Select Publications

Journal articles

Goodnow CC; Glynne R; Akkaraju S; Rayner J; Mack D; Healy JI; Chaudhry S; Miosge L; Wilson L; Papathanasiou P; Loy A, 2001, 'Autoimmunity, self-tolerance and immune homeostasis: From whole animal phenotypes to molecular pathways', Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 490, pp. 33 - 40,

Nelms KA; Goodnow CC, 2001, 'Genome-wide ENU mutagenesis to reveal immune regulators', Immunity, 15, pp. 409 - 418,

Martin S; Goodnow C, 2000, 'Memory needs no reminders', Nature, 407, pp. 576 - 577,

Glynne R; Akkaraju S; Healy JI; Rayner J; Goodnow CC; Mack DH, 2000, 'Erratum: How self-tolerance and the immunosuppressive drug FK506 prevent B-cell mitogenesis (Nature (2000) 403: (672-676))', Nature, 407, pp. 413,

Glynne R; Akkaraju S; Healy JI; Rayner J; Goodnow CC; Mack DH, 2000, 'How self-tolerance and the immunosuppressive drug FK506 prevent B-cell mitogenesis (vol 403, pg 672, 2000)', NATURE, 407, pp. 413 - +,

Weintraub BC; Jun JE; Bishop AC; Shokat KM; Thomas ML; Goodnow CC, 2000, 'Entry of B cell receptor into signaling domains is inhibited in tolerant B cells', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 191, pp. 1443 - 1448,

Glynne RJ; Ghandour G; Goodnow CC, 2000, 'Genomic-scale gene expression analysis of lymphocyte growth, tolerance and malignancy', Current Opinion in Immunology, 12, pp. 210 - 214,

Pogue SL; Goodnow CC, 2000, 'Gene dose-dependent maturation and receptor editing of B cells expressing immunoglobulin (Ig)G1 or IgM/IgG1 tail antigen receptors', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 191, pp. 1031 - 1043,

Cornall RJ; Cheng AM; Pawson T; Goodnow CC, 2000, 'Role of Syk in B-cell development and antigen-receptor signaling', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97, pp. 1713 - 1718,

Glynne R; Akkaraju S; Healy JI; Rayner J; Goodnow CC; Mack DH, 2000, 'How self-tolerance and the immunosuppressive drug FK506 prevent B-cell mitogenesis', Nature, 403, pp. 672 - 676,

Glynne R; Ghandour G; Rayner J; Mack DH; Goodnow CC, 2000, 'B-lymphocyte quiescence, tolerance and activation as viewed by global gene expression profiling on microarrays', Immunological Reviews, 176, pp. 216 - 246,

Townsend SE; Weintraub BC; Goodnow CC, 1999, 'Growing up on the streets: Why B-cell development differs from T-cell development', Immunology Today, 20, pp. 217 - 220,

Goodnow CC, 1998, 'Cancer immunotherapy: New leads on an elusive goal', Medical Journal of Australia, 169, pp. 570 - 571,

Rathmell JC; Goodnow CC, 1998, 'The in vivo balance between B cell clonal expansion and elimination is regulated by CD95 both on B cells and in their micro-environment', Immunology and Cell Biology, 76, pp. 387 - 394,

Ying H; Healy JI; Goodnow CC; Parnes JR, 1998, 'Regulation of mouse CD72 gene expression during B lymphocyte development', Journal of Immunology, 161, pp. 4760 - 4767

Rathmell JC; Fournier S; Weintraub BC; Allison JP; Goodnow CC, 1998, 'Repression of B7.2 on self-reactive B cells is essential to prevent proliferation and allow Fas-mediated deletion by CD4+ T cells', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 188, pp. 651 - 659,

Weintraub BC; Goodnow CC, 1998, 'Immune responses: Costimulatory receptors have their say', Current Biology, 8,

Townsend SE; Goodnow CC, 1998, 'Abortive proliferation of rare T cells induced by direct or indirect antigen presentation by rare B cells in vivo', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 187, pp. 1611 - 1621,

Fischer MB; Goerg S; Shen LM; Prodeus AP; Goodnow CC; Kelsoe G; Carroll MC, 1998, 'Dependence of germinal center B cells on expression of CD21/CD35 for survival', Science, 280, pp. 582 - 585,

Schmidt KN; Hsu CW; Griffin CT; Goodnow CC; Cyster JG, 1998, 'Spontaneous follicular exclusion of SHP1-deficient B cells is conditional on the presence of competitor wild-type B cells', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 187, pp. 929 - 937,

Prodeus AP; Goerg S; Shen LM; Pozdnyakova OO; Chu L; Alicot EM; Goodnow CC; Carroll MC, 1998, 'A critical role for complement in maintenance of self-tolerance', Immunity, 9, pp. 721 - 731,

Cornall RJ; Goodnow CC, 1998, 'B cell antigen receptor signalling in the balance of tolerance and immunity.', Novartis Foundation symposium, 215

Cornall RJ; Cyster JG; Hibbs ML; Dunn AR; Otipoby KL; Clark EA; Goodnow CC, 1998, 'Polygenic autoimmune traits: Lyn, CD22, and SHP-1 are limiting elements of a biochemical pathway regulating BCR signaling and selection', Immunity, 8, pp. 497 - 508,

Healy JI; Dolmetsch RE; Lewis RS; Goodnow CC, 1998, 'Quantitative and qualitative control of antigen receptor signalling in tolerant B lymphocytes.', Novartis Foundation symposium, 215

Fang W; Weintraub BC; Dunlap B; Garside P; Pape KA; Jenkins MK; Goodnow CC; Mueller DL; Behrens TW, 1998, 'Self-reactive B lymphocytes overexpressing Bcl-x(L) escape negative selection and are tolerized by clonal anergy and receptor editing', Immunity, 9, pp. 35 - 45,

Akkaraju S; Canaan K; Goodnow CC, 1997, 'Self-reactive B cells are not eliminated or inactivated by autoantigen expressed on thyroid epithelial cells', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 186, pp. 2005 - 2012,

Inaoki M; Sato S; Weintraub BC; Goodnow CC; Tedder TF, 1997, 'CD19-regulated signaling thresholds control peripheral tolerance and autoantibody production in B lymphocytes', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 186, pp. 1923 - 1931,

Goodnow CC, 1997, 'Glimpses into the balance between immunity and self-tolerance', CIBA Foundation Symposia, pp. 190 - 207

Timmerman LA; Healy JI; Ho SN; Chen L; Goodnow CC; Crabtree GR, 1997, 'Redundant expression but selective utilization of nuclear factor of activated T cells family members', Journal of Immunology, 159, pp. 2735 - 2740

Macaulay AE; Dekruyff RH; Goodnow CC; Umetsu DT, 1997, 'Antigen-Specific B Cells Preferentially Induce CD4+ T Cells to Produce IL-4', Journal of Immunology, 158, pp. 4171 - 4179

Dolmetsch RE; Lewis RS; Goodnow CC; Healy JI, 1997, 'Differential activation of transcription factors induced by Ca2+ response amplitude and duration', Nature, 386, pp. 855 - 858,

Healy JI; Dolmetsch RE; Timmerman LA; Cyster JG; Thomas ML; Crabtree GR; Lewis RS; Goodnow CC, 1997, 'Different nuclear signals are activated by the B cell receptor during positive versus negative signaling', Immunity, 6, pp. 419 - 428,

Akkaraju S; Ho WY; Leong D; Canaan K; Davis MM; Goodnow CC, 1997, 'A range of CD4 T cell tolerance: Partial inactivation to organ-specific antigen allows nondestructive thyroiditis or insulitis', Immunity, 7, pp. 255 - 271,

Goodnow CC, 1997, 'Chance encounters and organized rendezvous', Immunological Reviews, 156, pp. 5 - 10,

Dolmetsch RE; Lewis RS; Goodnow CC; Healy JI, 1997, 'Erratum: Differential activation of transcription factors induced by Ca2+ response amplitude and duration (Nature (1997) 386 (855-858))', Nature, 388, pp. 308,

Goodnow CC; Cyster JG, 1997, 'Lymphocyte homing: The scent of a follicle', Current Biology, 7,

Fournier S; Rathmell JC; Goodnow CC; Allison JP, 1997, 'T cell-mediated elimination of B7.2 transgenic B cells', Immunity, 6, pp. 327 - 339,

Cyster JG; Goodnow CC, 1997, 'Tuning antigen receptor signaling by CD22: Integrating cues from antigens and the microenvironment', Immunity, 6, pp. 509 - 517,

Cyster J; Thomas M; Goodnow C, 1996, 'Signals regulating B lymphocyte migration and survival in lymphoid tissues', FASEB Journal, 10

Townsend SE; Goodnow CC, 1996, 'T cell/B cell collaboration in the lysozyme system: An in vivo model', FASEB Journal, 10

Rathmell JC; Townsend SE; Xu JC; Flavell RA; Goodnow CC, 1996, 'Expansion or elimination of B cells in vivo: Dual roles for CD40- and Fas (CD95)-ligands modulated by the B cell antigen receptor', Cell, 87, pp. 319 - 329,

Cyster JG; Healy JI; Kishihara K; Mak TW; Thomas ML; Goodnow CC, 1996, 'Regulation of B-lymphocyte negative and positive selection by tyrosine phosphatase CD45', Nature, 381, pp. 325 - 328,

Liblau RS; Tisch R; Shokat K; Yang XD; Dumont N; Goodnow CC; Mcdevitt HO, 1996, 'Intravenous injection of soluble antigen induces thymic and peripheral T-cell apoptosis', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93, pp. 3031 - 3036,

Goodnow CC, 1996, 'Balancing immunity and tolerance: Deleting and tuning lymphocyte repertoires', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93, pp. 2264 - 2271,

Dempsey PW; Allison MED; Akkaraju S; Goodnow CC; Fearon DT, 1996, 'C3d of complement as a molecular adjuvant: Bridging innate and acquired immunity', Science, 271, pp. 348 - 350,

Janeway CA; Goodnow CC; Medzhitov R, 1996, 'Immunological tolerance: Danger - Pathogen on the premises!', Current Biology, 6, pp. 519 - 522,

Cyster JG; Goodnow CC, 1995, 'Pertussis toxin inhibits migration of B and T lymphocytes into splenic white pulp cords', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 182, pp. 581 - 586,

Rathmell JC; Cooke MP; Ho WY; Grein J; Townsend SE; Davis MM; Goodnow CC, 1995, 'CD95 (Fas)-dependent elimination of self-reactive B cells upon interaction with CD4+T cells', Nature, 376, pp. 181 - 184,

Shokat KM; Goodnow CC, 1995, 'Antigen-induced B-cell death and elimination during germinal-centre immune responses', Nature, 375, pp. 334 - 338,

Cyster JG; Goodnow CC, 1995, 'Antigen-induced exclusion from follicles and anergy are separate and complementary processes that influence peripheral B cell fate', Immunity, 3, pp. 691 - 701,

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