Torda A, 2021, 'Author reply', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 463,

Torda AJ; Velan G; Perkovic V, 2020, 'The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical education', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 334 - 334.e1,

Torda A, 2020, 'CLASSIE teaching - Using virtual reality to incorporate medical ethics into clinical decision making', BMC Medical Education, 20, pp. 326,

Torda A, 2020, 'How COVID‐19 has pushed us into a medical education revolution', Internal Medicine Journal, 50, pp. 1150 - 1153,

Torda A; Mangos J, 2020, 'Medical ethics education in Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) medical schools: a mixed methods study to review how medical ethics is taught in ANZ medical programs.', International Journal of Ethics Education,

Shamim MS; Baig L; Zubairi N; Torda A, 2020, 'Review of ethics teaching in undergraduate medical education', Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 70, pp. 1056 - 1062,

Torda A; Perkovic V; Velan G, 2020, 'The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on medical education', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 188 - 188.e1,

Manning L; Metcalf S; Clark B; Robinson JO; Huggan P; Luey C; McBride S; Aboltins C; Nelson R; Campbell D; Solomon LB; Schneider K; Loewenthal M; Yates P; Athan E; Cooper D; Rad B; Allworth T; Reid A; Read K; Leung P; Sud A; Nagendra V; Chean R; Lemoh C; Mutalima N; Grimwade K; Sehu M; Torda A; Aung T; Graves S; Paterson D; Davis J, 2020, 'Clinical Characteristics, Etiology, and Initial Management Strategy of Newly Diagnosed Periprosthetic Joint Infection: A Multicenter, Prospective Observational Cohort Study of 783 Patients', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7,

Torda A; Mangos JG, 2020, 'Medical ethics education in Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) medical schools: a mixed methods study to review how medical ethics is taught in ANZ medical programs', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS EDUCATION, 5, pp. 211 - 224,

Seale H; Mitchell B; Konecny P; Broom A; Maley M; Torda A, 2019, 'Re-imagining patient involvement in infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship', Infection, Disease & Health, 24, pp. S4 - S4,

Overton K; Mennon V; Mothobi N; Neild B; Martinez E; Masters J; Grant P; Akhunji Z; Su WY; Torda A; Whyte CM; Lloyd A; Weatherall C; Hofmeyr A; Foo H; Brookes K; Marriott D; Sintchenko V; Clezy K; Konecny P; Post JJ, 2018, 'Cluster of invasive Mycobacteria chimaera infections following cardiac surgery demonstrating novel clinical features and risks of aortic valve replacement', Internal Medicine Journal, 48, pp. 1514 - 1520,

Torda A; Chan V, 2018, 'Antibiotic allergy labels—the impact of taking a clinical history', International Journal of Clinical Practice, 72,

Shamim MS; Baig L; Torda A; Balasooriya C, 2018, 'Culture and ethics in medical education: The Asian perspective', Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 68, pp. 444 - 446

Sullivan R; Rabinowitz D; Lehane C; Torda A, 2018, 'Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis causing subcutaneous collections in the thigh', BMJ (Online), 361,

Torda AJ; commons R, 2018, 'Managing diabetic foot infections: a survey of Australasian infectious diseases clinicians', ournalofFootandAnkleResearch, 11, pp. 13,

Torda A; Chong Q; Lee A; Chen S; Dodds A; Greenwood M; Larsen S; Gilroy N, 2014, 'Invasive pneumococcal disease following adult allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation', Transplant Infectious Disease, 16, pp. 751 - 759,

Zwar NA; Torda AJ, 2012, 'Diarrhö-Diagnostik bei einem Indien-Rückkehrer', Praxis, 101, pp. 259 - 263,

Zwar NA; Torda AJ, 2011, 'Investigation of diarrhoea in a traveller just returned from India', BMJ - General Practice Edition, 342, pp. 1304 - 1306,

N K; Torda AJ, 2011, 'Travel and pregnancy: an infectious diseases perspective', Obstetric Medicine, 4, pp. 53 - 58

Torda AJ, 2009, 'Response', Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 6, pp. 257 - 258

Torda AJ; Alexander J, 2009, 'Revaccination of bone marrow transplant recipients: A review of current practices in Australia', Internal Medicine Journal, 39, pp. 216 - 221


Spelman D; Buttery J; Daley A; Isaacs D; Jennens I; Kakakios A; Lawrence R; Roberts S; Torda A; Watson DAR; Woolley I; Anderson T; Street A, 2008, 'Guidelines for the prevention of sepsis in asplenic and hyposplenic patients', Internal Medicine Journal, 38, pp. 349 - 356,

Torda AJ, 2008, 'Vaccination and screening of medical students: results of a student health initiative', Medical Journal of Australia, 189, pp. 484 - 486

Torda AJ, 2006, 'Ethical issues in pandemic planning', Medical Journal of Australia, 185, pp. S73 - S76

Torda A, 2005, 'Postpartum toxic shock syndrome associated with multiple splenic infarcts [2]', Medical Journal of Australia, 182, pp. 93,

King MR; Kerridge I; Gilroy N; Selgelid IJ; Annals G; O'Malley J; Torda A; Gilbert L; Keown R, 2005, 'Animals and ethics: An overview of the debate', Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2, pp. 48 - 56,

Torda AJ, 2005, 'How far does a doctor`s `duty of care` go?', Internal Medicine Journal, 35, pp. 295 - 296

Torda AJ, 2005, 'In that case: response', J Bioeth Inq, 2, pp. 51 - 51

Torda A, 2002, 'Infectious risks to healthcare workers', Medicine Today, 3, pp. 31 - 38

Torda AJ, 2002, 'Infectious risks for health care workers', Medicine Today

Torda A, 2001, 'Toxoplasmosis. Are cats really the source?', Australian family physician, 30, pp. 743 - 747

Torda AJ; Kumar RK; Jones PD, 2001, 'The Pathology of Human and Murine Cryptococcosis Neoformans Var. Gattii', Pathology, pp. 1465 - 3931

Torda AJ; Kumar RK; Jones PD, 2001, 'The pathology of human and murine pulmonary infection with Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii', Pathology, pp. 475 - 478

Torda AJ, 2000, 'Oral antibiotics, when to start, when to change', Medicine Today, 11, pp. 52 - 60

Torda A; McDonald R, 1997, 'Antifungal therapy: An update', Modern Medicine of Australia, 40, pp. 50 - 57

Torda AJ; Jones PD, 1997, 'Necrotizing cutaneous infection caused by Curvularia brachyspora in an immunocompetent host', Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 38, pp. 85 - 87,

Torda AJ; Bennett MR; Torda TAG, 1997, 'The clinical spectrum of necrotising fasciitis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 27, pp. 440,

Torda AJ; McDonald R, 1997, 'Necrotising Cutaneous Fungal Infections: Case Report and Review', Australasian Dermatol, 38, pp. 85 - 87

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