Select Publications

Journal articles

Enders A; Stankovic S; Teh C; Uldrich AP; Yabas M; Juelich T; Altin JA; Frankenreiter S; Bergmann H; Roots CM; Kyparissoudis K; Goodnow CC; Godfrey DI, 2012, 'ZBTB7B (Th-POK) regulates the development of IL-17-producing CD1d-restricted mouse NKT cells', Journal of Immunology, 189, pp. 5240 - 5249,

Jeelall YS; Wang JQ; Law HD; Domaschenz H; Fung HKH; Kallies A; Nutt SL; Goodnow CC; Horikawa K, 2012, 'Human lymphoma mutations reveal CARD11 as the switch between self-antigen-induced B cell death or proliferation and autoantibody production', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 209, pp. 1907 - 1917,

Altin JA; Goodnow CC; Cook MC, 2012, 'IL-10 +CTLA-4 + Th2 inhibitory cells form in a Foxp3-independent, IL-2-dependent manner from Th2 effectors during chronic inflammation', Journal of Immunology, 188, pp. 5478 - 5488,

Andrews TD; Whittle B; Field MA; Balakishnan B; Zhang Y; Shao Y; Cho V; Kirk M; Singh M; Xia Y; Hager J; Winslade S; Sjollema G; Beutler B; Enders A; Goodnow CC, 2012, 'Massively parallel sequencing of the mouse exome to accurately identify rare, induced mutations: An immediate source for thousands of new mouse models', Open Biology, 2,

O''Donnell L; Rhodes D; Smith SJ; Merriner DJ; Borg C; Whittle B; O'connor A; Smith L; Mcnally FJ; de Kretser D; Goodnow CC; Ormandy CJ, 2012, 'An essential role for katanin p80 and microtubule severing in male gamete production', PLoS Genetics, 8, pp. e1002698,

Lo JCY; Jamsai D; O'connor A; Borg C; Clark B; Whisstock J; Field M; Adams V; Ishikawa T; Aitken R; Whittle B; Goodnow CC; Ormandy CJ; O'bryan M, 2012, 'RAB-Like 2 Has an Essential Role in Male Fertility, Sperm Intra-Flagellar Transport, and Tail Assembly', PLoS Genetics, 8, pp. e1002969,

Yabas M; Godfrey DI; Goodnow CC; Hoyne GF, 2011, 'Differential requirement for the CD45 splicing regulator hnRNPLL for accumulation of NKT and conventional T cells', PLoS ONE, 6,

Hubert FX; Kinkel SA; Davey GM; Phipson B; Mueller SN; Liston A; Proietto AI; Cannon PZF; Forehan S; Smyth GK; Wu L; Goodnow CC; Carbone FR; Scott HS; Heath WR, 2011, 'Aire regulates the transfer of antigen from mTECs to dendritic cells for induction of thymic tolerance', Blood, 118, pp. 2462 - 2472,

Tian L; Altin JA; Makaroff LE; Franckaert D; Cook MC; Goodnow CC; Dooley J; Liston A, 2011, 'Foxp3+ regulatory T cells exert asymmetric control over murine helper responses by inducing Th2 cell apoptosis', Blood, 118, pp. 1845 - 1853,

Silva DG; Daley SR; Hogan J; Lee SK; Teh CE; Hu DY; Lam KP; Goodnow CC; Vinuesa CG, 2011, 'Anti-islet autoantibodies trigger autoimmune diabetes in the presence of an increased frequency of islet-reactive CD4 T cells', Diabetes, 60, pp. 2102 - 2111,

Hoyne GF; Flening E; Yabas M; Teh C; Altin JA; Randall K; Thien CBF; Langdon WY; Goodnow CC, 2011, 'Visualizing the role of Cbl-b in control of islet-reactive CD4 T cells and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes', Journal of Immunology, 186, pp. 2024 - 2032,

Beutler B; Goodnow CC, 2011, 'How host defense is encoded in the mammalian genome', Mammalian Genome, 22, pp. 1 - 5,

Tze LE; Horikawa K; Domaschenz H; Howard DR; Roots CM; Rigby RJ; Way DA; Ohmura-Hoshino M; Ishido S; Andoniou CE; Degli-Esposti MA; Goodnow CC, 2011, 'CD83 increases MHC II and CD86 on dendritic cells by opposing IL-10 - Driven MARCH1-mediated ubiquitination and degradation', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 208, pp. 149 - 165,

Altin JA; Tian L; Liston A; Bertram EM; Goodnow CC; Cook MC, 2011, 'Decreased T-cell receptor signaling through CARD11 differentially compromises forkhead box protein 3-positive regulatory versus TH2 effector cells to cause allergy', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 127, pp. 1277 - 1285.e5,

Yabas M; Teh C; Frankenreiter S; Lal D; Roots CM; Whittle B; Andrews DT; Zhang Y; Teoh NC; Sprent J; Tze LE; Kucharska E; Kofler J; Farell GC; Broer S; Goodnow CC; Enders A, 2011, 'ATP11C is critical for the internalization of phosphatidylserine and differentiation of B lymphocytes', Nature Immunology, 12, pp. 441 - 452,

Sontani ; Chapman G; Papathanasiou P; Dunwoodie SL; Goodnow CC; Hoyne GF, 2011, 'Cooperation between somatic Ikaros and Notch1 mutations at the inception of T-ALL', Leukemia Research, 35, pp. 1512 - 1519,

Randall KL; Chang SS; Ma CS; Fung I; Mei Y; Yabas M; Tan A; Arkwright PD; Suwairi WA; Reyes S; Yamazaki-Nakashimada MA; Garcia-Cruz D; Smart J; Picard C; Okada S; Jouanguy E; Casanova J-L; Lambert T; Cornall RJ; Russell S; Oliaro J; Tangye SG; Bertram EM; Goodnow CC, 2011, 'DOCK8 deficiency impairs CD8 T cell survival and function in humans and mice', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 208, pp. 2305 - 2320,

Xia Y; Won S; Du X; Lin P; Ross C; La Vine D; Wiltshire S; Leiva G; Vidal SM; Whittle B; Goodnow CC; Koziol J; Moresco EMY; Beutler B, 2010, 'Bulk segregation mapping of mutations in closely related strains of mice', Genetics, 186, pp. 1139 - 1145,

Vinuesa CG; Linterman MA; Goodnow CC; Randall KL, 2010, 'T cells and follicular dendritic cells in germinal center B-cell formation and selection', Immunological Reviews, 237, pp. 72 - 89,

Teh CE; Daley SR; Enders A; Goodnow CC, 2010, 'T-cell regulation by casitas B-lineage lymphoma (Cblb) is a critical failsafe against autoimmune disease due to autoimmune regulator (Aire) deficiency', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, pp. 14709 - 14714,

Wu Z; Yates AL; Hoyne GF; Goodnow CC, 2010, 'Consequences of increased CD45RA and RC isoforms for TCR signaling and peripheral T cell deficiency resulting from heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like mutation', Journal of Immunology, 185, pp. 231 - 238,

Randall KL; Lambe T; Johnson A; Treanor B; Kucharska E; Domaschenz H; Whittle B; Tze LE; Enders A; Crockford TL; Bouriez-Jones T; Alston D; Cyster JG; Lenardo MJ; MacKay F; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Chan TD; Camidge T; Brink R; Vinuesa CG; Batista FD; Cornall RJ; Goodnow CC, 2010, 'Erratum: Dock8 mutations cripple B cell immunological synapses, germinal centers and long-lived antibody production (Nature Immunology (2009) 10 (1283-1291))', Nature Immunology, 11, pp. 644,

Athanasopoulos V; Barker A; Yu D; Tan AHM; Srivastava M; Contreras N; Wang J; Lam KP; Brown SHJ; Goodnow CC; Dixon NE; Leedman PJ; Saint R; Vinuesa CG, 2010, 'The ROQUIN family of proteins localizes to stress granules via the ROQ domain and binds target mRNAs', FEBS Journal, 277, pp. 2109 - 2127,

Zikherman J; Jenne C; Watson S; Doan K; Raschke W; Goodnow CC; Weiss A, 2010, 'CD45-Csk Phosphatase-Kinase Titration Uncouples Basal and Inducible T Cell Receptor Signaling during Thymic Development', Immunity, 32, pp. 342 - 354,

Johnson AL; Aravind L; Shulzhenko N; Morgun A; Choi SY; Crockford TL; Lambe T; Domaschenz H; Kucharska EM; Zheng L; Vinuesa CG; Lenardo MJ; Goodnow CC; Cornall RJ; Schwartz RH, 2010, 'Erratum: Themis is a member of a new metazoan gene family and is required for the completion of thymocyte positive selection (Nature Immunology (2009) 10 (831-839))', Nature Immunology, 11, pp. 97,

Theodoratos A; Whittle B; Enders A; Tscharke DC; Roots CM; Goodnow CC; Fahrer AM, 2010, 'Mouse strains with point mutations in TAP1 and TAP2', Immunology and Cell Biology, 88, pp. 72 - 78,

Randall KL; Lambe T; Goodnow CC; Cornall RJ, 2010, 'The essential role of DOCK8 in humoral immunity', Disease Markers, 29, pp. 141 - 150,

Goodnow CC; Vinuesa C; Randall KL; Mackay F; Brink R, 2010, 'Control systems and decision making for antibody production', Nature Immunology, 11, pp. 681 - 688,

Simpson N; Gatenby P; Wilson A; Malik S; Fulcher DA; Tangye SG; Manku H; Vyse TJ; Roncador G; Huttley G; Goodnow CC; Vinuesa C; Cook MC, 2010, 'Expansion of circulating T cells resembling follicular T helper cells is a fixed phenotype that identifies a subset of severe systemic lupus erythematosus', Arthritis Care & Research, 62, pp. 234 - 244

Goodnow CC; Crosbie J; Adelstein S; Lavoie TB; Smith-Gill SJ; Brink RA; Pritchard-Briscoe H; Wotherspoon JS; Loblay RH; Raphael K; Trent RJ; Basten A, 2009, 'Altered immunoglobulin expression and functional silencing of self-reactive B lymphocytes in transgenic mice (Reprinted from Nature, vol 334, pg 676-682, 1988)', JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 183, pp. 5442 - 5448,

Goodnow CC; Crosbie J; Adelstein S; Lavoie TB; Smith-Gill SJ; Brink RA; Pritchard-Briscoe H; Wotherspoon JS; Loblay RH; Raphael K; Trent RJ; Basten A, 2009, 'Altered immunoglobulin expression and functional silencing of self-reactive B lymphocytes in transgenic mice.', Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 183, pp. 5442 - 5448

Jenne CN; Enders A; Rivera R; Watson SR; Bankovich AJ; Pereira JP; Xu Y; Roots CM; Beilke JN; Banerjee A; Reiner SL; Miller SA; Weinmann AS; Goodnow CC; Lanier LL; Cyster JG; Chun J, 2009, 'T-bet-dependent S1P5 expression in NK cells promotes egress from lymph nodes and bone marrow', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 206, pp. 2469 - 2481,

Johnson AL; Aravind L; Shulzhenko N; Morgun A; Choi SY; Crockford TL; Lambe T; Domaschenz H; Kucharska EM; Zheng L; Vinuesa CG; Lenardo MJ; Goodnow CC; Cornall RJ; Schwartz RH, 2009, 'Themis is a member of a new metazoan gene family and is required for the completion of thymocyte positive selection', Nature Immunology, 10, pp. 831 - 839,

Nijnik A; Dawson S; Crockford TL; Woodbine L; Visetnoi S; Bennett S; Jones M; Turner GD; Jeggo PA; Goodnow CC; Cornall RJ, 2009, 'Impaired lymphocyte development and antibody class switching and increased malignancy in a murine model of DNA ligase IV syndrome', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119, pp. 1696 - 1705,

Lambe T; Simpson RJ; Dawson S; Bouriez-Jones T; Crockford TL; Lepherd M; Latunde-Dada GO; Robinson H; Raja KB; Campagna DR; Villarreal G; Ellory JC; Goodnow CC; Fleming MD; McKie AT; Cornall RJ, 2009, 'Identification of a Steap3 endosomal targeting motif essential for normal iron metabolism', Blood, 113, pp. 1805 - 1808,

Chu J; Hong NA; Masuda CA; Jenkins BV; Nelms KA; Goodnow CC; Glynne RJ; Wu H; Masliah E; Joazeiro CAP; Kay SA, 2009, 'A mouse forward genetics screen identifies LISTERIN as an E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in neurodegeneration', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, pp. 2097 - 2103,

Randall KL; Lambe T; Johnson A; Treanor B; Kucharska E; Domaschenz H; Whittle B; Tze LE; Enders A; Crockford TL; Bouriez-Jones T; Alston D; Cyster JG; Lenardo MJ; Mackay F; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Chan TD; Camidge T; Brink R; Vinuesa C; Batista FD; Cornall RJ; Goodnow CC, 2009, 'Dock8 mutations cripple B cell immunological synapses, germinal centers and long-lived antibody production', Nature Immunology, 10, pp. 1283 - 1291,

Linterman MA; Rigby RJ; Wong R; Silva D; Withers D; Anderson G; Verma NK; Brink R; Hutloff A; Goodnow CC; Vinuesa C, 2009, 'Roquin differentiates the specialized functions of duplicated T cell costimulatory receptor genes CD28 and ICOS', Immunity, 30, pp. 228 - 241,

Wu Z; Jia X; de la Cruz L; Su XC; Marzolf B; Troisch P; Zak D; Hamilton A; Whittle B; Yu D; Sheahan D; Bertram E; Aderem A; Otting G; Goodnow CC; Hoyne GF, 2008, 'Memory T Cell RNA Rearrangement Programmed by Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein hnRNPLL', Immunity, 29, pp. 863 - 875,

Shiow LR; Roadcap DW; Paris K; Watson SR; Grigorova IL; Lebet T; An J; Xu Y; Jenne CN; Föger N; Sorensen RU; Goodnow CC; Bear JE; Puck JM; Cyster JG, 2008, 'The actin regulator coronin 1A is mutant in a thymic egress-deficient mouse strain and in a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency', Nature Immunology, 9, pp. 1307 - 1315,

Gosling KM; Goodnow CC; Verma NK; Fahrer AM, 2008, 'Defective T-cell function leading to reduced antibody production in a kleisin-β mutant mouse', Immunology, 125, pp. 208 - 217,

Heazlewood CK; Cook MC; Eri R; Price GR; Tauro SB; Taupin D; Thornton DJ; Chin WP; Crockford TL; Cornall RJ; Adams R; Kato M; Nelms KA; Hong NA; Florin THJ; Goodnow CC; McGuckin MA, 2008, 'Aberrant mucin assembly in mice causes endoplasmic reticulum stress and spontaneous inflammation resembling ulcerative colitis', PLoS Medicine, 5, pp. 0440 - 0460,

Yu D; Tan AHM; Hu X; Athanasopoulos V; Simpson N; Silva DG; Hutloff A; Giles KM; Leedman PJ; Lam KP; Goodnow CC; Vinuesa CG, 2008, 'Roquin represses autoimmunity by limiting inducible T-cell co-stimulator messenger RNA (Nature (2007) 450, (299-303))', Nature, 451, pp. 1022,

Liu M; Duke JL; Richter DJ; Vinuesa CG; Goodnow CC; Kleinstein SH; Schatz DG, 2008, 'Two levels of protection for the B cell genome during somatic hypermutation', Nature, 451, pp. 841 - 845,

Yu D; Cook MC; Shin DM; Silva DG; Marshall J; Toellner KM; Havran WL; Caroni P; Cooke MP; Morse HC; MacLennan ICM; Goodnow CC; Vinuesa CG, 2008, 'Axon growth and guidance genes identify T-dependent germinal centre B cells', Immunology and Cell Biology, 86, pp. 3 - 14,

Keyes J; Tallack M; Zhan Y; Papathanasiou P; Goodnow CC; Gaensler K; Crossley M; Dekker JP; Perkins A, 2008, 'A mechanism for Ikaros regulation of human globin gene switching', British Journal of Haematology, 141, pp. 398 - 406

Siggs OM; Miosge LA; Yates AL; Kucharska EM; Sheahan D; Brdicka T; Weiss A; Liston A; Goodnow CC, 2007, 'Opposing Functions of the T Cell Receptor Kinase ZAP-70 in Immunity and Tolerance Differentially Titrate in Response to Nucleotide Substitutions', Immunity, 27, pp. 912 - 926,

Di Yu ; Tan AHM; Hu X; Athanasopoulos V; Simpson N; Silva DG; Hutloff A; Giles KM; Leedman PJ; Lam KP; Goodnow CC; Vinuesa CG, 2007, 'Roquin represses autoimmunity by limiting inducible T-cell co-stimulator messenger RNA', Nature, 450, pp. 299 - 303,

Goodnow CC, 2007, 'Nossal and Pike 1975: A turning point in the effort to define self-tolerance mechanisms', Journal of Immunology, 179, pp. 5617 - 5618,

Gosling KM; Makaroff LE; Theodoratos A; Kim YH; Whittle B; Rui L; Wu H; Hong NA; Kennedy GC; Fritz JA; Yates AL; Goodnow CC; Fahrer AM, 2007, 'A mutation in a chromosome condensin II subunit, kleisin β, specifically disrupts T cell development', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104, pp. 12445 - 12450,

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