Select Publications

Book Chapters

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'Adam Smith’s Reasoning Routines and the Deep Structure of His Oeuvre', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, pp. 167 - 235,

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'Conclusion', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, pp. 237 - 245,

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'Introduction', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, pp. 1 - 29,

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'Preface', in Adam Smith’s System: A Re-Interpretation Inspired by Smith's Lectures on Rhetoric, Game Theory, and Conjectural History, pp. vii - x

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'Self-Command in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments: A Game-Theoretic Reinterpretation', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, pp. 67 - 92,

Ortmann A, 2022, 'The Nature and Causes of Corporate Negligence, Sham Lectures, and Ecclesiastical Indolence: Adam Smith on Joint-Stock Companies, Teachers, and Preachers', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, pp. 93 - 112,

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'The Proper Role for Government, Game-Theoretically, for Smith', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, pp. 113 - 140,

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'The Rhetorical Structure of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (and What Caused It)', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, pp. 31 - 65,

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'Correction to: Adam Smith’s System', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, Springer International Publishing, pp. C1 - C1,

Ortmann A; Walraevens B, 2022, 'Introduction', in Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 29,

Ortmann A, 2019, 'Deception', in Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics, pp. 28 - 38,

Ortmann A; Spiliopoulos L, 2017, 'The beauty of simplicity? (Simple) heuristics and the opportunities yet to be realized', in Handbook of behavioural economics and smart decision-making: Rational decision-making within the bounds of reason, pp. 119 - 136

Ortmann A; Spiliopoulos L, 2017, 'The beauty of simplicity? (Simple) heuristics and the opportunities yet to be realized', in Handbook of Behavioural Economics and Smart Decision-Making, Edward Elgar Publishing,

Ortmann A, 2017, 'Experimental economics', in Economics: The Definitive Encyclopedia from Theory to Practice, pp. 172 - 173

Ortmann A, 2016, 'Episodes from the Early History of Experimentation in Economics', in Svorencik A; Maas H (ed.), The Making of Experimental Economics, Springer International Publishing, pp. 195 - 217,

Güth W; Ortmann A, 2015, 'A behavioral approach to distribution and bargaining', in Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics: Foundations and Developments, pp. 405 - 422,

Ortmann A, 2015, 'BEAUTY CONTEST/GUESSING GAME', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 26 - 27

Ortmann A, 2015, 'EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 139 - 140

Ortmann A, 2015, 'FAST AND FRUGAL HEURISTICS', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 154 - 155

Ortmann A, 2015, 'PLOTT, CHARLES (1938-)', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 320 - 321

Ortmann A, 2015, 'ROTH, ALVIN E. (1951-)', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 371 - 372

Ortmann A; Zhang L, 2015, 'SAMPLE SIZE NULL HYPOTHESIS SIGNIFICANCE TESTING', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 373 - 374

Ortmann A, 2015, 'SCHELLING, THOMAS C. (1921-)', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 376 - 378

Ortmann A, 2015, 'SELTEN, REINHARD (1930-)', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 382 - 383

Ortmann A; Prokosheva S, 2015, 'UNCERTAINTY EFFECT', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 452 - 454

Ortmann A, 2015, 'VALIDITY, EXTERNAL (GENERALIZABILITY)', in Real-World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, pp. 461 - 463

Devetag G; Ortmann A, 2014, 'Solving Coordination Problems Experimentally', in Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences: Second Edition, pp. 357 - 384,

Devetag G; Ortmann A, 2014, 'Chapter 16 Solving Coordination Problems Experimentally', in Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences, Elsevier, pp. 357 - 384,

Ortmann A; Myslivecek J, 2010, 'Certification and Self-Regulation of Non-Profits, and the Institutional Choice Between Them', in Seaman B; Young D (ed.), Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 280 - 290,

Ortmann A; Svitkova K, 2010, 'Do Self-Regulation Clubs Work? Some Evidence from Europe and Some Caveats From Economic Theory', in Gugerty MK; Prakash A (ed.), Voluntary Regulation of NGOs and Non-Profits: An Accountability Club Framework, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 152 - 168,

Ortmann A; Brhlikova P, 2010, 'Economic Theories of Nonprofit Organization', in Anheier HK; Toepler S (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, edn. 1, Springer, Berlin, pp. 1521 - 1527,

Martínez F; Auten G; Joulfaian D; Brody E; Bowman W; Ortmann A; Petra B; Toepler S; Anheier HK; Seibel W; Sager R; Rich A; Salamon LM; Gidron B; Powell F; Farrell M; Brilliant E; Lotz J; von Mueller C; Labigne A; List R; Silva F; Marschall M; Kuhn B; Stapleton DH; Atalay Z, 2010, 'Theories of Nonprofit Organization, Economic', in International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, Springer US, pp. 1521 - 1527,

Ortmann A; Devetag G, 2007, 'Experiments in Solving Coordination Problems', in Sell J; Webster M (ed.), Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences, edn. Original, Academic Press/Elsevier, Amsterdam ; Boston, pp. 407 - 432

Ortmann A; Schlesinger M, 2003, 'Trust, Repute, and the Role of Nonprofit Enterprise', in The Study of the Nonprofit Enterprise, Springer US, pp. 77 - 114,

Ortmann A; Gigerenzer G, 2000, 'Reasoning in Economics and Psychology: Why Social Context Matters', in Cognition, Rationality, and Institutions, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 131 - 145,

Hertwig R; Ortmann A, 'The Cognitive Illusion Controversy: A Methodological Debate in Disguise That Matters to Economists', in Experimental Business Research, Springer US, pp. 113 - 130,

Journal articles

Keller E; Ortmann A; Chambers GM, 2024, 'Exploring the demand for elective egg freezing: A laboratory experiment', Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 111,

Ortmann A; Ryvkin D; Wilkening T; Zhang J, 2023, 'Defaults and cognitive effort', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 212, pp. 1 - 19,

Ortmann A; Spiliopoulos L, 2023, 'Ecological rationality and economics: where the Twain shall meet', Synthese, 201,

Blavatskyy P; Panchenko V; Ortmann A, 2023, 'How common is the common-ratio effect?', Experimental Economics, 26, pp. 253 - 272,

Blavatskyy P; Ortmann A; Panchenko V, 2022, 'On the Experimental Robustness of the Allais Paradox', American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 14, pp. 143 - 163,

Keller E; Newman JE; Ortmann A; Jorm LR; Chambers GM, 2021, 'How Much Is a Human Life Worth? A Systematic Review', Value in Health, 24, pp. 1531 - 1541,

Thorp S; Bateman H; Dobrescu LI; Newell BR; Ortmann A, 2020, 'Flicking the switch: Simplifying disclosure to improve retirement plan choices', Journal of Banking and Finance, 121, pp. 105955,

Shen P; Betz R; Ortmann A; Gong R, 2020, 'Improving Truthful Reporting of Polluting Firms by Rotating Inspectors: Experimental Evidence from a Bribery Game', Environmental and Resource Economics, 76, pp. 201 - 233,

Ortmann A; Walraevens B; Baranowski D, 2019, 'SCHUMPETER’S ASSESSMENT OF ADAM SMITH AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS: WHY HE GOT IT WRONG', Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 41, pp. 531 - 551,

Ortmann A, 2019, 'A Life of Experimental Economics, vol 1, Forty Years of Discovery', JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY, 72, pp. 80 - 82,

Spiliopoulos, L ; Ortmann A, 2018, 'The BCD [Benefits, Challenges, Desiderata] of response time analysis in experimental economics', Experimental Economics

Dobrescu LI; Fan X; Bateman H; Newell BR; Ortmann A; Thorp S, 2018, 'Retirement Savings: A Tale of Decisions and Defaults', Economic Journal, 128, pp. 1047 - 1094,

Ortmann A; Spiliopoulos L; Zhang L, 2018, 'Complexity, attention and choice in games under time constraints: A process analysis', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

Dobrescu I; Bateman H; Deetlefs J; Ortmann A; Newell BR; Thorp S; Deetlefs A, 2018, 'Engagement with Retirement Savings: It’s a Matter of Trust', Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53, pp. 917 - 945,

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