Select Publications

Book Chapters

Lupton D; Turner B, 2017, '‘Both fascinating and disturbing’: Consumer responses to 3D food printing and implications for food activism', in Digital Food Activism, pp. 151 - 167,

Lupton D, 2017, '3D printed self-replicas Personal digital data made solid', in Carnicelli S; McGillivray D; McPherson G (ed.), DIGITAL LEISURE CULTURES: CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 26 - 38,

Lupton D, 2017, 'Cooking, Eating, Uploading: Digital Food Cultures', in THE BLOOMSBURY HANDBOOK OF: FOOD AND POPULAR CULTURE, pp. 66 - 80

Lupton D, 2017, 'Digital bodies', in Routledge Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies, pp. 200 - 208,

Lupton D; Mewburn I; Thomson P, 2017, 'The digital academic: Identities, contexts and politics', in The Digital Academic: Critical Perspectives on Digital Technologies in Higher Education, pp. 1 - 19,

Lupton D, 2016, 'Personal data practices in the age of lively data', in Digital Sociologies, pp. 339 - 354

Lupton D, 2016, 'Digital health technologies and digital data: New ways of monitoring, measuring and commodifying human bodies', in Research Handbooks on Digital Transformations, pp. 85 - 102,

Lupton D, 2016, 'You are your data: Self-tracking practices and concepts of data', in Lifelogging: Digital Self-Tracking and Lifelogging - between Disruptive Technology and Cultural Transformation, pp. 61 - 79,

Lupton D, 2016, 'Digital risk society', in Routledge Handbook of Risk Studies, pp. 301 - 309,

Schmied V; Lupton D, 2016, 'Blurring the Boundaries: Breastfeeding and Maternal Subjectivity', in Abjectly Boundless: Boundaries, Bodies and Health Work, pp. 15 - 31,

Gard M; Lupton D, 2016, 'Digital health goes to school: Implications of digitising children’s bodies', in Taylor E; Rooney T (ed.), Surveillance Futures: Social and Ethical Implications of New Technologies for Children and Young People, Taylor & Francis, pp. 36 - 49,

Lupton D, 2016, 'Digital health technologies and digital data: New ways of monitoring, measuring and commodifying human bodies', in Research Handbook on Digital Transformations, pp. 85 - 102,

Lupton D, 2016, 'Digitized health promotion: Risk and personal responsibility for health and illness in the web 2.0 era', in To Fix or to Heal: Patient Care, Public Health, and the Limits of Biomedicine, pp. 152 - 176

Lupton D, 2016, 'Foreword', in , pp. viii - xi,

Lupton D, 2016, 'Purity and Danger', in , Wiley, pp. 1 - 3,

Lupton D, 2015, 'Health Risk Behavior', in , Wiley,

Lupton D, 2015, 'Donna Haraway: The Digital Cyborg Assemblage and the New Digital Health Technologies', in The Palgrave Handbook of Social Theory in Health, Illness and Medicine, pp. 567 - 581,

Lupton D, 2014, 'Digital Sociology', in , Routledge

Lupton D, 2014, 'The reproductive citizen: Motherhood and health education', in Health Education: Critical Perspectives, pp. 48 - 60,

Lupton D, 2014, 'Unborn Assemblages: Shifting Configurations of Embryonic and Foetal Embodiment', in Nash M (ed.), REFRAMING REPRODUCTION: CONCEIVING GENDERED EXPERIENCES, PALGRAVE, pp. 101 - 114,

Lupton D, 2013, 'Imaging the Unborn', in SOCIAL WORLDS OF THE UNBORN, PALGRAVE, pp. 33 - 51,

Lupton D, 2013, 'Risk and governmentality', in The Sociology of Risk and Gambling Reader, pp. 85 - 100,

Lupton D, 2013, 'Introduction', in The Social Worlds of the Unborn, Springer Nature, pp. 1 - 11,

Lupton D, 2005, 'The diagnostic test and the danger within', in The Sociology and Politics of Health: A Reader, pp. 151 - 158

Lupton D; Seymour W, 2004, 'TECHNOLOGY, SELFHOOD AND PHYSICAL DISABILITY', in Communication, Relationships and Care: A Reader, pp. 167 - 176,

Lupton D; Seymour W, 2003, '‘I am Normal on the ’Net’: Disability, Computerised Communication Technologies and the Embodied Self', in Discourse, the Body, and Identity, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 246 - 265,

Lupton D, 2000, 'The Social Construction of Medicine and the Body', in Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine, SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 50 - 63,

Lupton D, 1999, 'Introduction: risk and sociocultural theory', in Risk and Sociocultural Theory, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1 - 11,

Lupton D, 1999, 'Risk and the ontology of pregnant embodiment', in Risk and Sociocultural Theory, Cambridge University Press, pp. 59 - 85,

Lupton D, 1995, 'The Embodied Computer/User', in Cyberspace/Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment, SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 97 - 112,

Edited Books

Lupton D; Leahy D, (ed.), 2022, Creative Approaches to Health Education: New Ways of Thinking, Making, Doing, Teaching and Learning, Routledge, Abingdon,

Pink S; Berg M; Lupton D; Ruckenstein M, (eds.), 2022, EVERYDAY AUTOMATION: Experiencing and Anticipating Emerging Technologies, Routledge,

Lupton D; Willis K, 2021, The COVID-19 crisis: Social Perspectives,

Lupton D; Feldman Z, (ed.), 2020, Digital Food Cultures, Routledge, London,

Lupton D; Mewburn I; Thomson P, (eds.), 2018, The Digital Academic: Critical Perspectives on Digital Technologies in Higher Education, Routledge, London,

Lupton D, 2017, Self-Tracking, Health and Medicine Sociological Perspectives, Routledge

Lupton D, (ed.), 2017, Digitised Health, Medicine and Risk, Routledge, London,

Lupton D, (ed.), 2015, Beyond Techno-utopia: Critical Approaches to Digital Health Technologies, MDPI, Basel,

Lupton D, (ed.), 1999, Risk and Sociocultural Theory: New Directions and Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,

Journal articles

Greenhalgh T; MacIntyre CR; Baker MG; Bhattacharjee S; Chughtai AA; Fisman D; Kunasekaran M; Kvalsvig A; Lupton D; Oliver M; Tawfiq E; Ungrin M; Vipond J, 2024, 'Masks and respirators for prevention of respiratory infections: a state of the science review', Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 37, pp. e00124 - e00123,

Lupton D; Watson A; Wozniak-O'Connor V, 2024, 'It’s all about connecting’: using visual methods to surface the multisensory and more-than-human dimensions of health information', Visual Studies, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 15,

Butler E; Lupton D, 2024, 'Bubbles, fortresses and rings of steel: risk and socio-spatialities in Australians’ accounts of border controls during the COVID-19 pandemic', Social and Cultural Geography, 25, pp. 833 - 851,

McLean J; Southerton C; Lupton D, 2024, 'Young people and TikTok use in Australia: digital geographies of care in popular culture', Social and Cultural Geography, 25, pp. 795 - 813,

Boydell K; Lupton D, 2023, 'Bearing witness poetically in a pandemic: documenting suffering and care in conditions of physical isolation and uncertainty', Medical Humanities, 50, pp. 52 - 59,

Lupton D, 2023, 'Sociocultural dimensions of health: contributions to studies on risk, digital sociology, and disinformation', Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação & Inovação em Saúde, 17, pp. 924 - 937,

Lupton D; Wozniak-O'Connor V; Rose MC; Watson A, 2023, 'More-than-Human Wellbeing: Materialising the Relations, Affects, and Agencies of Health, Kinship, and Care', M/C Journal, 26,

Lupton D; Schubert MN; David ML; de Oliveira DC; dos Santos AS, 2023, 'Entrevista com Deborah Lupton', Cadernos de Campo Revista de Ciências Sociais, pp. e023011 - e023011,

Lupton D; Fuentes A; García Mingo E, 2023, 'Presente y futuro de la sociología digital: Entrevista a Deborah Lupton', Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, Avance en línea, pp. 1 - 8,

Clark M; Lupton D, 2023, 'The materialities and embodiments of mundane software: exploring how apps come to matter in everyday life', Online Information Review, 47, pp. 398 - 413,

Watson A; Wozniak-O'Connor V; Lupton D, 2023, 'Health information in creative translation: establishing a collaborative project of research and exhibition making', Health Sociology Review, 32, pp. 42 - 59,

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