Select Publications

Book Chapters

Sammut C; Farid R; Wicaksono H; Wiley T, 2021, 'Logic-based robotics', in Human-Like Machine Intelligence, pp. 465 - 486

Kenderine S; Yip A; Oliver C; Pather N; Sammut C; Djokic T; Marcus N; Ong A; Kenderdine S, 2021, 'Designing Multi-disciplinary Interactive Virtual Environments for Next-Generation Immersive Learning Experiences: Case Studies and Future Directions in Astrobiology, Anatomy and Cultural Heritage.', in Creative and Collaborative Learning through Immersion Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives, Springer, pp. 49 - 67,

Kenderdine S; Yip A; Oliver C; Pather N; Sammut C; Djokic T; Marcus N; Ong A, 2021, 'Designing Multi-disciplinary Interactive Virtual Environments for Next-Generation Immersive Learning Experiences: Case Studies and Future Directions in Astrobiology, Anatomy and Cultural Heritage', in Creative and Collaborative Learning through Immersion, Springer Nature, pp. 49 - 67,

Sammut C, 2017, 'Behavioral Cloning', in Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Mining, Springer US, pp. 120 - 124,

Ashar J; Ashmore J; Hall B; Harris S; Hengst B; Liu R; Mei Z; Pagnucco M; Roy R; Sammut C; Sushkov O; Teh B; Tsekouras L, 2015, 'RoboCup SPL 2014 Champion Team Paper', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, pp. 70 - 81,

Farid R; Sammut C, 2014, 'Region-Based Object Categorisation Using Relational Learning', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, pp. 357 - 369,

Brown S; Sammut C, 2012, 'Tool Use and Learning in Robots', in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer US, pp. 3327 - 3330,

Sammut C, 2011, 'Beam Search', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 93 - 93,

Sammut C; Harries M, 2011, 'Concept Drift', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 202 - 205,

Sammut C, 2011, 'Concept Learning', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 205 - 208,

Sammut C, 2011, 'Credit Assignment', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 238 - 242,

Sammut C, 2011, 'Density Estimation', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 270 - 270,

Sammut C, 2011, 'Generalization', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 447 - 447,

Sammut C, 2011, 'Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 456 - 457,

Sammut C, 2011, 'Greedy Search', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 482 - 483,

Sammut C, 2011, 'Markov Chain Monte Carlo', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, Springer US, pp. 639 - 642,

Sammut CA, 2010, 'Behavioral Cloning', in Sammut C; Webb GI (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Machine Learning, Springer, New York, pp. 93 - 97

Sammut CA; Yik TF, 2010, 'Multistrategy learning for robot behaviours', in Koronacki J; Ras ZW; Wierzchon ST; Kacprzyk J (ed.), Advances in Machine Learning I, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 262, Springer, pp. 457 - 476

Sammut CA; Hengst B, 2003, 'The Evolution of a Robot Soccer Team', in Jarvis R; Zelinsky A (ed.), Robotics Research: The 10th International Conference, Springer Publishing Company, Berlin, pp. 517 - 529

Sammut C; Bain M, 1999, 'A Framework for Behavioural Cloning', in Furukawa K; Michie D; Muggleton S (ed.), Machine Intelligence 15, Oxford University Press, pp. 103 - 129

Bratko I; Urbancic T; Sammut CA, 1998, 'Behavioiural Cloning of Control Skill', in Machine Learning and Data Mining, Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, pp. 335 - 352

Mahidadia A; Sammut C; Compton P, 1994, 'Applying Inductive Logic Programming to Causal Qualitative Models in Neuroendocrinology', in Zhang C; Debenham J; Lukose D (ed.), Artificial Intelligence: Sowing the Seeds of the Future, pp. 68 - 75

Sammut C, 1994, 'Knowledge Representation', in Michie D; Speigelhalter DJ; Taylor CC (ed.), Machine Learning, Neural Nets and Statistical Classification, pp. 228 - 245

Sammut C, 1994, 'Recent Progress with BOXES', in Furukawa K; Michie D; Muggleton S (ed.), Machine Intelligence 13, Clarendon Press, pp. 363 - 383, file://localhost/Users/claude/Sites/papers/MI13.pdf

Hume D; Sammut C, 1992, 'Applying Inductive Logic programming in Reactive Environments', in Muggleton S (ed.), Inductive Logic Programming, Academic Press, pp. 539 - 549, file://localhost/Users/claude/Sites/papers/ilp91.pdf

Sammut CA, 1991, 'Error-Tolerant Learning Systems', in Michie D; Hayes-Michie J (ed.), Machine Intelligence 12, pp. 169 - 185, file://localhost/Users/claude/Sites/papers/MI12.pdf

Grech A; Sammut C, 1987, 'Qualitative Plausible Reasoning and Assumptions', in Quinlan JR (ed.), Applications of Expert Systems, Addison-Wesley

Sammut CA; Banerji RB, 1986, 'Learning Concepts by Asking Questions', in Michalski RS; Carbonell JG; Mitchell TM (ed.), Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach, Vol 2, pp. 167 - 192, file://localhost/Users/claude/Sites/papers/ml2.pdf

Sammut CA; Cohen BL, 1980, 'A Language for Describing Concepts as Programs', in Tobias JM (ed.), Language Design and Programming Methodology, Springer, pp. 111 - 116

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