Select Publications

Journal articles

Tulloch DLJ, 1999, 'Theorizing fear of crime: beyond the rational/irrational opposition', British Journal of Sociology, 50, pp. 507 - 523,

Barclay L; Lupton D, 1999, 'The experiences of new fatherhood: A socio-cultural analysis', Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29, pp. 1013 - 1020,

Lupton D, 1999, '‘Developing the “whole me”’: Citizenship, neo-liberalism and the contemporary health and physical education curriculum', Critical Public Health, 9, pp. 287 - 300,

Lupton D, 1999, 'Archetypes of infection: People with HIV/AIDS in the Australian press in the mid 1990s', Sociology of Health and Illness, 21, pp. 37 - 53,

Lupton D, 1999, 'Archetypes of infection: people with HIV/AIDS in the Australian press in the mid 1990s', SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH & ILLNESS, 21, pp. 37 - 53,

Lupton D, 1999, 'Crime control, citizenship and the state: Lay understandings of crime, its causes and solutions', Journal of Sociology, 35, pp. 297 - 311,

Lupton D, 1999, 'Dangerous places and the unpredictable stranger: Constructions of fear of crime', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 32, pp. 1 - 14,

Lupton D, 1999, 'Editorial: Health, Illness and Medicine in the Media', Health:, 3, pp. 259 - 262,

Lupton D; Tulloch J, 1999, 'Theorizing fear of crime: Beyond the rational/irrational opposition', British Journal of Sociology, 50, pp. 507 - 523,

Lupton D; Tulloch J, 1998, 'The adolescent 'Unfinished body', reflexivity and HIV/AIDS risk', Body and Society, 4, pp. 19 - 34,

Marsiglio W, 1998, 'Constructing fatherhood: Discourses and experiences', CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY-A JOURNAL OF REVIEWS, 27, pp. 590 - 591,

Lupton D, 1998, 'Psychoanalytic sociology and the medical encounter: a reply to Pilgrim', SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH & ILLNESS, 20, pp. 545 - 547,

Lupton D, 1998, 'The Emotional Self A Sociocultural Exploration',

Lupton D; McLean J, 1998, 'Representing doctors: Discourses and images in the Australian press', Social Science and Medicine, 46, pp. 947 - 958,

Lupton D, 1998, 'Risk and misfortune: The social construction of accidents', SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 46, pp. 170 - 172,

Lupton D, 1998, 'A postmodern public health?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 22, pp. 3 - 5,

Noble G; Lupton D, 1998, 'Consuming work: Computers, subjectivity and appropriation in the university workplace', Sociological Review, 46, pp. 803 - 827,

Lupton D, 1998, 'Doctors in the news media: Lay and medical audiences’responses', Journal of Sociology, 34, pp. 35 - 48,

Lupton D, 1998, 'Postmodernism and public health - Response', AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 22, pp. 405 - 406,

Chapman S; Lupton D, 1998, 'Postmodernism and public health (multiple letters) [2]', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 22, pp. 403 - 406,

Lupton D, 1998, 'The end of AIDS?: AIDS reporting in the Australian press in the mid-1990s', Critical Public Health, 8, pp. 33 - 46,

Lupton D, 1998, 'Book Review: Health and healing in eighteenth-century Germany', Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 2, pp. 111 - 112,

Savage M; Lawler S; VanEvery J; Taylor L; Lee N; Sayer A; O'Brien M; Sassower R; Lupton D; Bell D; Cottle S; Hay C; Hiatt D, 1998, 'Book Reviews: Formations of Class and Gender, Single Mothers in an International Context: Mothers or Workers?, Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought, Cultural Studies in Question, Video Critical: Children, The Environment and Media Power, The End of Knowing: A New Developmental Way of Learning, Realistic Evaluation, Modern Social Theory: Key Debates and New Directions, The Machine at Work: Technology, Work and Organization, Risk and Misfortune: The Social Construction of Accidents, Geographies of Resistance, Drawing Support: Murals in the North of Ireland, Drawing Support 2: Murals of War and Peace, The Boundaries of the State in Modern Britain, Cynicism and Postmodernity', The Sociological Review, 46, pp. 149 - 184,

Lupton D; Noble G, 1997, 'Just a machine? dehumanizing strategies in personal computer use', Body and Society, 3, pp. 83 - 101,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Consumerism, reflexivity and the medical encounter', Social Science and Medicine, 45, pp. 373 - 381,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Fatal advice: How safe-sex education went wrong - Patton,C', DISCOURSE & SOCIETY, 8, pp. 278 - 279,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Plague doctors: Responding to the AIDS epidemic in France and America - Feldman,J', AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV, 9, pp. 242 - 243,

Venables S; Tulloch J; Lupton D, 1997, 'Back to basics: Young peoples perceptions of HIV/AIDS education', Venereology, 10, pp. 30 - 33

Lupton D, 1997, 'Doctors on the medical profession', Sociology of Health and Illness, 19, pp. 480 - 497,

Radley A; Lupton D; Ritter C, 1997, 'Editorial Health: An invitation and introduction', Health, 1, pp. 5 - 21,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Epidemiology as a sociocultural practice', Critical Public Health, 7, pp. 28 - 37,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Psychoanalytic sociology and the medical encounter: Parsons and beyond', Sociology of Health and Illness, 19, pp. 561 - 579,

Lupton D; Tulloch J, 1997, 'Senior school students' experiences and opinions of schoolbased HIV-AIDS education', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 21, pp. 531 - 538,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Doctors on the medical profession', Sociology of Health & Illness, 19, pp. 480 - 497,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Doctors on the medical profession.', Sociology of Health and Illness, 19, pp. 480 - 497,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Psychoanalytic sociology and the medical encounter: Parsons and beyond', Sociology of Health & Illness, 19, pp. 561 - 579,

Lupton D, 1997, 'Psychoanalytic sociology and the medical encounter: Parsons and beyond.', Sociology of Health and Illness, 19, pp. 561 - 579,

Lupton D, 1996, 'Constructing the menopausal body: The discourses on Hormone replacement therapy', Body and Society, 2, pp. 91 - 97,

Lupton D, 1996, 'Media-mediated relationships: Straight and gay mainstream and alternative perspectives - Fuller,L', VENEREOLOGY-THE INTERDISCIPLINARY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXUAL HEALTH, 9, pp. 264 - 264,

Lupton D; Gaffney D, 1996, 'Discourses and practices related to suntanning and solar protection among young Australians', Health Education Research, 11, pp. 147 - 159,

Lupton D; Tulloch J, 1996, ''All red in the face': Students' views on school-based HIV/AIDS and sexuality education', Sociological Review, 44, pp. 252 - 271,

Brown J; Chapman S; Lupton D, 1996, 'Infinitesimal risk as public health crisis: News media coverage of a doctor-patient HIV contact tracing investigation', Social Science and Medicine, 43, pp. 1685 - 1695,

Lupton D, 1996, 'The Feminine ‘Aids Body’ in Television Drama', Media International Australia, 80, pp. 99 - 109,

Grunseit AC; Lupton D; Crawford J; Kippax S; Noble J, 1995, 'The country versus the city: Differences between rural and urban tertiary students on HIV AIDS knowledge, beliefs and attitudes', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES, 30, pp. 389 - 404,

Lupton D; Mccarthy S; Chapman S, 1995, ''Doing the right thing': The symbolic meanings and experiences of having an HIV antibody test', Social Science and Medicine, 41, pp. 173 - 180,

Lupton D; Chapman S, 1995, '‘A healthy lifestyle might be the death of you’: discourses on diet, cholesterol control and heart disease in the press and among the lay public', Sociology of Health & Illness, 17, pp. 477 - 494,

Lupton D; McCarthy S; Chapman S, 1995, '‘Panic bodies’: discourses on risk and HIV antibody testing', Sociology of Health & Illness, 17, pp. 89 - 108,

Lupton D, 1995, 'D&S Forum', Discourse & Society, 6, pp. 302 - 304,

Lupton D, 1995, 'Medical and health stories on the Sydney Morning Herald's front page', Australian Journal of Public Health, 19, pp. 501 - 508,

Lupton D, 1995, 'Perspectives on power, communication and the medical encounter: implications for nursing theory and practice', Nursing Inquiry, 2, pp. 157 - 163,

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