Select Publications

Journal articles

Lim E; Wu D; Pal B; Bouras T; Asselin-Labat ML; Vaillant F; Yagita H; Lindeman GJ; Smyth GK; Visvader JE, 2010, 'Transcriptome analyses of mouse and human mammary cell subpopulations reveal multiple conserved genes and pathways', Breast Cancer Research, 12,

Lim E; Vaillant F; Wu D; Forrest NC; Pal B; Hart AH; Asselin-Labat ML; Gyorki DE; Ward T; Partanen A; Feleppa F; Huschtscha LI; Thorne HJ; Fox SB; Yan M; French JD; Brown MA; Smyth GK; Visvader JE; Lindeman GJ, 2009, 'Aberrant luminal progenitors as the candidate target population for basal tumor development in BRCA1 mutation carriers', Nature Medicine, 15, pp. 907 - 913,

Lim E; Vaillant F; Wu D; Forrest N; Pal B; Gyorki D; Smyth GK; Visvader J; Lindeman G, 2009, 'Investigation of human mammary stem and progenitor subpopulations from BRCA1 mutation carriers and noncarriers', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 27, pp. 504 - 504,

Lim E; Thomson BNJ; Heinze S; Chao M; Gunawardana D; Gibbs P, 2007, 'Optimizing the approach to patients with potentially resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 77, pp. 941 - 947,

Lim E; Rosenthal MA, 2007, 'Diagnosing cancer: changing patterns of care', INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL, 37, pp. 124 - 126,

Lim E; Browning J; MacGregor D; Davis ID; Cebon JS, 2006, 'Antigen expression in desmoplastic melanoma: a comparison of cancer testis antigen with differentiation antigen expression', Melanoma Research: an international journal of rapid communications of basic and clinical research in melanoma, 16, pp. 347 - 355,

Rodrigues J; Lim E; McLaughlin S; Faragher I; Skinner I; Chao M; Chapman M; Gibbs P, 2006, 'The influence of language spoken on colorectal cancer diagnosis and management [2]', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 76, pp. 671 - 672,

Lim E; Johns J; McLaughlin S; Faragher I; Skinner I; Chao M; Gibbs P, 2005, 'Subsite-Specific Colorectal Cancer in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients', Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 14, pp. 1579 - 1582,

Lim E; Wicks I; Roberts LJ, 2004, 'Intracardiac thrombosis complicating antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.', Intern Med J, 34, pp. 135 - 137,

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