Select Publications

Journal articles

Somlo J; Savkin AV; Anufriev A; Koncz T, 2004, 'Pragmatic aspects of the solution of FMS scheduling problems usinghybrid dynamical approach', Robotics and Computer - Integrated Manufacturing, 20, pp. 35 - 47

Pathirana PN; Savkin AV; Jha SK, 2004, 'Robust Extended Kalman Filter Based Technique for Location Management in PCS Networks', Computer Communications, 27(5), pp. 502 - 512

Phat VN; Jiang J; Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 2004, 'Robust stabilization of linear uncertain discrete-time systems via a limited capacity communication channel', Systems and Control Letters, 53, pp. 347 - 360,

Matveev AS; Savkin AV, 2004, 'The problem of LQG optimal control via a limited capacity communicationchannel', Systems and Control Letters, 53, pp. 51 - 64

Dokuchaev NG; Savkin AV, 2004, 'Universal, strategies for diffusion markets and possibility ofasymptotic arbitrage', Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 34, pp. 409 - 419

Savkin AV; Pathirana PN; Faruqi FA, 2003, 'Problem of precision missile guidance: LQR and H control frameworks', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 39, pp. 901 - 910,

Savkin AV; Chee F; Fernando T; van Heeden V, 2003, 'Expert PID Control System for Blood Glucose Control in Critically I11 Patients', IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 7, pp. 419 - 425

Savkin AV; Matveev AS, 2003, 'Optimal Coputer Control via Communication Channels with Irregular Transmission Times', International Journal of Control, 76, pp. 165 - 177

Savkin AV; Pathirana PN; Faruqi FA, 2003, 'Problem of Precision Missle Guidance', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 39, pp. 901 - 910

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 2003, 'Set-Valued State Estimation via a Limited Capacity Communication Channel', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48, pp. 676 - 680

Savkin AV; Matveev A, 2003, 'The Problem of State Estimation via Asynchronous Communication Channels with Irregular Transmission Times', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48, pp. 670 - 676

Matveev AS; Savkin AV, 2002, 'Limit cycles in a class of hybrid dynamical systems', Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 15, pp. 120 - 144,

Savkin AV; Dokuchaev NG, 2002, 'A bounded risk strategy for a market with non-observable parameters*1', Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 30, pp. 243 - 254

Matveev A; Savkin AV, 2002, 'Application of optimal control theory to analysis of cancer chemotherapy regimens', Systems and Control Letters, 46, pp. 311 - 321

Matveev A; Savkin AV, 2002, 'Limit Cycles in a Class of Hybrid Dynamical Systems', Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems, 15, pp. 251 - 256

Matveev A; Savkin AV, 2002, 'Limit Cycles in Switched Single-Server Flow Networks', Applied Mathematics Letters, 15, pp. 251 - 256

Vu NP; Savkin AV, 2002, 'Robust state estimation for a class of uncertain time-delay systems', Systems and Control Letters, 47, pp. 237 - 245

Savkine A; Evans R; Skafidas E, 2001, 'The problem of optimal robust sensor scheduling.', Systems and Control Letters, 43, pp. 149 - 157,

Matveev AS; Savkin AV, 2001, 'Optimal chemotherapy regimens: Influence of tumours on normal cells and several toxicity constraints', IMA Journal of Mathemathics Applied in Medicine and Biology, 18, pp. 25 - 40,

Dokuchaev NG; Savkin AV, 2001, 'A new class of hybrid dynamical systems: state estimators with Bit-Rate Constraints', International Journal of Hybrid Systems, 1, pp. 33 - 50

Savkin AV; Matveev A, 2001, 'A switched server system of order n with all its trajectories converging to(n-1)!limit cycles', Automatica, 1, pp. 303 - 306

Savkin AV; Matveev AS, 2000, 'Cyclic linear differential automata: A simple class of hybrid dynamical systems', Automatica, 36, pp. 727 - 734,

Savkin AV; Matveev AS, 2000, 'Existence and stability of periodic trajectories in switched server systems', Automatica, 36, pp. 775 - 779,

Savkin AV; Evans RJ; Skafidas E, 2000, 'The problem of optimal robust sensor scheduling', Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4, pp. 3791 - 3796,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 2000, 'A method for simultaneous strong stabilization of linear time-varying systems', International Journal of Systems Science, 31, pp. 685 - 689,

Ougrinovski V; Petersen IR; Savkin AV; Ugrinovskaya EY, 2000, 'Decentralized state-feedback stabilization and robust control of uncertain large-scale systems with integally constrained interconnections', Systems and Control Letters, 40, pp. 107 - 119

Savkin AV; Matveev AS, 1999, 'Globally periodic behavior of switched flow networks with a cyclic switching policy', Systems and Control Letters, 38, pp. 151 - 155,

Savkin AV; Skafidas E; Evans RJ, 1999, 'Robust output feedback stabilizability via controller switching', Automatica, 35, pp. 69 - 74,

Savkin AV, 1999, 'The problem of simultaneous H control', Applied Mathematics Letters, 12, pp. 53 - 56,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR; Moheimani SO, 1999, 'Model validation and state estimation for uncertain continuous-time systems with missing discrete-continuous data', International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, 25, pp. 29 - 43

Skafidas E; Evans R; Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1999, 'Stability results for switched controller systems', Automatica, 35, pp. 553 - 564,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1999, 'Weak Robust Controllability and Observability of Uncertain Linear Systems', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44, pp. 1037 - 1041,

Savkin AV, 1998, 'Regularizability of complex switched server queueing networks modelled as hybrid dynamical systems', Systems and Control Letters, 35, pp. 291 - 299,

Savkin AV; Evans RJ, 1998, 'A new approach to robust control of hybrid systems over infinite time', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 43, pp. 1292 - 1296,

Savkin AV, 1998, 'Controllability of complex switched server queueing networks modelled as hybrid dynamical systems', Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4, pp. 4289 - 4293

Saykin AV; Matveev AS, 1998, 'Cyclic linear differential automata: A simple class of hybrid dynamical systems', Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3, pp. 3214 - 3217

Savkin AV, 1998, 'Optimal stable real-time scheduling of a flexible manufacturing system modelled as a switched server system', Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4, pp. 4342 - 4343

Matveev AS; Savkin AV, 1998, 'Towards a qualitative theory of differential automata. Part 2: An analog of the Poincare-Bendixon theorem', Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3, pp. 3208 - 3213

Savkin AV, 1998, 'Simultaneous H control of a finite collection of linear plants with a single nonlinear digital controller', Systems and Control Letters, 33, pp. 281 - 289,

Bartolini G; Ferrara A; Savkin AV, 1998, 'Reduced-order adaptive control based on the concept of robust strictly positive realness', IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 15, pp. 363 - 378,

Dokuchaev NG; Savkin AV, 1998, 'The pricing of options in a financial market model with transaction costs and uncertain volatility', Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 8, pp. 353 - 364,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1998, 'Almost optimal LQ-control using stable periodic controllers', Automatica, 34, pp. 1251 - 1254,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1998, 'Optimal stabilization of linear systems via decentralized output feedback', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 43, pp. 277 - 278,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1998, 'Robust filtering and model validation for uncertain continuous-time systems with discrete and continuous measurements', International Journal of Control, 69, pp. 163 - 174,

Moheimani SO; Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1998, 'Robust filtering, prediction, smoothing and observability of uncertain systems', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I - Regular Papers, 45, pp. 446 - 457,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1998, 'Robust state estimation and model validation for discrete-time uncertain systems with a deterministic description of noise and uncertainty', Automatica, 34, pp. 271 - 274

Savkin AV, 1997, 'Robust output feedback constrained controllability of uncertain linear time-varying systems', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 215, pp. 376 - 387,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1997, 'Optimal guaranteed-cost control of discrete-time nonlinear uncertain systems', IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 14, pp. 319 - 332,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1997, 'A New Approach to Model Validation and Fault Diagnosis', Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 94, pp. 241 - 250,

Savkin AV; Petersen IR, 1997, 'Fixed-order Robust Filtering for Linear Uncertain Systems', Automatica, 33, pp. 253 - 255,

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