Select Publications

Journal articles

Valverde M; Johns F; Raso J, 2018, 'Governing Infrastructure in the Age of the "Art of the Deal"', PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 41, pp. 118 - 132,

Bennett Moses L; Johns F; Joyce D, 2018, 'Introduction: Data Associations in Global Law & Policy', Big Data and Society, 5, pp. 2053951718783438,

Johns FE; Riles A, 2017, 'Beyond Bunker and Vaccine: The DNC Hack as a Conflict of Laws Issue', AJIL Unbound, 110, pp. 347 - 351,

Johns F, 2017, 'Data, detection, and the redistribution of the sensible in international law', American Journal of International Law, 111, pp. 57 - 103,

Johns FE, 2017, 'Data Territories: Changing Architectures of Association in International Law', Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 47,

Johns F, 2016, 'The temporal rivalries of human rights', Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 23, pp. 39 - 60

Boer B; Hirsch P; Johns F; Saul B; Scurrah N; P Cronin R, 2016, 'he Mekong: A Socio-Legal Approach to River Basin Development.', Contemporary Southeast Asia, 38, pp. 333 - 336,

Johns FE, 2015, 'On Failing Forward: Neoliberal Legality in the Mekong River Basin', Cornell International Law Journal, 48, pp. 347 - 383

Johns F, 2015, 'Global governance through the pairing of list and algorithm', Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 33,

Johns FE, 2015, 'Starting and Stopping Points: A Response to Gadinis', AJIL Unbound, 109, pp. 39 - 43

Johns F, 2014, 'Author's Response', Leiden Journal of International Law, 27, pp. 966 - 970

Johns F, 2013, 'The deluge', London Review of International Law, 1, pp. 9 - 34,

Johns F, 2011, 'Financing as governance', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 31, pp. 391 - 415,

Johns FE; Saul B; Hirsch P; Stephens T; Boer B, 2010, 'Law And The Mekong River Basin: A Socio-Legal Research Agenda On The Role Of Hard And Soft Law In Regulating Transboundary Water Resources', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 11, pp. 154 - 174

Johns FE, 2009, 'International Legal Theory: Snapshots from a Decade of International Legal Life', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 10, pp. 1 - 10

Johns FE, 2008, 'Performing Party Autonomy', Law and Contemporary Problems, 71, pp. 243 - 271

Johns F; Freeland S, 2007, 'Teaching international law across an urban divide: Reflections on an improvisation', Journal of Legal Education, 57, pp. 539 - 561

Johns F, 2007, 'Performing power: The deal, corporate rule, and the constitution of global legal order', Journal of Law and Society, 34, pp. 116 - 138,

Johns F, 2005, 'Guantánamo Bay and the annihilation of the exception', European Journal of International Law, 16, pp. 613 - 635,

Johns FE, 2005, 'Human Rights in the High Court of Australia, 1976-2003', Federal Law Review, 33, pp. 287 - 331

Johns FE, 2005, 'Human Rights in the High Court of Australia, 1976-2003: The Righting of Australian Law?', Federal Law Review, 33, pp. 287 - 331,

Johns FE, 2005, 'Human Rights in the High Court of Australia, 1976-2003: The Righting of Australian Law?', Federal Law Review, 33, pp. 287 - 331,

Johns F, 2005, 'Private Law, public landscape: troubling the grid', Law Text Culture, 9, pp. 60 - 90

Johns FE, 2004, 'Global governance: An heretical history play', Global Jurist Advances, 4, pp. 1 - 49,

Johns FE, 2004, 'The madness of migration: Disquiet in the international law relating to refugees', International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 27, pp. 587 - 607,

Johns FE, 2004, 'Address: On Writing Dangerously', The Sydney Law Review, 26, pp. 473 - 480

Johns F, 2003, 'Karen Knop, Diversity and Self-determination in International Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN 0521781787, 456 pp., £55.00', Leiden Journal of International Law, 16, pp. 656 - 669,

Johns FE, 1995, 'Portrait of the Artist as a White Man: The International Law of Human Rights and Aboriginal Culture', Australian Yearbook of International Law, 16, pp. 175 - 197

Johns FE, 1994, 'The Invisibility of the Transnational Corporation: An Analysis of International Law and Legal Theory', Melbourne University Law Review, 19, pp. 893 - 923

Conference Papers

Johns F, 2020, 'Disciplinary Privilege and the Promise of Decampment: A Response to James Thuo Gathii's “The Promise of International Law: A Third World View”', in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, American Society of International Law, Washington, D.C., presented at Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, Washington, D.C., 25 June 2020 - 26 June 2020,


Bennett Moses L; Johns F; Land L; Vaile D; Zalnieriute M; Yastreboff M; Zhao S; de Sousa T; Whitty M, 2021, Submission into Inquiry into Data Availability and Transparency (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020,,

Bennett Moses L; Johns F; Land L; Vaile D; Zalnieriute M; Yastreboff M; Zhao S; De Sousa T; Whitty M, 2021, Submission to Inquiry into Data Availability and Transparency (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020,

Bennett Moses L; Churches G; Johns F; Parnaby L; Zalnieriute M, 2020, Submission to National Data Commissioner, Data Availability and Transparency Bill 2020,

Johns F; Compton C; Zalnieriute M; Bennett Moses L; McAdam J; Goodwin-Gill G, 2019, Submission to the UNHCR’s Global Virtual Summit on Digital Identity for Refugees ‘Envisioning a digital identity ecosystem in support of the Global Compact on Refugees’,

Johns FE; Hertzberg D, 2013, Submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission Reference on Parole, 7 November 2013, NSW Law Reform Commission

Johns FE; Gardoll A; Gruber S, 2013, Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Inquiry into the Impact of Federal Court fee increases since 2010 on Access to Justice in Australia, 12 April 2013, Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Inquiry into the Impact of Federal Cou

Johns FE; Saul B; Burke C; MacPherson D, 2011, Submission to Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Bill 2011, May 2011, Senate Legal and Constitutional Committees

Johns FE; Saul B; Baghoomians I, 2011, Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Inquiry into the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 and Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Bill 2010, Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs Inquiry into the National Security Leg

Johns FE, 2009, Submission to the Commonwealth Attorney-Generals Department Discussion Paper on proposed Amendments to the National Security Legislation, October 2009, Commonwealth Attorney-Generals Department

Johns FE, 2009, Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee Inquiry into Marriage Equality Amendment Bill, September 2009, Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee Inquiry into Marriage Equality Amendment Bill,

Johns FE; Bruderlein C, 1999, Inter-Agency Expert Consultation on Protected Areas: Review of Literature

Johns FE, 1999, Report of the Inter-Agency Expert Consultation on Protected Areas, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs & Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies


Johns FE, 2018, Critical International Legal Theory, ,

Johns FE, 2017, Shadowboxing: The Data Shadows of Cold War International Law, ,

Johns FE, 2014, Legality, ,

Johns FE; Compton C, Data Jurisdictions and Rival Regimes of Algorithmic Regulation, ,

Bennett Moses L; Johns FE; Land LPW; Vaile D; Zalnieriute M; Yastreboff M; Zhao S; Nicholson K; de Sousa T; Whitty M, Inquiry into the Data Availability and Transparency Bill 2020 and the Data Availability and Transparency (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020, ,

Johns FE, On Dead Circuits and Non-Events, ,

Johns FE, Songs and Static: Legalities of White Noise, ,

Johns FE; Compton C, Submission for the Thematic Report to the UN General Assembly on Digital Technology, Social Protection and Human Rights, ,

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