Select Publications

Book Chapters

Balcar VJ; Rae CD, 2014, 'A chip off the old block: the brain slice as a model for metabolic studies of brain compartmentation and neuropharmacology', in Hirrlinger J; Waagepetersen HS (ed.), Springer Protocols. NeuroMethods. Brain Energy Metabolism, Springer, New York, pp. 217 - 241,

Rae C, 2014, 'Metabolomics in neuroscience and disease', in Wilson I; Theodoridis G; Nicholls A (ed.), Global Metabolic Profiling: Clinical Applications, Future Science Ltd, London, pp. 162 - 180,

Journal articles

Achanta LB; Thomas DS; Housley GD; Rae CD, 2024, 'AMP-activated protein kinase activators have compound and concentration-specific effects on brain metabolism', Journal of Neurochemistry, 168, pp. 677 - 692,

Rae CD; Baur JA; Borges K; Dienel G; Díaz-García C; Douglass SR; Drew K; Duarte J; Duran J; Kann O; Kristian T; Lee-Liu D; Lindquist BE; McNay EC; Robinson MB; Rothman DL; Rowlands BD; Ryan TA; Scafidi J; Scafidi S; Shuttleworth CW; Swanson RA; Uruk G; Vardjan N; Zorec R; McKenna MC, 2024, 'Brain energy metabolism: A roadmap for future research', Journal of Neurochemistry, 168, pp. 910 - 954,

Chow BVY; Morgan C; Rae C; Warton DI; Novak I; Davies S; Lancaster A; Popovic GC; Rizzo RRN; Rizzo CY; Kyriagis M; Herbert RD; Bolsterlee B, 2024, 'Human lower leg muscles grow asynchronously', Journal of Anatomy, 244, pp. 476 - 485,

Cao J; Ball IK; Summerell E; Humburg P; Denson T; Rae CD, 2024, 'Effect of Ethanol on Brain Electrical Tissue Conductivity in Social Drinkers', Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

Cao J; Ball I; Humburg P; Dokos S; Rae C, 2023, 'Repeatability of brain phase-based magnetic resonance electric properties tomography methods and effect of compressed SENSE and RF shimming', Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 46, pp. 753 - 766,

Chow BVY; Morgan C; Rae C; Novak I; Davies S; Herbert RD; Bolsterlee B, 2023, 'Three-dimensional skeletal muscle architecture in the lower legs of living human infants', Journal of Biomechanics, 155,

Peek AL; Rebbeck TJ; Leaver AM; Foster SL; Refshauge KM; Puts NA; Oeltzschner G; Andronesi OC; Barker PB; Bogner W; Cecil KM; Choi IY; Deelchand DK; de Graaf RA; Dydak U; Edden RA; Emir UE; Harris AD; Lin AP; Lythgoe DJ; Mikkelsen M; Mullins PG; Near J; Öz G; Rae CD; Terpstra M; Williams SR; Wilson M, 2023, 'A comprehensive guide to MEGA-PRESS for GABA measurement', Analytical Biochemistry, 669,

Spann MN; Wisnowski JL; HBCD Phase I Scanning Young Populations Working Group ; Smyser CD; Fetal, Infant, and Toddler Neuroimaging Group (FIT'NG) ; Howell B; Dean DC, 2023, 'The Art, Science, and Secrets of Scanning Young Children.', Biol Psychiatry, 93, pp. 858 - 860,

Rae CD; Williams SR, 2023, 'Details matter in quality science. Adopting a checklist for magnetic resonance spectroscopy can help you get them right', Journal of Neurochemistry, 164, pp. 451 - 453,

Todd G; Rae CD; Taylor JL; Rogasch NC; Butler JE; Hayes M; Wilcox RA; Gandevia SC; Aoun K; Esterman A; Lewis SJG; Hall JM; Matar E; Godau J; Berg D; Plewnia C; von Thaler AK; Chiang C; Double KL, 2023, 'Motor cortical excitability and pre-supplementary motor area neurochemistry in healthy adults with substantia nigra hyperechogenicity', Journal of Neuroscience Research, 101, pp. 263 - 277,

Hok P; Strauss S; McAuley JH; Domin M; Wang AP; Rae CD; Moseley GL; Lotze M, 2023, 'P-5 Changes in functional and structural connectivity in complex regional pain syndrome: a multicentric study', Clinical Neurophysiology, 148, pp. e11 - e11,

Suzuki K; Zaunders J; Gates TM; Levert A; Butterly S; Liu Z; Ishida T; Palmer S; Rae CD; Jugé L; Cysique LA; Brew BJ, 2022, 'Elevation of cell-associated HIV-1 transcripts in CSF CD4+ T cells, despite effective antiretroviral therapy, is linked to brain injury', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119, pp. 1 - 11,

Choo G; Stevens D; Marshall N; Openshaw H; Bartlett D; Rae C; Wong K; McEvoy R; Grunstein R; D'Rozario A; Vakulin A, 2022, 'O068 Slow frequency wake EEG and hypoxemia during sleep predicts vigilance performance following extended wakefulness in patients with OSA', SLEEP Advances, 3, pp. A29 - A29,

Das A; Gauthier-Coles G; Bröer S; Rae CD, 2022, 'Impact of Inhibition of Glutamine and Alanine Transport on Cerebellar Glial and Neuronal Metabolism', Biomolecules, 12, pp. 1189,

Jakabek D; Rae CD; Brew BJ; Cysique LA, 2022, 'Brain aging and cardiovascular factors in HIV: A longitudinal volume and shape MRI study', AIDS, 36, pp. 785 - 794,

Vakulin A; Green MA; D’Rozario AL; Stevens D; Openshaw H; Bartlett D; Wong K; McEvoy RD; Grunstein RR; Rae CD, 2022, 'Brain mitochondrial dysfunction and driving simulator performance in untreated obstructive sleep apnea', Journal of Sleep Research, 31,

Naylor B; Hesam-Shariati N; McAuley JH; Boag S; Newton-John T; Rae CD; Gustin SM, 2022, 'Corrigendum: Reduced Glutamate in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Is Associated With Emotional and Cognitive Dysregulation in People With Chronic Pain(Front. Neurol., (2019), 10, (1110), 10.3389/fneur.2019.01110)', Frontiers in Neurology, 13, pp. 872851,

Stevens D; D'Rozario A; Openshaw H; Bartlett D; Rae CD; Catcheside P; Wong K; Doug McEvoy R; Grunstein RR; Vakulin A, 2022, 'Clinical predictors of working memory performance in obstructive sleep apnea patients before and during extended wakefulness', Sleep, 45,

Lees B; Earls NE; Meares S; Batchelor J; Oxenham V; Rae CD; Jugé L; Cysique LA, 2021, 'Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Sport-Related Concussion: A Systematic Review Using an a priori Quality Rating System', Journal of Neurotrauma, 38, pp. 3032 - 3046,

Kang D; Hesam-Shariati N; McAuley JH; Alam M; Trost Z; Rae CD; Gustin SM, 2021, 'Disruption to normal excitatory and inhibitory function within the medial prefrontal cortex in people with chronic pain', European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 25, pp. 2242 - 2256,

Hui SCN; Mikkelsen M; Zöllner HJ; Ahluwalia V; Alcauter S; Baltusis L; Barany DA; Barlow LR; Becker R; Berman JI; Berrington A; Bhattacharyya PK; Blicher JU; Bogner W; Brown MS; Calhoun VD; Castillo R; Cecil KM; Choi YB; Chu WCW; Clarke WT; Craven AR; Cuypers K; Dacko M; de la Fuente-Sandoval C; Desmond P; Domagalik A; Dumont J; Duncan NW; Dydak U; Dyke K; Edmondson DA; Ende G; Ersland L; Evans CJ; Fermin ASR; Ferretti A; Fillmer A; Gong T; Greenhouse I; Grist JT; Gu M; Harris AD; Hat K; Heba S; Heckova E; Hegarty JP; Heise KF; Jacobson A; Jansen JFA; Jenkins CW; Johnston SJ; Juchem C; Kangarlu A; Kerr AB; Landheer K; Lange T; Lee P; Levendovszky SR; Limperopoulos C; Liu F; Lloyd W; Lythgoe DJ; Machizawa MG; MacMillan EL; Maddock RJ; Manzhurtsev AV; Martinez-Gudino ML; Miller JJ; Mirzakhanian H; Moreno-Ortega M; Mullins PG; Near J; Noeske R; Nordhøy W; Oeltzschner G; Osorio-Duran R; Otaduy MCG; Pasaye EH; Peeters R; Peltier SJ; Pilatus U; Polomac N; Porges EC; Pradhan S; Prisciandaro JJ; Puts NA; Rae CD; Reyes-Madrigal F; Roberts TPL; Robertson CE; Rosenberg JT; Rotaru DG; O'Gorman Tuura RL; Saleh MG; Sandberg K; Sangill R; Schembri K; Schrantee A; Semenova NA, 2021, 'Frequency drift in MR spectroscopy at 3T', NeuroImage, 241,

Stevens D; Leong CWY; Cheung H; Arciuli J; Vakulin A; Kim JW; Openshaw HD; Rae CD; Wong KKH; Dijk DJ; Siong Leow JW; Saini B; Grunstein RR; D'Rozario AL, 2021, 'Sleep spindle activity correlates with implicit statistical learning consolidation in untreated obstructive sleep apnea patients', Sleep Medicine, 86, pp. 126 - 134,

von Jonquieres G; Rae CD; Housley GD, 2021, 'Emerging Concepts in Vector Development for Glial Gene Therapy: Implications for Leukodystrophies', Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 15, pp. 661857,

Kashem MA; Šerý O; Pow DV; Rowlands BD; Rae CD; Balcar VJ, 2021, 'Actions of alcohol in brain: Genetics, metabolomics, gaba receptors, proteomics and glutamate transporter glast/eaat1', Current Molecular Pharmacology, 14, pp. 138 - 149,

Williams S; Rae CD, 2021, 'Long reach of the NAAG family tree: An Editorial for “Evidence of NAAG-family tripeptide NAAG2 in the Drosophila nervous system” on page 38.', Journal of Neurochemistry, 156, pp. 13 - 15,

Das A; Fröhlich D; Achanta LB; Rowlands BD; Housley GD; Klugmann M; Rae CD, 2020, 'Correction to: L-Aspartate, L-Ornithine and L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate (LOLA) and Their Impact on Brain Energy Metabolism (Neurochemical Research, (2020), 45, 6, (1438-1450), 10.1007/s11064-020-03044-9)', Neurochemical Research, 45, pp. 2527,

Calon M; Menon K; Carr A; Henry RG; Rae CD; Brew BJ; Cysique LA, 2020, 'Additive and Synergistic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and HIV Disease Markers' Effects on White Matter Microstructure in Virally Suppressed HIV', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 84, pp. 543 - 551,

Howdle GC; Quidé Y; Kassem MS; Johnson K; Rae CD; Brew BJ; Cysique LA; Quide Y, 2020, 'Brain amyloid in virally suppressed HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder', Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation, 7, pp. e739,

Das A; Fröhlich D; Achanta LB; Rowlands BD; Housley GD; Klugmann M; Rae CD; Froehlich D, 2020, 'L-Aspartate, L-Ornithine and L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate (LOLA) and Their Impact on Brain Energy Metabolism', Neurochemical Research, 45, pp. 1438 - 1450,

Lee B; Henderson LA; Rae CD; Di Pietro F, 2020, 'CRPS is not associated with altered sensorimotor cortex GABA or glutamate', eNeuro, 7, pp. eneuro.0389 - eneu19.2020,

Mancini F; Wang AP; Schira MM; Isherwood ZJ; McAuley JH; Iannetti GD; Sereno MI; Moseley GL; Rae CD, 2019, 'Fine-Grained mapping of cortical somatotopies in chronic complex regional pain syndrome', Journal of Neuroscience, 39, pp. 9185 - 9196,

Naylor B; Hesam-Shariati N; McAuley J; Boag S; Newton-John T; Rae C; Gustin S, 2019, 'Reduced glutamate in the medial prefrontal cortex is associated with emotional and cognitive dysregulation in people with chronic pain', Frontiers in Neurology, 10, pp. 1110,

Chaganti J; Marripudi K; Staub LP; Rae CD; Gates TM; Moffat KJ; Brew BJ, 2019, 'Imaging correlates of the blood-brain barrier disruption in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder and therapeutic implications', AIDS, 33, pp. 1843 - 1852,

Lees B; Mewton L; Stapinski LA; Squeglia LM; Rae CD; Teesson M, 2019, 'Neurobiological and Cognitive Profile of Young Binge Drinkers: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Neuropsychology Review, 29, pp. 357 - 385,

Haebich KM; Pride NA; Walsh KS; Chisholm A; Rouel M; Maier A; Anderson V; Barton B; Silk T; Korgaonkar M; Seal M; Lami F; Lorenzo J; Williams K; Dabscheck G; Rae CD; Kean M; North KN; Payne JM, 2019, 'Understanding autism spectrum disorder and social functioning in children with neurofibromatosis type 1: Protocol for a cross-sectional multimodal study', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e030601,

Bird L; D’Souza A; Ball I; Rae C; Herbert RD; Bolsterlee B, 2019, 'Validity and reliability of measurements of aponeurosis dimensions from magnetic resonance images', Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 29, pp. 808 - 815,

Cysique LA; Jugé L; Lennon MJ; Gates TM; Jones SP; Lovelace MD; Rae CD; Johnson TP; Nath A; Brew BJ, 2019, 'HIV brain latency as measured by CSF BcL11b relates to disrupted brain cellular energy in virally suppressed HIV infection', AIDS, 33, pp. 433 - 441,

Nichols M; Gates T; Soares J; Moffat K; Rae C; Brew B; Cysique L, 2018, 'Brain atrophic signatures of mild forms of neurocognitive impairment in virally suppressed HIV infection', AIDS, 33, pp. 55 - 66,

Wang A; Butler A; Valentine J; Rae C; McAuley J; Gandevia S; Moseley L, 2018, 'A novel finger illusion reveals reduced weighting of bimanual hand cortical representations in people with complex regional pain syndrome', The Journal of Pain, 20, pp. 171 - 180,

D'Rozario AL; Bartlett DJ; Wong KKH; Sach T; Yang Q; Grunstein RR; Rae CD, 2018, 'Brain bioenergetics during resting wakefulness are related to neurobehavioral deficits in severe obstructive sleep apnea: A 31 P magnetic resonance spectroscopy study', Sleep, 41,

Lees B; Mewton L; Stapinski L; Squeglia LM; Rae C; Teesson M, 2018, 'Binge drinking in young people: Protocol for a systematic review of neuropsychological, neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies', BMJ Open, 8, pp. e023629,

Spielmann PM; Roplekar R; Rae C; Ahmed F; Jones SEM, 2018, 'Is the use of a bone conduction hearing device on a softband a useful tool in the pre-operative assessment of suitability for other hearing implants?', JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY, 132, pp. 505 - 508,

Di Pietro F; Macey PM; Rae CD; Alshelh Z; Macefield VG; Vickers ER; Henderson LA, 2018, 'The relationship between thalamic GABA content and resting cortical rhythm in neuropathic pain', Human Brain Mapping, 39, pp. 1945 - 1956,

Bradshaw D; Rae C; Rayment M; Turner N; Turner R; Pickard G; Pillay K; Roberts P; Foxton M; Sullivan AK, 2018, 'HIV/HCV/HBV testing in the emergency department: a feasibility and seroprevalence study', HIV MEDICINE, 19, pp. 52 - 57,

Cassidy B; Bowman FD; Rae C; Solo V, 2018, 'On the Reliability of Individual Brain Activity Networks', IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37, pp. 649 - 662,

Rae C, 2018, 'Altering Subjectivities: Place and the Posthuman in Michael Crummey's Sweetland', STUDIES IN CANADIAN LITERATURE-ETUDES EN LITTERATURE CANADIENNE, 43, pp. 79 - 98,

Cysique LA; Jugé L; Gates T; Tobia M; Moffat K; Brew BJ; Rae C, 2018, 'Covertly active and progressing neurochemical abnormalities in suppressed HIV infection', Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation, 5, pp. &na,

von Jonquieres G; Spencer ZHT; Rowlands BD; Klugmann CB; Bongers A; Harasta AE; Parley KE; Cederholm J; Teahan O; Pickford R; Delerue F; Ittner LM; Fröhlich D; McLean CA; Don AS; Schneider M; Housley GD; Rae CD; Klugmann M; Froehlich D, 2018, 'Uncoupling N-acetylaspartate from brain pathology: implications for Canavan disease gene therapy', Acta Neuropathologica, 135, pp. 95 - 113,

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