Select Publications

Book Chapters

Bai L; Sun C; Dempster AG; Feng W, 2024, 'A 5G-Assisted GNSS Spoofing Detection Method in a GNSS-5G Hybrid Positioning System', in , pp. 488 - 496,

Cetin E; Diessel O; Li T; Ambrose J; Fisk T; Parameswaran S; Dempster A, 2016, 'Overview and Investigation of SEU Detection and Recovery Approaches for FPGA-Based Heterogeneous Systems', in FPGAs and Parallel Architectures for Aerospace Applications Soft Errors and Fault-Tolerant Design, Springer, pp. 33 - 46,

Yu K; Rizos C; Dempster A, 2016, 'Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry for Ocean and Land Applications', in Thenkabail PS (ed.), Remotely sensed data characterization classification and accuracies, CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, pp. 493 - 507

Kealy A; Alam N; Efatmaneshnik M; Toth C; Dempster A; Brzezinska D, 2014, 'Collaborative Positioning in GPS-Challenged Environments', in Rizos C; Willis P (ed.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 493 - 500,

Efatmaneshnik M; Alam N; Balaei AT; Kealy A; Dempster AG, 2012, 'Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks', in Wireless Technologies in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Present and Future Challenges, EGI Global, Mexico City, pp. 245 - 270

Cheong JW; Li B; Dempster AG; Rizos C, 2009, 'GPS/WiFi Real-Time Positioning Device: An Initial Outcome', in Location Based Services and TeleCartography II: From Sensor Fusion to Context Models, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 439 - 456

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