Select Publications
Journal articles
2019, 'Deployment of unmanned aerial vehicle base stations for optimal quality of coverage', IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 8, pp. 321 - 324,
,2019, 'Mobile robots in wireless sensor networks: A survey on tasks', Computer Networks, 148, pp. 1 - 19,
,2019, 'Decentralized optimal control of a microgrid with solar PV, BESS and thermostatically controlled loads', Energies, 12,
,2018, 'An algorithm for safe navigation of mobile robots by a sensor network in dynamic cluttered industrial environments', Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 54, pp. 65 - 82,
,2018, 'An algorithm of efficient proactive placement of autonomous drones for maximum coverage in cellular networks', IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7, pp. 994 - 997,
,2018, 'Method for planning a wind-solar-battery hybrid power plant with optimal generationdemand matching', IET Renewable Power Generation, 12, pp. 1800 - 1806,
,2018, 'Towards the internet of flying robots: A survey', Sensors (Switzerland), 18,
,2018, 'Multi-agent sliding mode control for state of charge balancing between battery energy storage systems distributed in a DC Microgrid', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9, pp. 4735 - 4743,
,2018, 'Global optimal power flow over large-scale power transmission networks', Systems and Control Letters, 118, pp. 16 - 21,
,2018, 'Wireless sensor network based navigation of micro flying robots in the industrial internet of things', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14, pp. 3524 - 3533,
,2018, 'Novel frameworks for the design of fault-tolerant control using optimal sliding-mode control', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28, pp. 3015 - 3032,
,2018, 'A market-oriented wind power dispatch strategy using adaptive price thresholds and battery energy storage', Wind Energy, 21, pp. 242 - 254,
,2018, 'Robust Kalman filter-based decentralized target search and prediction with topology maps', IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 8, pp. 60 - 67,
,2018, 'Effect of seasonal variation on clinical outcome in patients with chronic conditions: Analysis of the commonwealth scientific and industrial research organization (csiro) national telehealth trial', JMIR Medical Informatics, 20, pp. e16,
,2018, 'Scalable Energy Management for Low Voltage Microgrids Using Multi-Agent Storage System Aggregation', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33, pp. 1614 - 1623,
,2018, 'A strategy for safe 3D navigation of non-holonomic robots among moving obstacles', Robotica, 36, pp. 275 - 297,
,2018, 'Mixed H
2018, 'On maximizing profit of wind-battery supported power station based on wind power and energy price forecasting', Applied Energy, 211, pp. 764 - 773,
,2018, 'Topology mapping algorithm for 2D and 3D Wireless Sensor Networks based on maximum likelihood estimation', Computer Networks, 130, pp. 1 - 15,
,2018, 'A safe area search and map building algorithm for a wheeled mobile robot in complex unknown cluttered environments', Robotica, 36, pp. 96 - 118,
,2018, 'Distributed self-deployment of mobile wireless 3D robotic sensor networks for complete sensing coverage and forming specific shapes', Robotica, 36, pp. 1 - 18,
,2017, 'Nonlinear control for reactive navigation of a nonholonomic robot for environmental nongradient-based extremum seeking in maze-like scenes', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 27, pp. 4752 - 4771,
,2017, 'I-UMDPC: The Improved-Unusual Message Delivery Path Construction for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4, pp. 1528 - 1536,
,2017, 'Optimal Aircraft Planar Navigation in Static Threat Environments', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 53, pp. 2413 - 2426,
,2017, 'Viable path planning for data collection robots in a sensing field with obstacles', Computer Communications, 111, pp. 84 - 96,
,2017, 'Multiloop Integral Controllability Analysis for Nonlinear Multiple-Input Single-Output Processes', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 56, pp. 8054 - 8065,
,2017, 'A framework for safe assisted navigation of semi-autonomous vehicles among moving and steady obstacles', Robotica, 35, pp. 981 - 1005,
,2017, 'An energy efficient approach for data collection in wireless sensor networks using public transportation vehicles', AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 75, pp. 108 - 118,
,2017, 'Tight circumnavigation of multiple moving targets based on a new method of tracking environmental boundaries', Automatica, 79, pp. 52 - 60,
,2017, 'A method of reactive 3D navigation for a tight surface scan by a nonholonomic mobile robot', Automatica, 75, pp. 119 - 126,
,2017, 'Novel Quasi-Decentralized SMC-Based Frequency and Voltage Stability Enhancement Strategies Using Valve Position Control and FACTS Device', IEEE Access, 5, pp. 946 - 955,
,2016, 'Minimizing the energy cost for microgrids integrated with renewable energy resources and conventional generation using controlled battery energy storage', Renewable Energy, 97, pp. 646 - 655,
,2016, 'A semi-autonomous motorized mobile hospital bed for safe transportation of head injury patients in dynamic hospital environments without bed switching', Robotica, 34, pp. 1880 - 1897,
,2016, 'A Constrained Monotonic Charging/Discharging Strategy for Optimal Capacity of Battery Energy Storage Supporting Wind Farms', IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 7, pp. 1224 - 1231,
,2016, 'Extremum Seeking Navigation Without Derivative Estimation of a Mobile Robot in a Dynamic Environmental Field', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 24, pp. 1084 - 1091,
,2016, 'A distributed control algorithm for area search by a multi-robot team', Robotica, 35, pp. 1 - 21,
,2016, 'Range-only based circumnavigation of a group of moving targets by a non-holonomic mobile robot', Automatica, 65, pp. 76 - 89,
,2016, 'Distributed formation building algorithms for groups of wheeled mobile robots', Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75, pp. 463 - 474,
,2015, 'Robot navigation for monitoring unsteady environmental boundaries without field gradient estimation', Automatica, 62, pp. 227 - 235,
,2015, 'An intelligent robotic hospital bed for safe transportation of critical neurosurgery patients along crowded hospital corridors', IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 23, pp. 744 - 754,
,2015, 'Nonlinear modelling and control of left ventricular assist device', Electronics Letters, 51, pp. 613 - 615,
,2015, 'A globally converging algorithm for reactive robot navigation among moving and deforming obstacles', Automatica, 54, pp. 292 - 304,
,2015, 'Distributed 3D dynamic search coverage for mobile wireless sensor networks', IEEE Communications Letters, 19, pp. 633 - 636,
,2015, 'Algorithms for collision-free navigation of mobile robots in complex cluttered environments: A survey', Robotica, 33, pp. 463 - 497,
,2015, 'Distributed control of multiple non-holonomic robots with sector vision and range-only measurements for target capturing with collision avoidance', Robotica, 33, pp. 385 - 412,
,2015, 'Decentralised model predictive control with stability constraints and its application in process control', Journal of Process Control, 26, pp. 73 - 89,
,2015, 'Decentralized integral controllability analysis based on a new unconditional stability criterion', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60, pp. 211 - 215,
,2014, 'Minimization and control of battery energy storage for wind power smoothing: Aggregated, distributed and semi-distributed storage', Renewable Energy, 64, pp. 105 - 112,
,2014, '3D environmental extremum seeking navigation of a nonholonomic mobile robot', Automatica, 50, pp. 1802 - 1815,
,2014, 'Seeking a path through the crowd: Robot navigation in unknown dynamic environments with moving obstacles based on an integrated environment representation', Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 62, pp. 1568 - 1580,