Select Publications

Journal articles

Ellyard JI; Jerjen R; Martin JL; Lee A; Field MA; Jiang SH; Cappello J; Naumann SK; Andrews TD; Scott HS; Casarotto MG; Goodnow CC; Chaitow J; Pascual V; Hertzog P; Alexander SI; Cook MC; Vinuesa CG, 2016, 'Identification of a pathogenic variant in TREX1 in early-onset cerebral SLE by whole-exome sequencing', Pathology, 48, pp. S47 - S47,

Wertz IE; Newton K; Seshasayee D; Kusam S; Lam C; Zhang J; Popovych N; Helgason E; Schoeffler A; Jeet S; Ramamoorthi N; Kategaya L; Newman RJ; Horikawa K; Dugger D; Sandoval W; Mukund S; Zindal A; Martin F; Quan C; Tom J; Fairbrother WJ; Townsend M; Warming S; Devoss J; Liu J; Dueber E; Caplazi P; Lee WP; Goodnow CC; Balazs M; Yu K; Kolumam G; Dixit VM, 2015, 'Phosphorylation and linear ubiquitin direct A20 inhibition of inflammation', Nature, 528, pp. 370 - 375,

Lee P; Greenfield JR, 2015, 'Non-pharmacological and pharmacological strategies of brown adipose tissue recruitment in humans', Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 418, pp. 184 - 190,

Chaudhuri R; Khoo PS; Tonks K; Junutula JR; Kolumam G; Modrusan Z; Samocha-Bonet D; Meoli CC; Hocking S; Fazakerley DJ; Stöckli J; Hoehn KL; Greenfield JR; Yang JYH; James DE; Milliken S; Goodnow C, 2015, 'Cross-species gene expression analysis identifies a novel set of genes implicated in human insulin sensitivity', npj Systems Biology and Applications, 1, pp. 15010,

Chen DL; Liess C; Poljak A; Xu A; Zhang J; Thoma C; Trenell M; Milner B; Jenkins AB; Chisholm DJ; Samocha-Bonet D; Greenfield JR, 2015, 'Phenotypic characterization of insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive obesity', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 100, pp. 4082 - 4091,

Field MA; Cho V; Andrews TD; Goodnow CC, 2015, 'Reliably detecting clinically important variants requires both combined variant calls and optimized filtering strategies', PLoS ONE, 10,

Kayagaki N; Stowe IB; Lee BL; O'Rourke K; Anderson K; Warming S; Cuellar T; Haley B; Roose-Girma M; Phung QT; Liu PS; Lill JR; Li H; Wu J; Kummerfeld S; Zhang J; Lee WP; Snipas SJ; Salvesen GS; Morris LX; Fitzgerald L; Zhang Y; Bertram EM; Goodnow CC; Dixit VM, 2015, 'Caspase-11 cleaves gasdermin D for non-canonical inflammasome signalling', Nature, 526, pp. 666 - 671,

Ramiscal RR; Parish IA; Lee-Young RS; Babon JJ; Blagih J; Pratama A; Martin J; Hawley N; Cappello JY; Nieto PF; Ellyard JI; Kershaw NJ; Sweet RA; Goodnow CC; Jones RG; Febbraio MA; Vinuesa CG; Athanasopoulos V, 2015, 'Attenuation of AMPK signaling by ROQUIN promotes T follicular helper cell formation', eLife, 4, pp. 1 - 22,

Greenfield JRF; Kuhn S; Mehler D; Puel F; Rommens PM, 2015, 'Biomechanical evaluation of a new treatment method for distal tibia fractures', COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 18, pp. 1952 - 1953,

Fuchs S; Rensing-Ehl A; Pannicke U; Lorenz MR; Fisch P; Jeelall Y; Rohr J; Speckmann C; Vraetz T; Farmand S; Schmitt-Graeff A; Krüger M; Strahm B; Henneke P; Enders A; Horikawa K; Goodnow C; Schwarz K; Ehl S, 2015, 'Omenn syndrome associated with a functional reversion due to a somatic second-site mutation in CARD11 deficiency', Blood, 126, pp. 1658 - 1669,

Miosge LA; Field MA; Sontani Y; Cho V; Johnson S; Palkova A; Balakishnan B; Liang R; Zhang Y; Lyon S; Beutler B; Whittle B; Bertram EM; Enders A; Goodnow CC; Andrewsa TD, 2015, 'Comparison of predicted and actual consequences of missense mutations', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, pp. E5189 - E5198,

Tangye SG; Brink R; Goodnow CC; Phan TG, 2015, 'SnapShot: Interactions between B Cells and T Cells', Cell, 162, pp. 926 - 926.e1,

Williams RS; Heilbronn LK; Chen DL; Coster A; Greenfield JR; Samocha-Bonet D; Milliken S; Goodnow C; Chen D, 2015, 'Dietary acid load, metabolic acidosis and insulin resistance - Lessons from cross-sectional and overfeeding studies in humans', Clinical Nutrition, 35, pp. 1084 - 1090,

Field MA; Cho V; Cook MC; Enders A; Vinuesa CG; Whittle B; Andrews TD; Goodnow CC, 2015, 'Reducing the search space for causal genetic variants with VASP', Bioinformatics, 31, pp. 2377 - 2379,

Flesch IEA; Randall KL; Hollett NA; Di Law H; Miosge LA; Sontani Y; Goodnow CC; Tscharke DC, 2015, 'Delayed control of herpes simplex virus infection and impaired CD4+ T-cell migration to the skin in mouse models of DOCK8 deficiency', Immunology and Cell Biology, 93, pp. 517 - 521,

Rahimpour A; Koay HF; Enders A; Clanchy R; Eckle SBG; Meehan B; Chen Z; Whittle B; Liu L; Fairlie DP; Goodnow CC; McCluskey J; Rossjohn J; Uldrich AP; Pellicci DG; Godfrey DI, 2015, 'Identification of phenotypically and functionally heterogeneous mouse mucosal-associated invariant T cells using MR1 tetramers', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 212, pp. 1095 - 1108,

Sapkota S; Brien JAE; Greenfield JR; Aslani P; Brien J-A; Milliken S; Goodnow C, 2015, 'A systematic review of interventions addressing adherence to anti-diabetic medications in patients with type 2 diabetes - Components of interventions', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0128581,

Sapkota S; Brien J-AE; Greenfield JR; Aslani P, 2015, 'A Systematic Review of Interventions Addressing Adherence to Anti-Diabetic Medications in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes—Components of Interventions', PLOS ONE, 10, pp. e0128581 - e0128581,

Johar AS; Mastronardi C; Rojas-Villarraga A; Patel HR; Chuah A; Peng K; Higgins A; Milburn P; Palmer S; Silva-Lara MF; Velez JI; Andrews D; Field M; Huttley G; Goodnow C; Anaya JM; Arcos-Burgos M, 2015, 'Novel and rare functional genomic variants in multiple autoimmune syndrome and Sjögren's syndrome', Journal of Translational Medicine, 13,

Lee P; Swarbrick MM; Greenfield JR, 2015, 'The sum of all browning in FGF21 therapeutics', Cell Metabolism, 21, pp. 795 - 796,

Samocha-Bonet D; Chisholm DJ; Holst JJ; Greenfield JR; Milliken S; Goodnow C, 2015, 'L-glutamine and whole protein restore first-phase insulin response and increase glucagon-like peptide-1 in type 2 diabetes patients', Nutrients, 7, pp. 2101 - 2108,

Liu Y; DeBoer K; de Kretser DM; O’Donnell L; O’Connor AE; Merriner DJ; Okuda H; Whittle B; Jans DA; Efthymiadis A; McLachlan RI; Ormandy CJ; Goodnow CC; Jamsai D; O’Bryan MK, 2015, 'LRGUK-1 Is Required for Basal Body and Manchette Function during Spermatogenesis and Male Fertility', PLoS Genetics, 11,

Siggs OM; Miosge LA; Daley SR; Asquith K; Foster PS; Liston A; Goodnow CC, 2015, 'Quantitative reduction of the TCR adapter protein SLP-76 unbalances immunity and immune regulation', Journal of Immunology, 194, pp. 2587 - 2595,

Hillen KM; Gather R; Enders A; Pircher H; Aichele P; Fisch P; Blumenthal B; Schamel WW; Straub T; Goodnow CC; Ehl S, 2015, 'T cell expansion is the limiting factor of virus control in mice with attenuated TCR signaling: Implications for human immunodeficiency', Journal of Immunology, 194, pp. 2725 - 2734,

Johar AS; Anaya JM; Andrews D; Patel HR; Field M; Goodnow C; Arcos-Burgos M, 2015, 'Candidate gene discovery in autoimmunity by using extreme phenotypes, next generation sequencing and whole exome capture', Autoimmunity Reviews, 14, pp. 204 - 209,

Taupin D; Lam W; Rangiah D; McCallum L; Whittle B; Zhang Y; Andrews D; Field M; Goodnow CC; Cook MC, 2015, 'A deleterious RNF43 germline mutation in a severely affected serrated polyposis kindred', Human Genome Variation, 2,

Lim SL; Qu ZP; Kortschak RD; Lawrence DM; Geoghegan J; Hempfling AL; Bergmann M; Goodnow CC; Ormandy CJ; Wong L; Mann J; Scott HS; Jamsai D; Adelson DL; O’Bryan MK, 2015, 'HENMT1 and piRNA Stability Are Required for Adult Male Germ Cell Transposon Repression and to Define the Spermatogenic Program in the Mouse', PLoS Genetics, 11,

Duong JK; Kumar SS; Furlong TJ; Kirkpatrick CM; Graham GG; Greenfield JR; Williams KM; Day RO, 2015, 'The pharmacokinetics of metformin and concentrations of haemoglobin A1C and lactate in Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with type 2 diabetes mellitus', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 79, pp. 617 - 623,

Lim SL; Qu ZP; Kortschak RD; Lawrence DM; Geoghegan J; Hempfling A-L; Bergmann M; Goodnow CC; Ormandy CJ; Wong L; Mann J; Scott HS; Jamsai D; Adelson DL; O'Bryan MK, 2015, 'Correction: HENMT1 and piRNA Stability Are Required for Adult Male Germ Cell Transposon Repression and to Define the Spermatogenic Program in the Mouse.', PLoS Genet, 11, pp. e1005782,

Ellyard JI; Jerjen R; Martin JL; Lee AYS; Field MA; Jiang SH; Cappello J; Naumann SK; Andrews TD; Scott HS; Casarotto MG; Goodnow CC; Chaitow J; Pascual V; Hertzog P; Alexander SI; Cook MC; Vinuesa CG, 2014, 'Brief report: Identification of a pathogenic variant in trex1 in early-onset cerebral systemic lupus erythematosus by whole-exome sequencing', Arthritis and Rheumatology, 66, pp. 3382 - 3386,

Lee CE; Fulcher DA; Whittle B; Chand R; Fewings N; Field M; Andrews D; Goodnow CC; Cook MC, 2014, 'Autosomal-dominant B-cell deficiency with alopecia due to a mutation in NFKB2 that results in nonprocessable p100', Blood, 124, pp. 2964 - 2972,

Han BY; Wu S; Foo CS; Horton RM; Jenne CN; Watson SR; Whittle B; Goodnow CC; Cyster JG, 2014, 'Zinc finger protein Zfp335 is required for the formation of the naïve T cell compartment', eLife, 3, pp. 1 - 28,

Zammit NW; Malle EK; Walters SN; Goodnow CC; Grey ST, 2014, 'Functional genomics identifies tnfaip3/A20 as a diabetes protective gene', DIABETOLOGIA, 57, pp. S103 - S103,

Sabouri Z; Schofield P; Horikawa K; Spierings E; Kipling D; Randall KL; Langley D; Roome B; Vazquez-Lombardi R; Rouet R; Hermes J; Chan TD; Brink R; Dunn-Walters DK; Christ D; Goodnow CC, 2014, 'Redemption of autoantibodies on anergic B cells by variable-region glycosylation and mutation away from self-reactivity', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111,

Enders A; Short A; Miosge LA; Bergmann H; Sontani Y; Bertram EM; Whittle B; Balakishnan B; Yoshida K; Sjollema G; Field MA; Andrews TD; Hagiwara H; Goodnow CC, 2014, 'Zinc-finger protein ZFP318 is essential for expression of IgD, the alternatively spliced Igh product made by mature B lymphocytes', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, pp. 4513 - 4518,

Wang JQ; Jeelall YS; Beutler B; Horikawa K; Goodnow CC, 2014, 'Consequences of the recurrent MYD88L265P somatic mutation for B cell tolerance', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 211, pp. 413 - 426,

Altin JA; Daley SR; Howitt J; Rickards HJ; Batkin AK; Horikawa K; Prasad SJ; Nelms KA; Kumar S; Wu LC; Tan SS; Cook MC; Goodnow CC, 2014, 'Ndfip1 mediates peripheral tolerance to self and exogenous antigen by inducing cell cycle exit in responding CD4+ T cells', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, pp. 2067 - 2074,

Siggs OM; Yates AL; Schlenner S; Liston A; Lesage S; Goodnow CC, 2014, 'A ZAP-70 kinase domain variant prevents thymocyte-positive selection despite signalling CD69 induction', Immunology, 141, pp. 587 - 595,

Bull KR; Mason T; Rimmer AJ; Crockford TL; Silver KL; Bouriez-Jones T; Hough TA; Chaudhry S; Roberts ISD; Goodnow CC; Cornall RJ, 2014, 'Next-generation sequencing to dissect hereditary nephrotic syndrome in mice identifies a hypomorphic mutation in Lamb2 and models Pierson's syndrome', Journal of Pathology, 233, pp. 18 - 26,

Cho V; Mei Y; Sanny A; Chan S; Enders A; Bertram EM; Tan A; Goodnow CC; Daniel Andrews T, 2014, 'The RNA-binding protein hnRNPLL induces a T cell alternative splicing program delineated by differential intron retention in polyadenylated RNA', Genome Biology, 15,

Daley SR; Coakley KM; Hu DY; Randall KL; Jenne CN; Limnander A; Myers DR; Polakos NK; Enders A; Roots C; Balakishnan B; Miosge LA; Sjollema G; Bertram EM; Field MA; Shao Y; Daniel Andrews T; Whittle B; Whitney Barnes S; Walker JR; Cyster JG; Goodnow CC; Roose JP, 2013, 'Rasgrp1 mutation increases naïve T-cell CD44 expression and drives mTOR-dependent accumulation of Helios+ T cells and autoantibodies', eLife, 2013,

Jamsai D; Clark BJ; Smith SJ; Whittle B; Goodnow CC; Ormandy CJ; O'Bryan MK, 2013, 'A Missense Mutation in the Transcription Factor ETV5 Leads to Sterility, Increased Embryonic and Perinatal Death, Postnatal Growth Restriction, Renal Asymmetry and Polydactyly in the Mouse', PLoS ONE, 8,

O'Bryan MK; Clark BJ; McLaughlin EA; D'Sylva RJ; O'Donnell L; Wilce JA; Sutherland J; O'Connor AE; Whittle B; Goodnow CC; Ormandy CJ; Jamsai D, 2013, 'RBM5 Is a Male Germ Cell Splicing Factor and Is Required for Spermatid Differentiation and Male Fertility', PLoS Genetics, 9, pp. e1003628,

Teh CE; Horikawa K; Arnold CN; Beutler B; Kucharska EM; Vinuesa CG; Bertram EM; Goodnow CC; Enders A, 2013, 'Heterozygous mis-sense mutations in Prkcb as a critical determinant of anti-polysaccharide antibody formation', Genes and Immunity, 14, pp. 223 - 233,

Pratama A; Ramiscal RR; Silva DG; Das SK; Athanasopoulos V; Fitch J; Botelho NK; Chang PP; Hu X; Hogan JJ; Maña P; Bernal D; Korner H; Yu D; Goodnow CC; Cook MC; Vinuesa CG, 2013, 'Roquin-2 shares functions with its paralog roquin-1 in the repression of mrnas controlling t follicular helper cells and systemic inflammation', Immunity, 38, pp. 669 - 680,

Andrews TD; Sjollema G; Goodnow CC, 2013, 'Understanding the immunological impact of the human mutation explosion', Trends in Immunology, 34, pp. 99 - 106,

Daley SR; Hu DY; Goodnow CC, 2013, 'Helios marks strongly autoreactive CD4+ T cells in two major waves of thymic deletion distinguished by induction of PD-1 or NF-κB', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 210, pp. 269 - 285,

Bergmann H; Yabas M; Short A; Miosge L; Barthel N; Teh CE; Roots CM; Bull KR; Jeelall Y; Horikawa K; Whittle B; Balakishnan B; Sjollema G; Bertram EM; Mackay F; Rimmer AJ; Cornall RJ; Field MA; Andrews TD; Goodnow CC; Enders A, 2013, 'B cell survival, surface BCR and BAFFR expression, CD74 metabolism, and CD8- dendritic cells require the intramembrane endopeptidase SPPl2A', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 210, pp. 31 - 40,

Crawford G; Enders A; Gileadi U; Stankovic S; Zhang Q; Lambe T; Crockford TL; Lockstone HE; Freeman A; Arkwright PD; Smart JM; Ma CS; Tangye SG; Goodnow CC; Cerundolo V; Godfrey DI; Su HC; Randall KL; Cornall RJ, 2013, 'DOCK8 is critical for the survival and function of NKT cells', Blood, 122, pp. 2052 - 2061,

Bull KR; Rimmer AJ; Siggs OM; Miosge LA; Roots CM; Enders A; Bertram EM; Crockford TL; Whittle B; Potter PK; Simon MM; Mallon AM; Brown SDM; Beutler B; Goodnow CC; Lunter G; Cornall RJ, 2013, 'Unlocking the Bottleneck in Forward Genetics Using Whole-Genome Sequencing and Identity by Descent to Isolate Causative Mutations', PLoS Genetics, 9,

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