Select Publications

Book Chapters

Minbashian A, 2017, 'Within-Person Variability in Performance', in The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, Oxford University Press

Beckmann N; Minbashian A; Wood RE, 2011, 'Integrating the study of within- and between-person variability in personality at work.', in Boag S; Tiliopoulos N (ed.), Personality and Individual Differences: Theory, Assessment, and Application, Nova, New York,

Journal articles

Criado-Perez C; Jackson C; Minbashian A; Collins CG, 2024, 'Cognitive Reflection and Decision-Making Accuracy: Examining Their Relation and Boundary Conditions in the Context of Evidence-based Management', Journal of Business and Psychology, 39, pp. 249 - 273,

Shipton H; Kougiannou N; Do H; Minbashian A; Pautz N; King D, 2024, 'Organisational voice and employee-focused voice: Two distinct voice forms and their effects on burnout and innovative behavior', Human Resource Management Journal, 34, pp. 177 - 196,

Wu Y; Groth M; Zhang K; Minbashian A, 2023, 'A meta-analysis of the impact of customer mistreatment on service employees' affective, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes', Journal of Service Management, 34, pp. 896 - 940,

Harrison R; Chauhan A; Le-Dao H; Minbashian A; Walpola R; Fischer S; Schwarz G, 2022, 'Achieving change readiness for health service innovations', Nursing Forum, 57, pp. 603 - 607,

Harrison R; Chauhan A; Minbashian A; McMullan R; Schwarz G, 2022, 'Is Gaining Affective Commitment the Missing Strategy for Successful Change Management in Healthcare?', Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 14, pp. 1 - 4,

Nguyen PT; Rafferty A; Schwarz GM; Minbashian A, 2022, 'The Multilevel Linkage Between Organizational Communication and Readiness for Change', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022,

Khan M; Minbashian A; MacCann C, 2021, 'College students in the western world are becoming less emotionally intelligent: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of trait emotional intelligence', Journal of Personality, 89, pp. 1176 - 1190,

Beckmann N; Birney DP; Minbashian A; Beckmann JF, 2021, 'Personality dynamics at work: The effects of form, time, and context of variability', European Journal of Personality, 35, pp. 421 - 449,

Khan M; Minbashian A, 2021, 'The Effects of Ageing on Creative Performance Trajectories', Applied Psychology, 70, pp. 384 - 408,

Le-Dao H; Chauhan A; Walpola R; Fischer S; Schwarz G; Minbashian A; Munro A; D'Arcy E; Allan J; Harrison R, 2020, 'Managing Complex Healthcare Change: A Qualitative Exploration of Current Practice in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 12, pp. 143 - 151,

Do MH; Minbashian A, 2020, 'Higher-order personality factors and leadership outcomes: A meta-analysis', Personality and Individual Differences, 163,

MacCann C; Erbas Y; Dejonckheere E; Minbashian A; Kuppens P; Fayn K, 2020, 'Emotional Intelligence Relates to Emotions, Emotion Dynamics and Emotion Complexity', European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36, pp. 460 - 470,

Anglim J; Morse G; Dunlop PD; Minbashian A; Marty A, 2020, 'Predicting trait emotional intelligence from HEXACO personality: Domains, facets, and the general factor of personality', Journal of Personality, 88, pp. 324 - 338,

MacCann C; Jiang Y; Brown LER; Bucich M; Double KS; Minbashian A, 2020, 'Emotional Intelligence Predicts Academic Performance: A Meta-Analysis', Psychological Bulletin, 146, pp. 150 - 186,

Jackson CJ; Minbashian A; Criado-Perez C, 2019, 'A multi-level super meta-theory of personality meta-theories: Why behavior is not always associated with reproductive success', Personality and Individual Differences, 146, pp. 149 - 157,

Heslin PA; Keating LA; Minbashian A, 2019, 'How Situational Cues and Mindset Dynamics Shape Personality Effects on Career Outcomes', Journal of Management, 45, pp. 2101 - 2131,

Minbashian A; Birney DP; Bowman DB, 2019, 'The thinking styles of managers: Dimensionality, profiles and motivational antecedents', Australian Journal of Management, 44, pp. 70 - 90,

Wood RE; Beckmann N; Birney DB; Beckmann JB; Minbashian A; Chau R, 2018, 'Situation contingent units of personality at work', Personality and Individual Differences, 136, pp. 113 - 121,

Rafferty A; Minbashian A, 2018, 'Cognitive beliefs and positive emotions about change: Relationships with employee change readiness and change-supportive behaviors', Human Relations,

Minbashian A; Beckmann N; Wood RE, 2017, 'Emotional intelligence and individual differences in affective processes underlying task-contingent conscientiousness', Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, pp. 1182 - 1196,

Chan-Serafin S; Teo L; Minbashian A; Cheng D; Wang L, 2017, 'The perils of dating your boss: The role of hierarchical workplace romance and sex on evaluators’ career advancement decisions for lower status romance participants', Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 34, pp. 309 - 333,

Khan M; Minbashian A, 2017, 'The Effect of Age and Work Experience on Emotional Intelligence: A Meta-Analytic Review', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 15324 - 15324,

Bouckenooghe D; M. Schwarz G; Minbashian A, 2015, 'Herscovitch and Meyer’s Three-Component model of commitment to change: Meta-analytic findings', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24, pp. 578 - 595,

Do MH; Minbashian A, 2014, 'A meta-analytic examination of the effects of the agentic and affiliative aspects of extraversion on leadership outcomes', Leadership Quarterly, 25, pp. 1040 - 1053,

Minbashian A; Luppino D, 2014, 'Short-term and long-term within-person variability in performance: An integrative model', Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, pp. 898 - 914,

Minbashian A; Earl JK; Bright J, 2013, 'Openness to Experience as a Predictor of Job Performance Trajectories', Applied Psychology - an International Review - Psychologie Appliquee - Revue Internationale, 62, pp. 1 - 12,

Fisher CD; Minbashian A; Beckmann N; Wood RE, 2013, 'Task Appraisals, Emotions, and Performance Goal Orientation.', Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, pp. 364 - 373,

Beckmann N; Beckmann JF; Minbashian A; Birney DP, 2012, 'In the heat of the moment: On the effect of state neuroticism on task performance', Personality and Individual Differences, 54, pp. 447 - 452,

Beckmann N; Wood RE; Minbashian A; Tabernero C, 2012, 'Small group learning: Do group members' implicit theories of ability make a difference?', Learning and Individual Differences, 22, pp. 624 - 631,

Earl JK; Minbashian A; Sukijjakhamin A; Bright JEH, 2011, 'Career decision status as a predictor of resignation behavior five years later', Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78, pp. 248 - 252,

Minbashian A; Bright JEH; Bird KD, 2010, 'A comparison of artificial neural networks and multiple regression in the context of research on personality and work performance', Organizational Research Methods, 13, pp. 540 - 561,

Beckmann N; Wood R; Minbashian A, 2010, 'It depends how you look at it: On the relationship between neuroticism and conscientiousness at the within- and the between-person levels of analysis.', Journal of Research in Personality, 44, pp. 593 - 601,

Minbashian A; Wood R; Beckmann N, 2010, 'Task-contingent conscientiousness as a unit of personality at work.', Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, pp. 793 - 806

Minbashian A; Bright JEH; Bird KD, 2009, 'Complexity in the relationship among the subdimensions of extraversion and job performance in managerial occupations', Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, pp. 537 - 549,

Gabbett T; Minbashian A; Finch CF, 2007, 'Influence of environmental and ground conditions on injury risk in rugby league', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 10, pp. 211 - 218,

Minbashian A; Huon GF; Bird KD, 2004, 'Approaches to studying and academic performance in short-essay exams', Higher Education, 47, pp. 161 - 176,

Conference Papers

Jackson C; Badcock P; Chanin C; Jafaralijasbi F; Minbashian A, 2021, 'The Free Energy Principle, Markov Blankets and meta-theories of personality in understanding life's behaviour across the Universe: Will ET be friend or foe?', in PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,

Teo L; Chan-Serafin S; Minbashian A; Cheng D; Wang L, 2012, 'Hierarchical workplace romance: The role of social judgment and gender on career outcomes.', Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., presented at Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., 03 August 2012 - 07 August 2012

Bowman D; Beckmann JF; Beckmann N; MacCann C; Birney D; Wood RE; Minbashian A, 2009, 'Workshop: The Accelerated Learning Laboratory’s approach to accelerated learning', Sydney, presented at 8th Australasian Conference on Personality and Individual Differences, Sydney, 25 November 2009 - 28 November 2009

Beckmann N; Wood RE; Minbashian A, 2009, 'It depends how you look at it – on the relationship between conscientiousness and neuroticism', Sydney, Australia, presented at 8th Australian Conference for Personality and Individual Differences, Sydney, Australia, 25 November 2009

Minbashian A; Beckmann N; Wood RE, 2009, 'Contingent beliefs as predictors of within-person variation in conscientiousness at work', in Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting: AOM Best Conference Papers 2009, Academy of Management, Briarcliff Manor, NY, presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 07 August 2009 - 11 August 2009

Minbashian A; Wood R; Beckmann N, 2009, 'Contingent beliefs as predictors of within-person variation in conscientiousness at work', in Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting: AOM Best Conference Papers 2009, Academy of Management, Briarcliff Manor, NY, presented at Sixty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

Minbashian A, 2008, 'The effects of work-related situational cues on intraindividual variation in the emotional and motivational states of managers.', in Paper accepted as oral presentation at the XXIX. International Congress for Psychology, Berlin, Germany, presented at XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, 20 July 2008 - 25 July 2008

Beckmann N, 2008, 'Within- and between-person variability ¿ the benefits of different perspectives on personality.', in Paper accepted as oral presentation at the XXIX. International Congress for Psychology, Berlin, Germany, presented at XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, 20 July 2008 - 25 July 2008

Minbashian A; Beckmann JF; Wood R, 2008, 'Within- and between-person variability - the benefits of difference perspectives on personality', presented at XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Beckmann N; Wood RE; Minbashian A, 2006, 'Organisational Behaviour: Science or Scientism?', Rockhampton, Australia, presented at Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2006, Rockhampton, Australia, 05 December 2006 - 09 December 2006

Conference Posters

Do MH; Minbashian A, 2015, 'Determining which personality level best predicts leadership effectiveness: A Meta-analysis.', presented at 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 23 April 2015 - 25 April 2015

Conference Presentations

Khan M; Minbashian A, 2017, 'Within-person Effect of Ageing and Between-person Effect of Starting Age on Performance Trajectories.', presented at Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting, 05 August 2017 - 09 August 2016

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