Select Publications

Journal articles

Criado-Perez C; Jackson C; Minbashian A; Collins CG, 2024, 'Cognitive Reflection and Decision-Making Accuracy: Examining Their Relation and Boundary Conditions in the Context of Evidence-based Management', Journal of Business and Psychology, 39, pp. 249 - 273,

Shipton H; Kougiannou N; Do H; Minbashian A; Pautz N; King D, 2024, 'Organisational voice and employee-focused voice: Two distinct voice forms and their effects on burnout and innovative behavior', Human Resource Management Journal, 34, pp. 177 - 196,

Wu Y; Groth M; Zhang K; Minbashian A, 2023, 'A meta-analysis of the impact of customer mistreatment on service employees' affective, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes', Journal of Service Management, 34, pp. 896 - 940,

Harrison R; Chauhan A; Le-Dao H; Minbashian A; Walpola R; Fischer S; Schwarz G, 2022, 'Achieving change readiness for health service innovations', Nursing Forum, 57, pp. 603 - 607,

Harrison R; Chauhan A; Minbashian A; McMullan R; Schwarz G, 2022, 'Is Gaining Affective Commitment the Missing Strategy for Successful Change Management in Healthcare?', Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 14, pp. 1 - 4,

Nguyen PT; Rafferty A; Schwarz GM; Minbashian A, 2022, 'The Multilevel Linkage Between Organizational Communication and Readiness for Change', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022,

Khan M; Minbashian A; MacCann C, 2021, 'College students in the western world are becoming less emotionally intelligent: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of trait emotional intelligence', Journal of Personality, 89, pp. 1176 - 1190,

Beckmann N; Birney DP; Minbashian A; Beckmann JF, 2021, 'Personality dynamics at work: The effects of form, time, and context of variability', European Journal of Personality, 35, pp. 421 - 449,

Khan M; Minbashian A, 2021, 'The Effects of Ageing on Creative Performance Trajectories', Applied Psychology, 70, pp. 384 - 408,

Le-Dao H; Chauhan A; Walpola R; Fischer S; Schwarz G; Minbashian A; Munro A; D'Arcy E; Allan J; Harrison R, 2020, 'Managing Complex Healthcare Change: A Qualitative Exploration of Current Practice in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 12, pp. 143 - 151,

Do MH; Minbashian A, 2020, 'Higher-order personality factors and leadership outcomes: A meta-analysis', Personality and Individual Differences, 163,

MacCann C; Erbas Y; Dejonckheere E; Minbashian A; Kuppens P; Fayn K, 2020, 'Emotional Intelligence Relates to Emotions, Emotion Dynamics and Emotion Complexity', European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36, pp. 460 - 470,

Anglim J; Morse G; Dunlop PD; Minbashian A; Marty A, 2020, 'Predicting trait emotional intelligence from HEXACO personality: Domains, facets, and the general factor of personality', Journal of Personality, 88, pp. 324 - 338,

Jackson CJ; Minbashian A; Criado-Perez C, 2019, 'A multi-level super meta-theory of personality meta-theories: Why behavior is not always associated with reproductive success', Personality and Individual Differences, 146, pp. 149 - 157,

Heslin PA; Keating LA; Minbashian A, 2019, 'How Situational Cues and Mindset Dynamics Shape Personality Effects on Career Outcomes', Journal of Management, 45, pp. 2101 - 2131,

Minbashian A; Birney DP; Bowman DB, 2019, 'The thinking styles of managers: Dimensionality, profiles and motivational antecedents', Australian Journal of Management, 44, pp. 70 - 90,

MacCann C; Jiang Y; Brown LER; Double KS; Bucich M; Minbashian A, 2019, 'Emotional Intelligence Predicts Academic Performance: A Meta-Analysis', Psychological Bulletin, 146, pp. 150 - 186,

Wood RE; Beckmann N; Birney DB; Beckmann JB; Minbashian A; Chau R, 2018, 'Situation contingent units of personality at work', Personality and Individual Differences, 136, pp. 113 - 121,

Rafferty A; Minbashian A, 2018, 'Cognitive beliefs and positive emotions about change: Relationships with employee change readiness and change-supportive behaviors', Human Relations,

Minbashian A; Beckmann N; Wood RE, 2017, 'Emotional intelligence and individual differences in affective processes underlying task-contingent conscientiousness', Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, pp. 1182 - 1196,

Chan-Serafin S; Teo L; Minbashian A; Cheng D; Wang L, 2017, 'The perils of dating your boss: The role of hierarchical workplace romance and sex on evaluators’ career advancement decisions for lower status romance participants', Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 34, pp. 309 - 333,

Khan M; Minbashian A, 2017, 'The Effect of Age and Work Experience on Emotional Intelligence: A Meta-Analytic Review', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 15324 - 15324,

Bouckenooghe D; M. Schwarz G; Minbashian A, 2015, 'Herscovitch and Meyer’s Three-Component model of commitment to change: Meta-analytic findings', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24, pp. 578 - 595,

Do MH; Minbashian A, 2014, 'A meta-analytic examination of the effects of the agentic and affiliative aspects of extraversion on leadership outcomes', Leadership Quarterly, 25, pp. 1040 - 1053,

Minbashian A; Luppino D, 2014, 'Short-term and long-term within-person variability in performance: An integrative model', Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, pp. 898 - 914,

Minbashian A; Earl JK; Bright J, 2013, 'Openness to Experience as a Predictor of Job Performance Trajectories', Applied Psychology - an International Review - Psychologie Appliquee - Revue Internationale, 62, pp. 1 - 12,

Fisher CD; Minbashian A; Beckmann N; Wood RE, 2013, 'Task Appraisals, Emotions, and Performance Goal Orientation.', Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, pp. 364 - 373,

Beckmann N; Beckmann JF; Minbashian A; Birney DP, 2012, 'In the heat of the moment: On the effect of state neuroticism on task performance', Personality and Individual Differences, 54, pp. 447 - 452,

Beckmann N; Wood RE; Minbashian A; Tabernero C, 2012, 'Small group learning: Do group members' implicit theories of ability make a difference?', Learning and Individual Differences, 22, pp. 624 - 631,

Earl JK; Minbashian A; Sukijjakhamin A; Bright JEH, 2011, 'Career decision status as a predictor of resignation behavior five years later', Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78, pp. 248 - 252,

Minbashian A; Bright JEH; Bird KD, 2010, 'A comparison of artificial neural networks and multiple regression in the context of research on personality and work performance', Organizational Research Methods, 13, pp. 540 - 561,

Beckmann N; Wood R; Minbashian A, 2010, 'It depends how you look at it: On the relationship between neuroticism and conscientiousness at the within- and the between-person levels of analysis.', Journal of Research in Personality, 44, pp. 593 - 601,

Minbashian A; Wood R; Beckmann N, 2010, 'Task-contingent conscientiousness as a unit of personality at work.', Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, pp. 793 - 806

Minbashian A; Bright JEH; Bird KD, 2009, 'Complexity in the relationship among the subdimensions of extraversion and job performance in managerial occupations', Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, pp. 537 - 549,

Gabbett T; Minbashian A; Finch CF, 2007, 'Influence of environmental and ground conditions on injury risk in rugby league', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 10, pp. 211 - 218,

Minbashian A; Huon GF; Bird KD, 2004, 'Approaches to studying and academic performance in short-essay exams', Higher Education, 47, pp. 161 - 176,

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