Select Publications

Journal articles

Goodnow CC, 2007, 'Multistep Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disease', Cell, 130, pp. 25 - 35,

Nijnik A; Woodbine L; Marchetti C; Dawson S; Lambe T; Liu C; Rodrigues NP; Crockford TL; Cabuy E; Vindigni A; Enver T; Bell JI; Slijepcevic P; Goodnow CC; Jeggo PA; Cornall RJ, 2007, 'DNA repair is limiting for haematopoietic stem cells during ageing', Nature, 447, pp. 686 - 690,

Liston A; Siggs OM; Goodnow CC, 2007, 'Tracing the action of IL-2 in tolerance to islet-specific antigen', Immunology and Cell Biology, 85, pp. 338 - 342,

Goodnow CC; Campbell JA; Rui L; Vinuesa CG, 2007, 'Tolerance mechanisms in the late phase of the antibody response.', Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 596, pp. 163 - 168

Horikawa K; Martin SW; Pogue SL; Silver K; Peng K; Takatsu K; Goodnow CC, 2007, 'Enhancement and suppression of signaling by the conserved tail of IgG memory-type B cell antigen receptors', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 204, pp. 759 - 769,

Li G; Vega R; Nelms K; Gekakis N; Goodnow C; McNamara P; Wu H; Hong NA; Glynne R, 2007, 'A role for Alström syndrome protein, Alms1, in kidney ciliogenesis and cellular quiescence', PLoS Genetics, 3, pp. 0009 - 0020,

Liston A; Hardy K; Pittelkow YE; Wilson SR; Makarof LE; Fahrer AM; Goodnow CC, 2007, 'Impairment of organ-specific T cell negative selection by diabetes susceptibility genes: genomic analysis by mRNA profiling', Genome Biology, 8, pp. R12 - R12

Kennedy CL; O'Connor AE; Sanchez-Partida LG; Holland MK; Goodnow CC; de Kretser DM; O'Bryan MK, 2006, 'A repository of ENU mutant mouse lines and their potential for male fertility research', Molecular Human Reproduction, 11, pp. 871 - 880,

Gray DHD; Seach N; Ueno T; Milton MK; Liston A; Lew AM; Goodnow CC; Boyd RL, 2006, 'Developmental kinetics, turnover, and stimulatory capacity of thymic epithelial cells', Blood, 108, pp. 3777 - 3785,

Alexander WS; Viney EM; Zhang JG; Metcalf D; Kauppi M; Hyland CD; Carpinelli MR; Stevenson W; Croker BA; Hilton AA; Ellis S; Selan C; Nandurkar HH; Goodnow CC; Kile BT; Nicola NA; Roberts AW; Hilton DJ, 2006, 'Thrombocytopenia and kidney disease in mice with a mutation in the C1galt1 gene', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103, pp. 16442 - 16447,

Manderson AP; Quah B; Botto M; Goodnow CC; Walport MJ; Parish CR, 2006, 'A novel mechanism for complement activation at the surface of B cells following antigen binding', Journal of Immunology, 177, pp. 5155 - 5162,

Rui L; Healy JI; Blasioli J; Goodnow CC, 2006, 'ERK signaling is a molecular switch integrating opposing inputs from B cell receptor and T cell cytokines to control TLR4-driven plasma cell differentiation', Journal of Immunology, 177, pp. 5337 - 5346,

Cook MC; Vinuesa CG; Goodnow CC, 2006, 'ENU-mutagenesis: insight into immune function and pathology', Current Opinion in Immunology, 18, pp. 627 - 633,

Bléry M; Tze L; Miosge LA; Jun JE; Goodnow CC, 2006, 'Essential role of membrane cholesterol in accelerated BCR internalization and uncoupling from NF-κB in B cell clonal anergy', The Journal of Cell Biology, 174, pp. i5 - i5,

Bléry M; Tze L; Miosge LA; Jun JE; Goodnow CC, 2006, 'Essential role of membrane cholesterol in accelerated BCR internalization and uncoupling from NF-κB in B cell clonal anergy', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 203, pp. 1773 - 1783,

Nijnik A; Ferry H; Lewis G; Rapsomaniki E; Leung JCH; Daser A; Lambe T; Goodnow CC; Cornall RJ, 2006, 'Spontaneous B cell hyperactivity in autoimmune-prone MRL mice', International Immunology, 18, pp. 1127 - 1137,

Goodnow CC, 2006, 'Discriminating microbe from self suffers a double toll', Science, 312, pp. 1606 - 1608,

Rui L; Goodnow CC, 2006, 'Lymphoma and the control of B cell growth and differentiation', Current Molecular Medicine, 6, pp. 291 - 308,

Arsov T; Larter CZ; Nolan CJ; Petrovsky N; Goodnow CC; Teoh NC; Yeh MM; Farrell GC, 2006, 'Adaptive failure to high-fat diet characterizes steatohepatitis in Alms1 mutant mice', Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 342, pp. 1152 - 1159,

Hoyne GF; Goodnow CC, 2006, 'The use of genomewide ENU mutagenesis screens to unravel complex mammalian traits: Identifying genes that regulate organ-specific and systemic autoimmunity', Immunological Reviews, 210, pp. 27 - 39,

Arsov T; Silva D; O Bryan M; Sainsbury A; Lee NJ; Kennedy C; Manji S; Nelms K; Liu C; Vinuesa C; de Kretser D, 2006, 'Fat Aussie - A new Alstrom syndrome mouse showing a critical role for ALMS1 in obesity, diabetes, and spermatogenesis', Molecular Endocrinology, 20, pp. 1610 - 1622

Ferry H; Crockford TL; Silver K; Rust N; Goodnow CC; Cornall RJ, 2005, 'Erratum: Analysis of Lyn/CD22 double-deficient B cells in vivo demonstrates Lyn- and CD22- independent pathways affecting BCR regulation and B cell survival (European Journal of Immunology (2005) vol. 35 (12) (3714) 10.1002/eji.200535247)', European Journal of Immunology, 35, pp. 3714,

Miosge LA; Goodnow CC, 2005, 'Genes, pathways and checkpoints in lymphocyte development and homeostasis', Immunology and Cell Biology, 83, pp. 318 - 335,

Goodnow CC; Sprent J; Barbara BF; Vinuesa CG, 2005, 'Cellular and genetic mechanisms of self tolerance and autoimmunity', Nature, 435, pp. 590 - 597,

Vinuesa CG; Cook MC; Angelucci C; Athanasopoulos V; Rui L; Hill KM; Yu D; Domaschenz H; Whittle B; Lambe T; Roberts IS; Copley RR; Bell JI; Cornall RJ; Goodnow CC, 2005, 'A RING-type ubiquitin ligase family member required to repress follicular helper T cells and autoimmunity', Nature, 435, pp. 452 - 458,

Liston A; Lesage S; Gray DHD; Boyd RL; Goodnow CC, 2005, 'Genetic lesions in T-cell tolerance and thresholds for autoimmunity', Immunological Reviews, 204, pp. 87 - 101,

Ferry H; Cockford TL; Silver K; Rust N; Goodnow CC; Cornall R, 2005, 'Analysis of Lyn/CD22 double-deficient B cells in vivo demonstrates Lyn- and CD22-independent pathways affecting BCR regulation and B cell survival', European Journal of Immunology, 35, pp. 3655 - 3663,

Li G; Vega R; Nelms K; Gekakis N; Goodnow C; McNamara P; Wu H; Hong N; Glynne R, 2005, 'A role for the Alström syndrome protein, Alms1, in ciliogenesis and regulation of cellular quiescence in kidney proximal tubules', PLoS Genetics, preprint, pp. e8 - e8,

Liston A; Gray DHD; Lesage S; Fletcher AL; Wilson J; Webster KE; Scott HS; Boyd RL; Peltonen L; Goodnow CC, 2004, 'Gene dosage-limiting role of Aire in thymic expression, clonal deletion, and organ-specific autoimmunity', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 200, pp. 1015 - 1026,

Vinuesa CG; Goodnow CC, 2004, 'Illuminating autoimmune regulators through controlled variation of the mouse genome sequence', Immunity, 20, pp. 669 - 679,

Kennedy CL; O’Connor AE; Sanchez-Partida LG; Goodnow CC; De Kretser DM; O'Bryan MK, 2004, '126.A repository of ENU mutant mouse lines and their potential for male fertility research', Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 16, pp. 126 - 126,

Liston A; Lesage S; Gray DHD; O reilly LA; Strasser A; Fahrer AM; Boyd RL; Wilson J; Baxter AG; Gallo E; Crabtree GR; Peng K; Wilson SR; Goodnow CC, 2004, 'Generalised resistance to thymic deletion in the NODmouse: a polygenic trait characterized by defective induction of Bim', Immunity, 21, pp. 817 - 830

Jun JE; Goodnow CC, 2003, 'Scaffolding of antigen receptors for immunogenic versus tolerogenic signaling', Nature Immunology, 4, pp. 1057 - 1064,

Papathanasiou P; Perkins AC; Cobb BS; Ferrini R; Sridharan R; Hoyne GF; Nelms KA; Smale ST; Goodnow CC, 2003, 'Widespread failure of hematolymphoid differentiation caused by a recessive niche-filling allele of the ikaros transcription factor', Immunity, 19, pp. 131 - 144,

Jun JE; Wilson LE; Vinuesa CG; Lesage S; Blery M; Miosge LA; Cook MC; Kucharska EM; Hara H; Penninger JM; Domashenz H; Hong NA; Glynne RJ; Nelms KA; Goodnow CC, 2003, 'Identifying the MAGUK protein Carma-1 as a central regulator of humoral immune responses and atopy by genome-wide mouse mutagenesis', Immunity, 18, pp. 751 - 762,

Rui L; Vinuesa CG; Blasioli J; Goodnow CC, 2003, 'Resistance to CpG DNA-induced autoimmunity through tolerogenic B cell antigen receptor ERK signaling', Nature Immunology, 4, pp. 594 - 600,

Liston A; Lesage S; Wilson J; Peltonen L; Goodnow CC, 2003, 'Aire regulates negative selection of organ-specific T cells', Nature Immunology, 4, pp. 350 - 354,

Lesage S; Hartley SB; Akkaraju S; Wilson J; Townsend M; Goodnow CC, 2002, 'Failure to censor forbidden clones of CD4 T cells in autoimmune diabetes', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 196, pp. 1175 - 1188,

Miosge LA; Blasioli J; Blery M; Goodnow CC, 2002, 'Analysis of an ethylnitrosourea-generated mouse mutation defines a cell intrinsic role of nuclear factor κB2 in regulating circulating B cell numbers', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 196, pp. 1113 - 1119,

Prasad SJ; Goodnow CC, 2002, 'Intrinsic in vitro abnormalities in dendritic cell generation caused by non-MHC non-obese diabetic genes', Immunology and Cell Biology, 80, pp. 198 - 206,

Vinuesa CG; Goodnow CC, 2002, 'DNA drives autoimmunity', Nature, 416, pp. 595 - 598,

Loy AL; Goodnow CC, 2002, 'Novel approaches for identifying genes regulating lymphocyte development and function', Current Opinion in Immunology, 14, pp. 260 - 265,

Martin SW; Goodnow CC, 2002, 'Burst-enhancing role of the IgG membrane tail as a molecular determinant of memory', Nature Immunology, 3, pp. 182 - 188,

Prasad SJ; Goodnow CC, 2002, 'Cell-intrinsic effects of non-MHC NOD genes on dendritic cell generation in vivo', International Immunology, 14, pp. 677 - 684,

Blasioli J; Goodnow CC, 2002, 'Lyn/CD22/SHP-1 and their importance in autoimmunity.', Current directions in autoimmunity, 5, pp. 151 - 160

Lesage S; Goodnow CC, 2001, 'Organ-specific autoimmune disease: A deficiency of tolerogenic stimulation', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 194,

Goodnow CC, 2001, 'Pathways for self-tolerance and the treatment of autoimmune diseases', Lancet, 357, pp. 2115 - 2121,

Townsend SE; Goodnow CC; Cornall RJ, 2001, 'Single epitope multiple staining to detect ultralow frequency B cells', Journal of Immunological Methods, 249, pp. 137 - 146,

Nadeau JH; Balling R; Barsh G; Beier D; Brown SDM; Bucan M; Camper S; Carlson G; Copeland N; Eppig J; Fletcher C; Frankel WN; Ganten D; Goldowitz D; Goodnow C; Guenet JL; Hicks G; De Angelis MH; Jackson I; Jacob HJ; Jenkins N; Johnson D; Justice M; Kay S; Kingsley D; Lehrach H; Magnuson T; Meisler M; Poustka A; Rinchik EM; Rossant J; Russell LB; Schimenti J; Shiroishi T; Skarnes WC; Soriano P; Stanford W; Takahashi JS; Wurst W; Zimmer A, 2001, 'Sequence interpretation: Functional annotation of mouse genome sequences', Science, 291, pp. 1251 - 1255,

Fahrer AM; Bazan FJ; Papathanasiou P; Nelms KA; Goodnow CC, 2001, 'A genomic view of immunology', Nature, 409, pp. 836 - 838,

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