Select Publications


Hulse K; Randolph WG; Toohey M; Beer G; Lee R, 2003, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne, Positioning Paper No. 63,

Randolph WG; Holloway D, 2003, Campbelltown at the Crossroads, Univeristy of Western Sydney / Urban Frontiers Program, Sydney

Randolph WG; Holloway D, 2003, Macarthur Regional Profile, Univeristy of Western Sydney / Urban Frontiers Program, Sydney

Randolph WG, 2003, Poverty and Place: New Thinking, Australian Council of Social Service, Sydney, Australia, ACOSS paper 130,;dn=936255999748414;res=IELHEA

Randolph WG; Holloway D, 2003, Shifting Suburbs: Population structure and change in Western Sydney, Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils,

Randolph WG; Wood M, 2003, The benefits of tenure, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne,

Randolph WG; Holloway D, 2003, Urban Growth Management in Penrith, University of Western Sydney/Urban Frontiers Program, Sydney, Australia,


Pettit C; Randolph B; Han H; Lee CL; Shi Y; Ng M; Soundararaj B; Lu Y; Gao Q; Jayasekare A, 2022, Digital models and tools for valuation of land and property, Patent No.

Creative Written Works

Randolph BG, 2017, Why investor-driven urban density is inevitably linked to disadvantage, The Conversation,

Randolph BG, 2016, Sydney Metro’s Sydenham-to-Bankstown line – nirvana or nightmare?, The Conversation,

Randolph BG, 2016, Housing Affordability, New Planner, NSW Planning Institute of Australia

Randolph BG, 2016, Tread carefully when you enter in the density goldmine, Sun Herald, Domain,

Randolph WG, 2005, Plan for people not just population, Sydney Moring Herald, John Fairfax Publications

Working Papers

Randolph WG; Freestone R, 2008, Problems and prospects for suburban Renewal:An Austrlian Perspective, City Futures Research Centre, on-line,

Randolph WG; Holloway D; Pullen S; Troy P, 2008, Water and Energy Profiles of Selected Landcom Residential Developments, City Futures Research Centre, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales, University of New South Wales, Research Paper No. 7,

Bunker RC; Holloway D; Randolph WG, 2005, The social outcomes of urban consolidation in Sydney, City Futures Research Centre, Sydney, Research Paper No. 3,

Troy T; Holloway D; Randolph WG, 2005, Water Use and the Built Environment: Patterns of Water, City Futures Research Centre, sydney, City Futures Research Centre Research Paper No. 1,,

Randolph WG; Holloway D, 2004, Social Disadvantage, Tenure and Location: An Analysis of Sydney and Melbourne, Urban Frontiers Program / University of New South Wales, Sydney, Research Paper 17, http://dx.doi.org10.1080/08111470500135136,

Randolph WG; Judd BH, 2000, Community Renewal and Large Public Housing Estates, Urban Frontiers Program, University of Western Syd, Sydney, NSW,


Thompson S; Crommelin L; Randolph B; Easthope H; Loosemore M, 2021, Water leaks, cracks and flawed fire safety systems: Sydney’s apartments are riddled with building defects,

Crommelin L; Randolph B; Easthope H; Loosemore M, 2021, Water leaks, cracks and flawed fire safety systems: Sydney’s apartments are riddled with building defects,

Thompson S; Randolph B; Easthope H; Crommelin L; Loosemore M, 2020, Dealing with apartment defects: a how-to guide for strata owners and buyers,

Loosemore M; Randolph B; Buckle C; Easthope H; Crommelin L, 2019, Lack of information on apartment defects leaves whole market on shaky footings,

Crommelin L; Randolph B; Easthope H; Loosemore M, 2019, The big lesson from Opal Tower is that badly built apartments aren’t only an issue for residents,

Crommelin L; Easthope H; Pinnegar S; Randolph B; Troy L, 2017, Renewing the Compact City: Scenarios for fair and sustainable redevelopment of strata schemes,

Troy L; Randolph B; Easthope H; Crommelin LM, 2015, When developers come knocking: why strata law shake-up won’t deliver cheaper housing, The Conversation,


Gurran N; Rowley S; Milligan V; Randolph B; Phibbs P; Gilbert C; James A; Troy L; van den Nouwelant R, 2018, Inquiry into increasing affordable housing supply: Evidence-based principles and strategies for Australian policy and practice,

Randolph B; Troy L; Milligan V; van den Nouwelant R, 2018, Paying for affordable housing in different market contexts,


Liu E; Randolph B; Bradbury B, 2020, CityViz: Poverty after housing costs 2015-16, City Futures Research Centre, Sydney,

Sisson A; Randolph B, 2020, Who lives in higher density housing?,

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