Select Publications

Journal articles

Maxino C; McAvaney BJ; Pitman AJ; Perkins SE, 2007, 'Ranking the AR4 climate models over the Murray-Darling Basin using simulated maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation.', International Journal of Climatology, pp. 1097 - 1112

Abramowitz G; Pitman AJ; Gupta H; Kowalczyk EA; Wang Y, 2007, 'Systematic Bias in Land Surface Models', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8 (5), pp. 989 - 1001

Pitman AJ; Narisma G; McAneney J, 2007, 'The impact of Climate Change on the risk of forest and grassland fires in Australia.', Climatic Change, pp. 383 - 401,

Pitman AJ; Hesse P, 2007, 'The significance of large scale land cover change on the Australian palaeomonsoon', Quaternary Science Reviews, 26, pp. 189 - 200,

Beaumont LJ; Pitman AJ; Hughes L; Poulsen M, 2007, 'Where will species go? Incorporating new advances in climate modelling into projections of species distributions', Global Change Biology, 13, pp. 1368 - 1385,

Moles AT; Ackerly DD; Tweddle JC; Dickie JB; Smith R; Leishman MR; Mayfield MM; Pitman A; Wood JT; Westoby M, 2006, 'Global patterns in seed size', Global Ecology and Biogeography, pp. 061120101210018 - ???,

Koster RD; Guo Z; Dirmeyer PA; Bonan G; Chan E; Cox P; Davies H; Gordon CT; Kanae S; Kowalczyk E; Lawrence D; Liu P; Lu CH; Malyshev S; McAvaney B; Mitchell K; Mocko D; Oki T; Oleson KW; Pitman A; Sud YC; Taylor CM; Verseghy D; Vasic R; Xue Y; Yamada T, 2006, 'GLACE: The Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment. Part I: Overview', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 7, pp. 590 - 610,

Pitman AJ; Stouffer R, 2006, 'Abrupt change in climate and climate models', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10, pp. 903 - 912,

Abramowitz G; Gupta H; Pitman AJ; Wang Y; Leuning R; Cleugh H; Hsu K, 2006, 'Neural Error Regression Diagnosis (NERD): a tool for model bias identification and prognostic data assimilation', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8, pp. 989 - 1001

Gero A; Pitman AJ, 2006, 'The impact of land cover change on a simulated storm event in the Sydney Basin,', Journal of Applied Meteorology, 45, pp. 283 - 300,

Bagnoud N; Pitman AJ; McAvaney BJ; Holbrook NJ, 2005, 'The contribution of the land surface energy balance complexity to differences in means, variances and extremes using the AMIP-II methodology', Climate Dynamics, 25, pp. 171 - 188,

Peel DR; Pitman AJ; Hughes LA; Narisma GT; Pielke RA, 2005, 'The impact of realistic biophysical parameters for eucalypts on the simulation of the January climate of Australia', Environmental Modelling and Software, 20, pp. 595 - 612,

Moles AT; Ackerly D; Tweddle J; Dickie J; Pitman AJ; Westoby M, 2005, 'Factors that shape seed size evolution', National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 102, pp. 10540 - 10544,

McAneney J; Pitman AJ, 2005, 'Global Climate Change: Fact or Urban Myth?', Australia and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance Journal, 28, pp. 18 - 21

Pitman AJ; Abramowitz G, 2005, 'What are the limits to statistical error correction in land surface schemes when projecting the future', Geophysical Research Letters, 32, pp. L14403,

Pitman AJ; Narisma GT; Pielke RA; Holbrook NJ, 2004, 'Impact of land cover change on the climate of southwest Western Australia', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 109,

Koster RD; Dirmeyer PA; Guo Z; Bonan G; Chan E; Cox P; Gordon CT; Kanae S; Kowalczyk E; Lawrence D; Liu P; Lu CH; Malyshev S; McAvaney B; Mitchell K; Mocko D; Oki T; Oleson K; Pitman A; Sud YC; Taylor CM; Verseghy D; Vasic R; Xue Y; Yamada T, 2004, 'Regions of strong coupling between soil moisture and precipitation', Science, 305, pp. 1138 - 1140,

Pitman AJ; McAvaney BJ; Bagnoud N; Cheminat B, 2004, 'Are inter-model differences in AMIP-II near surface air temperature means and extremes explained by land surface energy balance complexity?', Geophysical Research Letters, 31,

Pitman AJ; McAvaney BJ, 2004, 'Impact of varying the complexity of the land surface energy balance on the sensitivity of the Australian climate to increasing carbon dioxide', Climate Research, 25, pp. 191 - 203,

Narisma GT; Pitman AJ, 2004, 'The Effect of Including Biospheric Responses to CO2 on the Impact of Land-Cover Change over Australia', EARTH INTERACTIONS, 8,

Boone AA; Habets F; Noilhan J; Clark D; Dirmeyer P; Fox S; Gusev Y; Haddeland I; Koster R; Lohmann D; Mahanama S; Mitchell K; Nasonova O; Niu GY; Pitman A; Polcher J; Shmakin AB; Tanaka K; Van Den Hurk B; Vérant S; Verseghy D; Viterbo P; Yang ZL, 2004, 'The Rho̊ne-aggregation land surface scheme intercomparison project: An overview', Journal of Climate, 17, pp. 187 - 208,<0187:TRLSSI>2.0.CO;2

Narisma GT; Pitman AJ; Eastman J; Watterson IG; Pielke R; Beltrán-Przekurat A, 2003, 'The role of biospheric feedbacks in the simulation of the impact of historical land cover change on the Australian January climate', Geophysical Research Letters, 30,

Henderson-Sellers A; Irannejad P; McGuffie K; Pitman AJ, 2003, 'Predicting land-surface climates-better skill or moving targets?', Geophysical Research Letters, 30,

Luo L; Robock A; Vinnikov KY; Schlosser CA; Slater AG; Boone A; Braden H; Cox P; de Rosnay P; Dickinson RE; Dai Y; Duan Q; Etchevers P; Henderson-Sellers A; Gedney N; Gusev YM; Habets F; Kim J; Kowalczyk E; Mitchell K; Nasonova ON; Noilhan J; Pitman AJ; Schaake J; Shmakin AB; Smirnova TG; Wetzel P; Xue Y; Yang ZL; Zeng QC, 2003, 'Effects of frozen soil on soil temperature, spring infiltration, and runoff: Results from the PILPS 2(d) experiment at Valdai, Russia', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, pp. 334 - 351,<334:EOFSOS>2.0.CO;2

Pitman AJ, 2003, 'The evolution of, and revolution in, land surface schemes designed for climate models', International Journal of Climatology, 23, pp. 479 - 510,

Narisma GT; Pitman AJ, 2003, 'The impact of 200 years of land cover change on the Australian near-surface climate', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, pp. 424 - 436,<424:TIOYOL>2.0.CO;2

Wang H; Pitman AJ; Zhao M; Leemans R, 2003, 'The impact of land-cover modification on the June meteorology of China since 1700, simulated using a regional climate model', International Journal of Climatology, 23, pp. 511 - 527,

Pitman AJ; Xia Y; Leplastrier M; Henderson-Sellers A, 2003, 'The CHAmeleon Surface Model: Description and use with the PILPS phase 2(e) forcing data', Global and Planetary Change, 38, pp. 121 - 135,

Henderson-Sellers A; Pitman AJ; Chen TC; Takle ES, 2002, 'Comments on "suppressing impacts of the Amazonian deforestation by the global circulation change"(multiple letter)', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83, pp. 1657 - 1663

Pitman A; McAvaney B, 2002, 'The role of surface energy balance complexity in land surface models' sensitivity to increasing carbon dioxide', Climate Dynamics, 19, pp. 609 - 618,

Xia Y; Pitman AJ; Gupta HV; Leplastrier M; Henderson-Sellers A; Bastidas LA, 2002, 'Calibrating a land surface model of varying complexity using multicriteria methods and the Cabauw dataset', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 3, pp. 181 - 194,<0181:CALSMO>2.0.CO;2

Henderson-Sellers A; Pitman AJ; Irannejad P; McGuffie K, 2002, 'Land-surface simulations improve atmospheric modeling', Eos, 83,

Zhao M; Pitman AJ, 2002, 'The impact of land cover change and increasing carbon dioxide on the extreme and frequency of maximum temperature and convective precipitation', Geophysical Research Letters, 29,

Zhao M; Pitman AJ, 2002, 'The impact of land cover change and increasing carbon dioxide on the extreme and frequency of maximum temperature and convective precipitation', Geophysical Research Letters, 29, pp. 2-1-2-4

Zhao M; Pitman AJ, 2002, 'The regional scale impact of land cover change simulated with a climate model', International Journal of Climatology, 22, pp. 271 - 290,

Leplastrier M; Pitman AJ; Gupta H; Xia Y, 2002, 'Exploring the relationship between complexity and performance in a land surface model using the multicriteria method', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 107, pp. ACL 11-1-ACL 11-12,

Leplastrier M; Pitman AJ; Gupta H; Xia Y, 2002, 'Exploring the relationship between complexity and performance in a land surface model using the multicriteria method', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 107,

Chase TN; Pielke RA; Kittel TGF; Zhao M; Pitman AJ; Running SW; Nemani RR, 2001, 'Relative climatic effects of landcover change and elevated carbon dioxide combined with aerosols: A comparison of model results and observations', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 106, pp. 31685 - 31691,

Zhang H; Henderson-Sellers A; Pitman AJ; McGregor JL; Desborough CE; Katzfey JJ, 2001, 'Limited-area model sensitivity to the complexity of representation of the land surface energy balance', Journal of Climate, 14, pp. 3965 - 3986,<3965:LAMSTT>2.0.CO;2

Desborough CE; Pitman AJ; McAvaney B, 2001, 'Surface energy balance complexity in GCM land surface models. Part II: Coupled simulations', Climate Dynamics, 17, pp. 615 - 626,

Zhao M; Pitman AJ; Chase TN, 2001, 'Climatic effects of land cover change at different carbon dioxide levels', Climate Research, 17, pp. 1 - 18,

Slater AG; Schlosser CA; Desborough CE; Pitman AJ; Henderson-Sellers A; Robock A; Vinnikov KY; Mitchell K; Boone A; Braden H; Chen F; Cox PM; De Rosnay P; Dickinson RE; Dai YJ; Duan Q; Entin J; Etchevers P; Gedney N; Gusev YM; Habets F; Kim J; Koren V; Kowalczyk EA; Nasonova ON; Noilhan J; Schaake S; Shmakin AB; Smirnova TG; Verseghy D; Wetzel P; Xue Y; Yang ZL; Zeng Q, 2001, 'The representation of snow in land surface schemes: Results from PILPS 2(d)', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2, pp. 7 - 25,<0007:TROSIL>2.0.CO;2

Kirkup H; Pitman AJ; Hogan J; Brierley G, 2001, 'An initial analysis of river discharge and rainfall in Coastal New South Wales, Australia using wavelet transforms', Australian Geographical Studies, 39, pp. 313 - 334,

Leese JA; Jackson T; Pitman A; Dirmeyer P, 2001, 'Meeting summary: GEWEX/BAHC international workshop on soil moisture monitoring, analysis, and prediction for hydrometeorological and hydroclimatological applications', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82, pp. 1423 - 1430,<1423:MSGBIW>2.3.CO;2

Feddes RA; Hoff H; Bruen M; Dawson T; De Rosnay P; Dirmeyer P; Jackson RB; Kabat P; Kleidon A; Lilly A; Pitman AJ, 2001, 'Modeling root water uptake in hydrological and climate models', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82, pp. 2797 - 2809,<2797:MRWUIH>2.3.CO;2

Zhao M; Pitman AJ; Chase T, 2001, 'The impact of land cover change on the atmospheric circulation', Climate Dynamics, 17, pp. 467 - 477,

Hallgren WS; Pitman AJ, 2000, 'The uncertainty in simulations by a global biome model (BIOME3) to alternative parameter values', Global Change Biology, 6, pp. 483 - 495,

Pitman AJ; Zhao M, 2000, 'The relative impact of observed change in land cover and carbon dioxide as simulated by a climate model', Geophysical Research Letters, 27, pp. 1267 - 1270,

Rich DC; Pitman AJ; Gosper MV, 2000, 'Integrated IT-based geography teaching and learning: A Macquarie University case study', Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 24, pp. 109 - 115,

Schlosser CA; Slater AG; Robock A; Pitman AJ; Vinnikov KY; Henderson-Sellers A; Speranskaya NA; Mitchell K; Boone A; Braden H; Chen F; Cox P; De Rosnay P; Desborough CE; Dickenson RE; Dai YJ; Duan Q; Entin J; Etchevers P; Gedney N; Gusev YM; Habets F; Kim J; Koren V; Kowalczyk E; Nasonova ON; Noilhan J; Schaake J; Shmakin AB; Smirnova TG; Verseghy D; Wetzel P; Xue Y; Yang ZL, 2000, 'Simulations of a boreal grassland hydrology at Valdai, Russia: PILPS phase 2(d)', Monthly Weather Review, 128, pp. 301 - 321,<0301:soabgh>;2

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