Select Publications

Conference Presentations

Lynch A, 2016, 'A Decade of the United Kingdom's Judicial Appointments Commission: What Lessons are There for Australia?', presented at Supreme and Federal Court Judges Conference, Brisbane, 25 January 2016 - 27 January 2016

Lynch A, 2015, 'Diversity without a Judicial Appointments Commission: The Australian Experience', presented at Appointing Judges in an Age of Diversity Conference, Brisbane, 06 November 2015 - 07 November 2015

Lynch A, 2015, 'Revisiting Judicial Appointments Reform in Australia', presented at Australian Association of Constitutional Law Conference, Federal Court of Australia, Sydney, 19 October 2015

Lynch A, 2015, 'National Security', presented at Constitutional Deliberations: ANU Public Law Weekend, Australian National University, 01 October 2015 - 02 October 2015

Lynch A, 2015, 'Keep Your Distance: Independence, Individualism and Decision-making on Multi-member Courts', presented at Judicial Independence in Australia: Contemporary Challenges, Future Directions Conference, University of Queensland, 10 July 2015 - 11 July 2015

Lynch A, 2015, 'The Constitution and Funding of Family and Relationship Services', presented at Annual Conference of Family & Relationship Services Australia, Canberra, 25 March 2015

Lynch A, 2015, 'Williams (No 2)', presented at Constitutional Law Conference, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, Sydney, 13 February 2015

Lynch A, 2014, 'Judicial Diversity in Australia and the United Kingdom: A Common Objective; Distinct Approaches', presented at Society of Legal Scholars' Conference, University of Nottingham, 11 September 2014 - 11 September 2014

Lynch A; Crofts P, 2014, 'Ends and Means: The New Ruthless Doctor', presented at Politics and Law of Doctor Who Symposium, Centre for Law, Society and Popular Culture, Westminster Law School, University of Westminster, London, 05 September 2014

Lynch A, 2014, 'Williams Mark II: Commonwealth Spending, Benefits to Students and School Chaplaincy', presented at Current Constitutional Controversies Occasional Colloquium Series, University of Queensland and Supreme Court Library Queensland, Brisbane, 19 August 2014

Lynch A, 2014, 'All Things Being Equal: Merit and Diversity in Judicial Appointments', presented at College of Law Presentation, Australian National University, Canberra, 31 July 2014

Lynch A, 2014, 'Local Government in the Federation', presented at Getting Down to Business: National General Assembly of Local Government, Canberra, 16 June 2014

Lynch A, 2014, 'Parliamentary Sovereignty and Co-operative Federalism', presented at Attorney-General's Department Constitutional Law Symposium, Canberra, 15 April 2014

Lynch A, 2013, 'Judicial Dissent, Diversity and Electoral Politics', presented at The High Court, The Constitution and Australian Politics, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 07 November 2013

Lynch A, 2013, 'Beyond Sex on the High Court: What Diversity Means Now', presented at Australian Lawyers' Alliance Conference, Canberra, 25 October 2013

Lynch A; Chordia S, 2013, 'Federalism in Australian Constitutional Interpretation: The Significance of Williams v Commonwealth', presented at After Williams Colloquium, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, 04 October 2013

Lynch A, 2013, 'The MRRT: The Constitutional Context and Challenge', presented at Australian Political Studies Association Conference, Murdoch University, Perth, 02 October 2013 - 02 October 2013

Lynch A, 2013, 'Roles and Responsibilities', presented at Sir Samuel Griffith Symposium: Australia's Federal Future, ANZSOG and Griffith University, Brisbane, 26 July 2013

Lynch A; Kildea P, 2013, 'Australian Intergovernmental Relations: Ripe for Reform?', presented at Gender and Intergovernmental Relations: Australian and International Perspectives Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 16 May 2013 - 17 May 2013

Lynch A, 2012, 'Williams v Commonwealth', presented at 2012 Government Solicitors Conference, Law Society of NSW, Sydney, 28 August 2012

Lynch A, 2012, 'Judicial Diversity: Is Disagreement a Positive Objective in Law?', presented at International Conference on Law & Society, Honolulu, USA, 05 June 2012 - 08 June 2012

Lynch A, 2012, 'Rule of Law & the Commonwealth Principles: Terrorism, Emergency Laws & Human Rights', presented at Commonwealth Regional Law Association Conference, Sydney, 19 April 2012

Lynch A; Tulich T; Welsh R, 2011, 'Secrecy and Control Orders: The Role and Vulnerability of Constitutional Values', presented at Secrecy, National Security and the Vindication of Constitutional Law, International Association of Constitutional Law: Research Group on Constitutional Responses to Terrorism, Milan, Italy, 02 December 2011

Lynch A, 2011, 'Judicial Dissent and Strategy', presented at A Big Day Out for Judicial Development: South Australian Judicial Education Committee Conference, Adelaide, 03 November 2011

Lynch A, 2011, 'National Priorities and State Referrals: The Age of Section 51 (xxxvii)', presented at Sixteenth Public Law Weekend : 10 Years on from September 11 the Impact on Public Law, Australian National University, Canberra, 10 September 2011

Lynch A, 2011, 'Contemporary Challenges and the Strengthening of Executive Power: An Australian Case Study', presented at International Association of Law Schools Conference on Constitutional Law, American University Washington College of Law and Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC, USA, 09 September 2011 - 12 September 2011

Lynch A; Kildea P, 2011, 'COAG, the Constitution and State Accountability', presented at 3rd Annual Intergovernmental Relations Conference, National Convention Centre, Canberra, 17 August 2011

Lynch A, 2011, 'Commonwealth Financial Powers: Taxation, Direct Spending and Grants; Scope and Limitations', presented at Power and Politics: New Dimensions of Federalism in Australia Conference, Constitutional Centre of Western Australia, Perth, 02 July 2011

Lynch A, 2011, 'The Rise and Rise of the Reference Power', presented at Mechanisms of Federal Reform: Research Roundtable, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, Sydney, 24 March 2011 - 25 March 2011

Lynch A; Williams G, 2011, 'The High Court on Constitutional Law: The 2010 Term', presented at 2011 Constitutional Law Conference, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, Sydney, 18 February 2011

Lynch A, 2010, 'The Tenacity of Bad Law: Why Ani-Terrorism Laws Proliferate and Persist', presented at VIIIth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Mexico City, 06 December 2010 - 10 December 2010

Lynch A; Kildea P, 2010, 'Entrenching 'Cooperative Federalism': Is It Time To Formalise COAG's Place In The Australian Federation?', presented at Conference of the Australian Political Studies Association, University of Melbourne, 27 September 2010 - 29 September 2010

Lynch A; Williams G, 2010, 'The High Court on Constitutional Law: The 2010 Term', presented at Constitutional Law Conference, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, Sydney, 05 August 2010

Lynch A, 2010, 'The Fair Work Act: The Referrals Power Comes to the Rescue Once More', presented at Public Lecture, ANU College of Law, Australian Labour Law Associations and Industrial Relations Society of the ACT, Australian National University, Canberra, 24 March 2010

Kildea P; Lynch A; Santow EJ, 2009, 'Australian Federalism and a National Human Rights Act: Implications and Challenges', presented at Australian Political Studies Association Conference 2009, Macquarie University, Sydney, 28 September 2009 - 30 September 2009

Lynch A, 2009, 'The Constitutional Licence for Laws of Control: Terrorists and Bikies', presented at NSW Young Lawyers Conference, Law Society of NSW, 28 July 2009

Lynch A, 2009, 'Does Australia Need a Human Rights Act?', presented at UNSW Speakers' Forum, LawSociety and Amnesty International, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 01 June 2009

Lynch A, 2009, 'The Legislative and Executive Branch vs The Constitutional Court and the Judiciary: Conflict or Co-operation?', presented at The German Constitution Turns 60: Human and Basic rights Through the Eyes of Germany and Australia, Australian National University, Canberra, 22 May 2009 - 23 May 2009

Lynch A, 2009, 'The Advantages of a Human Rights Act', presented at Amnesty International, New South Wales Annual General Meeting, Wollongong, NSW, 17 May 2009

Lynch A, 2009, 'Keynote Address', presented at New South Wales Schools State Constitutional Convention, Parliament of NSW, Sydney, 16 February 2009

Lynch A, 2009, 'The Haneef Affair: Diminished Rights, Diminished Security', Counter Terrorism and Human Rights', presented at Counter Terrorism and Human Rights Postgraduate Course, Center for Security Studies, University of Sydney, Sydney, 14 February 2009

Lynch A, 2008, 'Restricting Liberty under Australian Law and Practice', presented at Joint Workshop, Restrictions of Liberty of Terror Suspects, The Israel Democracy Institute and the International Committee of the Red Cross (Tel-Aviv Delegation), Jerusalem, Israel, 14 December 2008

Lynch A, 2008, 'Security; Exploding Media Myths: Misrepresenting Australia?', presented at Presentation for the Journalism and Media Research Centre, University of NSW and Edith Cowan University, Sydney, 20 November 2008

Lynch A, 2008, 'An Independent Reviewer for Australian Terror Laws?', presented at Federal Criminal Law Conference, NSW Bar Association and Law Council of Australia, Sydney, 05 September 2008

Lynch A, 2008, 'Australia's Terrorism Laws: Exploring their Counter-productive Impact on Muslim Communities', presented at 12th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research, Flinders University, Adelaide, 14 August 2008 - 17 August 2008

Lynch A, 2008, 'Control Orders in Australia: The Securitization of Public Life', presented at Law and Justice in the Risk Society, Annual Meeting of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law, International Sociological Association, Milan/Como, Italy, 09 July 2008 - 12 July 2008

Lynch A, 2008, 'National Security and Australia's Culture of Control', presented at Presentation to the Division of Law, Macquarie University, Sydney, 01 May 2008

Lynch A, 2008, 'From Blair's Britain with Love: Control Orders in Australia', presented at Seminar, Socio-Legal Research Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane, 10 March 2008

Lynch A, 2007, 'Australia's Anti-Terrorism Laws: Where They Stand and What's Next?', presented at Occasional Seminar, Judicial Commission of New South Wales and the District Court Education Committee, Sydney, 29 November 2007

Lynch A, 2007, 'Comparative Counter-Terrorism: What Can we Learn?', presented at Extraordinary Rendition, Intercept Evidence and 'Setting Aside' Rights', Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism: Reframing the Debate, Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics, United Kingdom, 05 October 2007

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