Select Publications
Journal articles
2002, '‘Third city suburbs’: Options for housing policy in ageing middle ring suburbs', Australian Planner, 39, pp. 173 - 178,
,2002, 'Social disadvantage and planning in the Sydney context', Urban Policy and Research, 20, pp. 101 - 107,
,2002, 'The anatomy of housing stress in Sydney', Urban Policy and Research, 20, pp. 329 - 355,
,2002, 'The local impacts of urban consolidation in Sydney', Urban Policy and Research, 20, pp. 143 - 167,
,2000, 'Community Renewal and Large Public Housing Estates', Urban Policy and Research, 18, pp. 91 - 104
,1988, 'Ethnic minorities in the london labour market: A longitudinal analysis, 1971-81', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 14, pp. 333 - 346,
,1988, 'Labour and Housing Market Change in London: A Longitudinal Analysis, 1971-1981', Urban Studies, 25, pp. 380 - 398,
,1987, 'The OPCS Longitudinal Study: a new tool for social research in England and Wales', Area, 19, pp. 69 - 73
,1986, 'The role of labour and housing markets in the production of geographical variations in social stratification.', Politics, geography and social stratification, pp. 213 - 246
,1985, 'The rise and fall of London’s purpose- built blocks of privately rented flats: 1853-1983', London Journal, 11, pp. 160 - 175,
,1983, 'Beyond decentralization: the evolution of population distribution in England and Wales, 1961-1981', Geoforum, 14, pp. 75 - 102,
,1983, 'Beyond decentralization: the evolution of population distribution in England and Wales, 1961-81.', London School of Economics, Graduate School Geography Discussion Papers, 5
,1983, 'The changing tenure structure of the greater london housing market, 1961-1981', London Journal, 9, pp. 153 - 164,
,1982, 'How far will London’s population fall? A commentary on the 1981 census', London Journal, 8, pp. 95 - 100,
,1982, 'How Far Will London's Population Fall? A Commentary on the 1981 Census', The London Journal, 8, pp. 95 - 100,
,Conference Papers
2015, 'Planning the End of the Compact City?', in Burton P; Shearer H (ed.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2015: Refereed Proceedings, State of Australian Cities Research Network, Gold Coast, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2015, Gold Coast, 09 December 2015 - 11 December 2015,
,2015, 'Renewing the Compact City: Who can afford it?', Gold Coast, presented at State of Australian Cities, Gold Coast, 09 December 2015 - 11 December 2015
,2015, '‘It depends what you mean by the term rights’: What debates around strata termination can tell us about understandings of housing rights in Australia', Melbourne, Australia, presented at Multi-owned Properties Colloquium, Melbourne, Australia, 04 February 2015 - 05 February 2015
,2014, 'Surveying household flows in metropolitan Sydney: a framework for more responsive strategic planning?', Edingburgh, presented at ENHR 2014, Edingburgh, 01 July 2014 - 04 July 2014,
,2013, 'Negotiating the complexities of redevelopment through the everyday experiences of residents: the incremental renewal of Bonnyrigg, Sydney', in Ruming K; Randolph B; Gurran N (eds.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2013: Refereed Proceedings, SOAC Research Network, Sydney, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2013, Sydney, 26 November 2013 - 29 November 2013,
,2011, '‘Knockdown-rebuild’ in Sydney: Drivers of suburban reinvestment', in World Planning Schools Conference Proceedings 2011, Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Perth, WA, presented at World Planning Schools' Conference 2011, Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Perth, WA, 04 July 2011 - 08 July 2011
,2009, 'Does planning mak housing unaffordable? Assessing costs of planning requirements for residential development in three Australian cities', in State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Perth, presented at State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2009, Perth, 24 November 2009 - 27 November 2009,
,2009, 'Unpacking the Demand for Higher Density Housing: An Analysis of Spatially Discontinuous Housing Sub-markets in Sydney and Melbourne', in Refereed Procedings from 2009 Housing Researchers Conference, City Futures Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, pp. 1 - 30, presented at 4th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference, Asia-Pacific Network of Housing Researchers Conference, Sydney, 05 August 2009 - 07 August 2009,
,2008, 'The Desirable Apartment Life? Residential preferences of apartment residents in Sydney and Melbourne', Hobart, Australia, presented at Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG) Conference, Hobart, Australia, 30 June 2008 - 03 July 2008
,2008, 'When Private Becomes Public: The provision of publicly accessible infrastructure in master-planned estates', in 3rd Annual Australasian Housing Researchers Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, presented at 3rd Australasian Housing Researchers?Conference (AHRC08), RMIT University, Melbourne, 18 June 2008 - 20 June 2008,
,2007, 'Delivering Sustainable Renewal in Australia`s Middle and Outer Suburbs', in State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 28 November 2007 - 30 November 2007
,2007, 'Governing the Compact City: The Governance of Strata Title Developments in Sydney', in State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 28 November 2007 - 30 November 2007
,2007, 'The Water Services Conundrum', in State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 28 November 2007 - 30 November 2007
,2007, 'Understanding Water Consuption in Sydney', in State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 28 November 2007 - 30 November 2007
,2007, 'Water Restrictions as a Way of Moderating Demand', in State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2007, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 28 November 2007 - 30 November 2007
,2006, 'Energy profiles of Selected Residential Developments in Sydney with Special Reference to Embodied Energy', in ANZAScA 40th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at ANZAScA 40th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 22 November 2006 - 25 November 2006
,2005, 'Introducing the social city: overview paper', in 2nd State of Australian Cities Conference, Brisbane, Qld, pp. 1 - 15, presented at 2nd State of Australian Cities Conference, Brisbane, Qld, 30 November 2005 - 02 December 2005
,2005, 'Creating vibrant and sustainable cities for future generations', in Built Environment Conference, Sydney, Hilton Australia, pp. 1 - 5, presented at Built Environment Conference, Sydney, Hilton Australia, 17 November 2005
,2005, 'Does it matter if the poor are forced out of Sydney?', in NCOSS Poverty Week Seminar, Parliament House Australia, pp. 1 - 8, presented at NCOSS Poverty Week Seminar, Parliament House Australia, 17 October 2005
,2005, 'Never mind the quality, feel the width: why we need to move beyond the numbers game if the Metro Strategy stands any hope of success', in Planning Institute of Australia NSW Division Conference People and Places - Planning for Paradise?, Penrith NSW Australia, pp. 1 - 4, presented at Planning Institute of Australia NSW Division Conference People and Places - Planning for Paradise?, Penrith NSW Australia, 12 October 2005
,2005, 'Higher density communities: current trends and future implications', in Strata and Community Title in Australia for the 21st Century Conference, Griffith University, Qld, pp. 1 - 23, presented at Strata and Community Title in Australia for the 21st Century Conference, Griffith University, Qld, 01 September 2005
,2005, 'Domestic water consumption in Sydney', in Australian Water Association (ed.), Australian Water Association (AWA) Ozwater Convention and Exhibition, Brisbane, Qld, pp. 1 - 10, presented at Australian Water Association (AWA) Ozwater Convention and Exhibition, Brisbane, Qld, 08 May 2005 - 12 May 2005
,Conference Proceedings (Editor of)
Ruming K; Randolph B; Gurran N, (eds.), 2013, 'State of Australian Cities National Conference 2013', State of Australian Cities Research Network, Sydney, presented at SOAC 2013, Sydney, Australia, 26 November 2013 - 29 November 2013,
Conference Presentations
2017, 'Sydney 2030 – and beyond: 21st century planning for a 21st century city of 8m', presented at CEDA Symposium Managing Sydney’s Growth, Sydney, 25 November 2017 - 25 November 2016
,2017, 'These aren't the key workers you're looking for: Revisiting the key worker discourse from a central city productivity perspective.', presented at Australasian Housing Researchers Conference, Melbourne, 14 February 2017 - 16 February 2017,
,2016, 'How do you get rid of a block of flats? Strata termination, property rights and urban renewal in Sydney', presented at Asia-Pacific Housing Research Network Conference, Guangzhou, 16 December 2016 - 18 December 2016
,2016, ': Socio-spatial restructuring in Sydney.', presented at Australian Population Association Biennial Conference, Sydney, 01 December 2016 - 01 December 2016
,2016, 'Delivering the numbers: Urban renewal, the market and the planning process', presented at PIA NSW State Conference, Newcastle, 13 October 2016 - 14 October 2016
,2016, 'Making NSW major growth and renewal areas affordable places to live', presented at 2016 Affordable Housing Conference, Sydney, 28 July 2016 - 29 July 2016
,2016, 'Public Infrastructure Requirements for Positive Density Outcomes.', presented at Higher Density Living: Achieving Improved Outcomes Through Better Design and Planning Conference, Sydney, 28 April 2016 - 29 April 2016
,2013, 'The impact of developer actions on the on-going management of multi-unit developments', Gold Coast, 04 September 2013 - 06 September 2013
2022, Longitudinal evaluation of Riverwood North renewal project – Wave 1 report,,
,2022, Submission to the Productivity Commission National Housing & Homelessness Agreement Review Issues Paper.
,2021, Cracks in the Compact City: tackling defects in multi-unit strata housing, City Futures Research Centre,,
,2021, Housing and the Economy: Interrogating Australian Experts' Views, UNSW, Kensington,,