Select Publications


Huang H; Savkin AV; Huang C, 2022, Autonomous Navigation and Deployment of UAVs for Communication, Surveillance and Delivery, John Wiley & Sons

Huang H; Savkin AV; Huang C, 2022, Wireless Communication Networks Supported by Autonomous UAVs and Mobile Ground Robots

Savkin AV; Cheng TM; Xi Z; Javed F; Matveev AS; Nguyen H, 2015, Decentralized Coverage Control Problems For Mobile Robotic Sensor and Actuator Networks, Savkin AV; Cheng TM; Xi Z; Javed F; Matveev AS; Nguyen H, (eds.), JOHN WILEY & SONS INC,

Matveev AS; Savkin AV; Hoy M; Wang C, 2015, Safe Robot Navigation Among Moving and Steady Obstacles, Butterworth-Heinemann

Matveev AS; Savkin AV, 2012, Qualitative Theory of Hybrid Dynamical Systems, Springer Science & Business Media

Matveev AS; Savkin AV, 2009, Estimation and Control over Communication Networks, Springer, Boston

Savkin AV; Evans RJ, 2002, Hybrid Dynamical Systems, Birkhauser Verlag, Boston

Petersen IR; Ugrinovskii VA; Savkin AV, 2000, Robust Control Design Using H-∞ Methods, Springer London,

Petersen IR; Ugrinovskii V; Savkin AV, 2000, Robust control design using H-infinity methods, Springer-Verlag London Limited 2000, UK

Petersen IR; Savkin AV, 1999, Robust Kalman Filtering for Signals and Systems with Large Uncertainties, Birkhauser Verlag, Boston, USA

Book Chapters

Zhang Y; Guo K; Yang Q; Winnie P; Cao K; Wang Q; Savkin A; Celler B; Nguyen H; Xu P; Xu L; Yao D; Su S, 2018, 'Multi-Loop Integral Control-Based Heart Rate Regulation for Fast Tracking and Faulty-Tolerant Control Performance in Treadmill Exercises', in Adaptive Robust Control Systems, InTech,

Khalid ; Savkin AV, 2010, 'Direction dependent power curves for wind power prediction: a case study', in Howlett RJ; Jain LC; Lee SH (ed.), Sustaniability in Energy and Buidlings, Springer, Berlin

Khalid ; Savkin AV, 2010, 'Model predictive control of wind energy storage system for frequency regulation', in Howlett RJ; Jain LC; Lee SH (ed.), Sustaniability in Energy and Buidlings, Springer, Berlin

Teimoori Sangani A; Savkin AV, 2008, 'Collision-free Navigation of Wheeled Mobile Robot Using The Rang-Only', in Gaines E; Peskov L (ed.), New Research on Mobile Robots, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, pp. 1 - 20

Wang L; Chan G; Celler BG; Cheng TM; Savkin AV; Su WS, 2008, 'Duplicate - Cardiovascular Response Identification Based on Nonlinear Support Vector Regression', in Fred A; Filipe J; Gamboa H (ed.), Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Springer, Berlin, pp. 202 - 213

Savkin AV; Pathirana PN; Bulusu N; Jha SK; Dang TX, 2007, 'Node Localization Using Mobile Robots in delay-Tolerant Sensor Networks', in Poovendran R; Wang C; Roy S (ed.), Secure localization and time synchronization for wireless sensor and ac hoc networks, Springer Publishing Company, United States of America, pp. 83 - 102

Somlo J; Savkin AV; Lukanyin V, 2002, 'Solution of FMS scheduling problem using the hybrid dynamical approach', in Kovacs GL; Bertok P; Haidegger G (ed.), Digital Enterprise Challenges, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 509 - 524

Savkin AV; Matveev A, 2001, 'Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Stability and Chaos', in Moheimani SOR (ed.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer Publishing Company, London, pp. 297 - 309

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1996, 'Structured dissipativity and absolute stability of nonlinear systems', in Robust control via variable structure and Lyapunov techniques, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 287 - 307

Journal articles

Su SW; Zhang Z; Celler B; Savkin A, 2025, 'Distributed integral controllability for non-square processes: A comprehensive study and numerical analysis', Journal of the Franklin Institute, 362,

Eskandari M; Savkin AV, 2024, 'Integrating UAVs and RISs in Future Wireless Networks: A Review and Tutorial on IoTs and Vehicular Communications', Future Internet, 16, pp. 433 - 433,

Almuzaini TS; Savkin AV, 2024, 'Navigation of a Team of UAVs for Covert Video Sensing of a Target Moving on an Uneven Terrain', Remote Sensing, 16,

Eskandari M; Savkin AV; Deghat M, 2024, 'Kinodynamic Model-Based UAV Trajectory Optimization for Wireless Communication Support of Internet of Vehicles in Smart Cities', Drones, 8,

Mansouri M; Eskandari M; Asadi Y; Savkin A, 2024, 'A cloud-fog computing framework for real-time energy management in multi-microgrid system utilizing deep reinforcement learning', Journal of Energy Storage, 97, pp. 112912 - 112912,

Khalid M; Ahmed I; AlMuhaini M; Savkin AV, 2024, 'A novel computational paradigm for scheduling of hybrid energy networks considering renewable uncertainty limitations', Energy Reports, 11, pp. 1959 - 1978,

Fang Z; Savkin AV, 2024, 'Strategies for Optimized UAV Surveillance in Various Tasks and Scenarios: A Review', Drones, 8,

Eskandari M; Savkin AV; Fletcher J, 2024, 'Convolutional Neural Network With Reinforcement Learning for Trajectories Boundedness of Fault Ride-Through Transients of Grid-Feeding Converters in Microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 20, pp. 4906 - 4918,

Li S; Fang Z; Verma SC; Wei J; Savkin AV, 2024, 'Navigation and Deployment of Solar-Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Civilian Applications: A Comprehensive Review', Drones, 8,

Hailong H; Eskandari M; Savkin AV; Ni W, 2024, 'Energy-efficient joint UAV secure communication and 3D trajectory optimization assisted by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in the presence of eavesdroppers', Defence Technology, 31, pp. 537 - 543,

Savkin AV; Huang C, 2024, 'Joint Communication and Safe 3D Path Optimization for Multi-UAV Assisted Mobile Internet of Vehicles on an Uneven Terrain', IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,

Savkin AV; Verma SC; Ni W, 2023, 'Autonomous UAV 3D trajectory optimization and transmission scheduling for sensor data collection on uneven terrains', Defence Technology, 30, pp. 154 - 160,

Verma SC; Li S; Savkin AV, 2023, 'A Hybrid Global/Reactive Algorithm for Collision-Free UAV Navigation in 3D Environments with Steady and Moving Obstacles', Drones, 7,

Savkin AV; Huang C; Ni W, 2023, 'Collision-Free 3-D Navigation of a UAV Team for Optimal Data Collection in Internet-of-Things Networks With Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces', IEEE Systems Journal, 17, pp. 4070 - 4077,

Savkin AV; Huang H, 2023, 'Multi-UAV Navigation for Optimized Video Surveillance of Ground Vehicles on Uneven Terrains', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24, pp. 10238 - 10242,

Asadi Y; Eskandari M; Mansouri M; Moradi MH; Savkin AV, 2023, 'A universal model for power converters of battery energy storage systems utilizing the impedance-shaping concepts', International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 149, pp. 109055,

Huang H; Savkin AV, 2023, 'Aerial Surveillance in Cities: When UAVs Take Public Transportation Vehicles', IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 20, pp. 1069 - 1080,

Eskandari M; Huang H; Savkin AV; Ni W, 2023, 'Model Predictive Control-Based 3D Navigation of a RIS-Equipped UAV for LoS Wireless Communication With a Ground Intelligent Vehicle', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 8, pp. 2371 - 2384,

Eskandari M; Savkin A, 2023, 'Trajectory Planning for UAVs equipped with RISs to Provide Aerial LoS Service for Mobile Nodes in 5G/Optical Wireless Communication Networks', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72, pp. 8216 - 8221,

Eskandari M; Savkin A; Fletcher J, 2023, 'A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Intelligent Grid-Forming Inverter for Inertia Synthesis by Impedance Emulation', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 38, pp. 2978 - 2981,

Savkin AV; Huang C; Ni W, 2023, 'Joint Multi-UAV Path Planning and LoS Communication for Mobile-Edge Computing in IoT Networks With RISs', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10, pp. 2720 - 2727,

Savkin AV; Huang C; Ni W, 2023, 'On-Demand Deployment of Aerial Base Stations for Coverage Enhancement in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Cellular Networks on Uneven Terrains', IEEE Communications Letters, 27, pp. 666 - 670,

Eskandari M; Savkin AV, 2023, 'Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Joint 3D Navigation and Phase Shift Control for Mobile Internet of Vehicles Assisted by RIS-equipped UAVs', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10, pp. 18054 - 18066,

Savkin AV; Ni W; Eskandari M, 2023, 'Effective UAV Navigation for Cellular-Assisted Radio Sensing, Imaging, and Tracking', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72, pp. 13729 - 13733,

Eskandari M; Savkin AV, 2023, 'SLAPS: Simultaneous Localization and Phase Shift for a RIS-equipped UAV in 5G/6G Wireless Communication Networks', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 8, pp. 4722 - 4733,

Eskandari M; Rajabi A; Savkin AV; Moradi MH; Dong ZY, 2022, 'Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) and the economy-dynamics of microgrids: Review, analysis, and classification for standardization of BESSs applications', Journal of Energy Storage, 55, pp. 105627,

Asadi Y; Eskandari M; Mansouri M; Savkin AV; Pathan E, 2022, 'Frequency and Voltage Control Techniques through Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Energy Resources in Microgrids: A Review', Energies, 15, pp. 8580,

Huang H; Savkin AV; Ni W, 2022, 'Decentralized Navigation of a UAV Team for Collaborative Covert Eavesdropping on a Group of Mobile Ground Nodes', IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19, pp. 3932 - 3941,

Huang H; Savkin AV, 2022, 'Deployment of Heterogeneous UAV Base Stations for Optimal Quality of Coverage', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, pp. 16429 - 16437,

Savkin AV; Huang H, 2022, 'Navigation of a UAV Network for Optimal Surveillance of a Group of Ground Targets Moving Along a Road', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23, pp. 9281 - 9285,

Savkin AV; Huang H, 2022, 'Asymptotically Optimal Path Planning for Ground Surveillance by a Team of UAVs', IEEE Systems Journal, 16, pp. 3446 - 3449,

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