Select Publications

Conference Papers

Taylor RP; Spehar B; Clifford CWG; Newell BR, 2002, 'The visual complexity of Pollock's dripped fractals', in Minai A; BarYam Y (ed.), UNIFYING THEMES IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS IV, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, MA, New England Complex Syst Inst, Boston, pp. 175 - +, presented at 4th International Conference on Complex Systems, MA, New England Complex Syst Inst, Boston,

Zaidi Q; DeBonet JS; Spehar B, 1995, 'Perceived Grey-levels in complex configurations', in Proceedings of the Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems, and Applications, pp. 14 - 17

Spehar B; Arend LE, 1991, 'Perceptual factors in contrast contrast', in Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Optica Publishing Group, presented at OSA Annual Meeting,

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